Is Church an Appropriate Place to Talk about Pornography? – Challenging Conversations 4
Challenging Conversations Chapter 4
One of the most alarming statistics in the church is the number of
Christians who look at pornography every week. Yet due to the stigma
associated with it, most churches are too afraid to break the silence
and speak up. This video confronts the sexual bondage associated
with pornography and offers a road map for churches to follow as
they attempt to speak the truth and extend hope to those affected by
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The way churches should receive anyone whose lifestyles are at odds with Scripture and church teaching: For non-members, enthusiastically welcome them and invite/include them in everything the church has to offer (Matt. 11:29); for those seeking membership, call them to repentance (Acts 2:38); for those who are already members, invoke church discipline for the purpose of restoring them into the fellowship (Matt. 18, Gal. 6:1); and for those who willfully remain in unbiblical lifestyles, disfellowship (1 Cor. 5).
Much needed conversation.