Is Christmas a Pagan Rip-Off? Interview with Louis Markos.
Is Christmas pagan? Was Christianity based on pagan celebrations on December 25? In this interview, I talk with Dr. Louis Markos, expert on Greek and Roman mythology.
READ: The Myth Made Fact: (https://amzn.to/3kNMlcT)
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March 25th 1829 is Greek Independence Day too when the Greeks won their independence from the Ottoman Turks
Very interesting and I love the very typical passionate Greek mannerisms and talking with the hands
As they say, every myth has a kernel of truth to it. Also, Sean you need to change the title. It's misleading on the actual subject matter discussed.
I love Dr Markos's response to the question of dealing with elements of our lives that may have pagan roots/connotations/history.
One way I think of it (I think it came from a friend in a discussion years ago) is, remember: GOD created all things. Anything that has been used in the worship/honour of other gods/entities, has been (as far as we see it) misused. That doesn't mean we shouldn't take those things back and use them to glorify God. In fact, as long as we use wisdom and discernment (as Dr Markos said) – we should re-purpose them!
Do all things to the glory of God! 🙌💜🙏
This was an incredible interview!!
Check out Louis Markos’ book “ Lewis Agonistes” regarding using CSLewis to wrestle with a postmodern society.
If you are looking to convince the undecided or to reach those who don’t have the same perspective, maybe don’t insult them out of the side of your mouth. The arguments being made are compelling however his arrogance in his opinions almost made me turn the discussion off several times.
Very interesting perspective. Thank you for this dialogue, it has broadened my understanding of why the similarity of the stories. I was reminded when Louis Markos talked about Muslims in Indonesia how they read Quran/ pray in Arabic and don’t have idea what they are saying (praying), I was like that. I was born and raised in Indonesia into a Muslim family. After I made the decision to make Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, as my Lord, Saviour and King, I was SUPER excited to read the Holy Bible because it was written in the language I understand. When I was a Muslim, it was not encouraged to ask the reason of why Muslims do certain things pertaining to Islam. At least not 20 years ago. So, after being born again in 2002, I’d question the origin of stuffs before adopting it to be part of lifestyle or religious practice. Because I was sincere in my walk as a Muslim, but I was sincerely wrong. I truly believe in the holy fear of the Lord to give me His wisdom and discernment of spirits. Just because it seems good or feels good and everybody else are doing it, it doesn’t mean it’s right. If there is spiritual attachment to it, which most things are (that what makes it attractive and enticing), I’d rather leave it. I’d rather err on the side of caution.
Thank you so very much 😊🙏.
Love his energy and excitement.
This guys energy really pumps you up
I "met" Dr. Markos through his Great Courses lecture series on the writings of C.S. Lewis. I was apprehensive at first because the Great Courses tends to have an atheistic viewpoint. When Dr. Markos let his faith shine through I was so thrilled! And of course his insights were amazing. The lectures on on audible if anyone wants to check them out. I think he has a philosophy course there as well as audio editions of many of his books.
It is true that Christianity used Pagan holidays as a way to offer Pagans a better holiday and to forget about their Pagan holidays. It doesn't bother me whatsoever.
I loved this interview! I will buy some of his books!
This guy was great (Louis Markos). Thanks for having him on, Sean.
EXACTLY! The "Spirit" it xmas is NOT the Holy Spirit! SELL OUTS!!!
I love this discussion and his energy.
Watch this video. Very informative on Christmas.
Dr Markos is very enthusiastic! Word in edgeways comes to mind lol. Sean, if I can call you that, was that a Spiderman mug?!
For anyone interested in proper history from an atheist point of view (a pov I dont hold), Id recommend http://www.historyforatheists.com . It includes a ripping apart of typical New Atheist beliefs about Christmas.
Dear Christians please read "JUSTIN MARTYR — THE FIRST APOLOGY OF JUSTIN CHAPTER XXI — ANALOGIES TO THE HISTORY OF CHRIST. Check things out for yourself. Do not rely on "apologists"!
I appreciate what Louis Markos shared in this discussion. However, I still don't think Christians should celebrate anything on December 25. It's a man-made event with questionable origins and shady history and I don't think we should just slap Jesus Christ over it to justify celebrating his largely unknown birth date on December 25. We're no longer living in Ancient Rome, guys.
Louis is awesome, very refreshing… you can “ see” so many channels crossing and overlapping in the recesses of his mind all coming out in his excitement. Again- truly refreshing.
Great video, but the title was a bit misleading… not really about Christmas at all or the pagan traditions deeply rooted in it… rather its about how other cultures/religions have similar stories about a virgin birth of a "savior".
Do you guys have a doctoral program on apologetics at Biola?