Is Fascism Right Or Left? | 5 Minute Video
Every Republican president since the 1970s has been called a fascist. Ironic, no? After all, fascism has its roots in the left. Dinesh D’Souza, author of The Big Lie, explains.
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“He’s a fascist!”
For decades, this has been a favorite smear of the left, aimed at those on the right. Every Republican president—for that matter, virtually every Republican—since the 1970s has been called a fascist; now, more than ever.
This label is based on the idea that fascism is a phenomenon of the political right. The left says it is, and some self-styled white supremacists and neo-Nazis embrace the label.
But are they correct?
To answer this question, we have to ask what fascism really means: What is its underlying ideology? Where does it even come from?
These are not easy questions to answer. We know the name of the philosopher of capitalism: Adam Smith. We know the name of the philosopher of Marxism: Karl Marx. But who’s the philosopher of fascism?
Yes—exactly. You don’t know. Don’t feel bad. Almost no one knows. This is not because he doesn’t exist, but because historians, most of whom are on the political left, had to erase him from history in order to avoid confronting fascism’s actual beliefs. So, let me introduce him to you. His name is Giovanni Gentile.
Born in 1875, he was one of the world’s most influential philosophers in the first half of the twentieth century. Gentile believed that there were two “diametrically opposed” types of democracy. One is liberal democracy, such as that of the United States, which Gentile dismisses as individualistic—too centered on liberty and personal rights—and therefore selfish. The other, the one Gentile recommends, is “true democracy,” in which individuals willingly subordinate themselves to the state.
Like his philosophical mentor, Karl Marx, Gentile wanted to create a community that resembles the family, a community where we are “all in this together.” It’s easy to see the attraction of this idea. Indeed, it remains a common rhetorical theme of the left.
For example, at the 1984 convention of the Democratic Party, the governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, likened America to an extended family where, through the government, people all take care of each other.
Nothing’s changed. Thirty years later, a slogan of the 2012 Democratic Party convention was, “The government is the only thing we all belong to.” They might as well have been quoting Gentile.
Now, remember, Gentile was a man of the left. He was a committed socialist. For Gentile, fascism is a form of socialism—indeed, its most workable form. While the socialism of Marx mobilizes people on the basis of class, fascism mobilizes people by appealing to their national identity as well as their class. Fascists are socialists with a national identity. German Fascists in the 1930s were called Nazis—basically a contraction of the term “national socialist.”
For Gentile, all private action should be oriented to serve society; there is no distinction between the private interest and the public interest. Correctly understood, the two are identical. And who is the administrative arm of the society? It’s none other than the state. Consequently, to submit to society is to submit to the state—not just in economic matters, but in all matters. Since everything is political, the state gets to tell everyone how to think and what to do.
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So not a Right Wing Pro-Fascist site trying to con(vince) us that Fascism is not Right Wing ?
And not the same old right wing con / smear tactics, used by Hitler, Mussolini,
& the WEF ? ? LOL : )
( Only the gullible believe that WEF Corporates Coca cola, BP, Bank of America, & Black Rock are not Right Wing )
By the way the left are behaving, I would say it’s left.
Gentile was a socialist, Mussolini was the first of several fascist European dictators 1920s-40s. Stalin was the far left tyrannical dictator, Hitler was the fascist on the extreme right. National Socialism is at the opposite end of the spectrum from stalinist socialism. Both are brutally oppressive and imperialistic. Your pushing fascism to the left is very misleading at best. I am a conservative, but not an extremist. I am honest enough to define fascism as a bulling brand of hateful RIGHT wing extremism, which the US Repubican party is NOT. Extremism on the left is stalinism, equally abhorent.
fascism and socialism are just the 2 sides of the same coin.
So when did Fascism change from being Far Right ? LOL : )
& Pinochet was not right wing ? ? " In the 1920s, Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile described their ideology as right-wing in the political essay The Doctrine of Fascism, stating: "We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right,' a fascist century."
Prager U. video of an ex- con trying to brainwash people who don't know history.
Just remember that hitler absolutely despised and condemned communism just like right wingers in the US today do. You can say fascism is a leftist ideology all you want, doesnt change the fact that american conservatives and hitler have a deep hatred of communism in common. In other words, you're basically saying, "I know hitler was bad, but when it comes to communism I've just gotta take his side."
Far right corporates, including the WEF are the fascists & they have all the $$$$s ! to smear the left wing !
Does anyone really believes that WEF corporates Coca cola, BP & Bank of America are left wing ? : )
The fact that corporates fund fox, sky & prageru is the giveaway !
This guy even looks like a `banker ` LOL : )
Prager U is not a university. It’s political and religious propaganda for morons. Fascism is a far right ideology and one needs to look no further than what the current Republican Party and Trump are trying to pull with Project 2025 to see who the traitorous fascist scumbags are.
A brief explanation of fascism and its origin. In addition to this, it's important to note that fascists don't see political violence against those who oppose fascism as a bad thing, necessarily.–xFjVX-a9v
This is why Prager U has been added to the long list of things leftists hate.
Same thing, just different actors.
ok, but isn't fascism dictatorial in nature? how does that not conflict with " willing subordination to the state"?
Far right corporates, including the WEF are the fascists & they have all the $$$$s ! to smear the left wing !
Does anyone really believes that WEF corporates Coca cola, BP & Bank of America are left wing ? : )
The fact that corporates fund fox, sky & prageru is the giveaway !
This guy even looks like a `banker ` LOL : )
thumbs up in the first 15 seconds
Ya but that's kind of a distortion. Fascist ideology is historically Anti-Communist and Anti-Socialist. It pushes for authoritarianism, Dictators and centralized control. Although, the thinkers that conceived the idea might have had some left wing beliefs and/or intentions, it was largely adopted by right wing ideologs and dictators. It's easy to see how this can be confusing though because Mussolini started off as a Socialist who was working with Giovanni Gentile, but swung hard to the right towards the end of WWI. In 1921.. he founded the Fascist Party of Italy.
I have. Fascism is a weird amalgamation with no real clear definition other that nationalistic totalitarianism.
The idea is that if you go far enough left you end up on the right. For example in socialism the state owns the businesses and property so business and govt are one and the same( everyone is equal and the state provides though it has never worked). If you go far enough right you get businesses owning the govt and property. Either way you end up with the same thing. Totalitarian rule of business and government being the same
Mussolini derived a system that he called the 3 pillars of fascism. One pillar was the far right which he appealed to by allowing businesses and the individual to purchase land and businesses could serve in government. One pillar was the far left where he allowed trade unions to serve on the government and share equal power with the businesses along with social programs (it was all an illusion the business leaders and unions were part of the same party) and nationalism/ patriatism was the third to appeal to the middle)centrist.
Hitler who was a national socialist not a fascist but adopted a similar view so he gets lumped in with fascism. He appealed to the left by using socialism and social programs such as health care, social security, public housing, free education were just a few. He appealed to the right by pushing traditional values. And he appealed to the center with nationalism.
For all intents socialism is the grift that uses the left to gain power. Once communism comes about the social programs end or become deminisished and there is just totalitarianism as the original business leaders support the government and keep their businesses and money and join in the government the ones that didn't are disappeared and the business is turn over to another communist supporter/oligarch. The middle class ceases to be as they are the ones that pay for everything and the rich stay rich while everyone else is poor. (Some people are more equal than others)
Fascism is the grift of appealing to everyone. It just has never lasted long enough to find out if the social programs end and property rights end.
In both examples listed above both leaders tried to extend the social programs that were running out of money by starting wars. Muscalini invaded Africa. Hitler wound up stealing from and eliminating the jews, gypsies, and anyone other than natural born Germans in an effort to pay for the social programs. He then started a war to gain access to resources to fuel his programs and rally support through nationalism. In both cases had they not started the wars its highly likely it just would have ended up as totalitarian rule like communism.
This is why people on the left say fascism is right wing because there are aspects that are right wing. Its also why the right say its left wing, because aspects are left wing.
What a ridiculous video. The core tenet of fascism is the commitment to a natural social heirachy – something that the Left absolutely rejects and the Right absolutely confirms. All the rest of these satellite arguments are fluff. Is this channel a thinktank or something?
Fascism is not a political ideology, it's a way to organize and substract people and society to state, it's as authoritarian as it gets but economically variable. Its characteristic is that it creates world view based on national and racial superiority, and in that way is destinct from the left. Fascism believes in class collaboration and in hierarchical order of society. But it's distinct from economic liberalism because it supports big government that would take care of the people, culture, and public goods. They often belive in common good which makes them collectivist. They call themselves third position, because they are opposed both to socialism and capitalism
In true orweillian fashion the left has convinced everyone fascism is right wing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. So enlightening.
Fascism is best described as a power-hungry method of fascinating the stupid, and then silencing the intelligent!!! Slowly, but surely, the Rich North is turning to fascism, ever since the Fall of the Iron Curtain. This is being accelerated even further by the Ukrainian War, and Hamas.
Ayn Rand said that fascism and socialism were two sides of the same coin of colectivist statist political philosophy. Communists have been attacking their enemies as "fascists" since the first war.
The left has done a great job of erasing Giovanni Gentile from history. He is the father of fascism, which Hitler and Mussolini, built the foundation of their perspective governments. The Axis powers plunged the world into a global struggle that left millions dead. I would argue that it was socialism that lead everyone into World War II socialism and fascism is on the scoreboard at least twice for that. How many world wars has capitalism created? I would say zero
Socialism and fascism are sisters. They both oppose individualism and personal liberty, embraced by conservatives and libertarians.
Indoctrination of the youth.
Regulate free speech.
Bravo! I read a book liberal Fascism and don't remember this guy. Maybe he was mentioned.
You guys should make a video on Augusto Pinochet and Francisco Franco.
Fascism has always been on the left since its inception until now.
University professors get very quiet if you ask about Geovani Gentile.
I have had liberal professors tell me, "We don't discuss him." with a
guilty look on their faces. They know fascism is on the left. They
will not admit this fact.
Fascism is modern progressists. The difference is that they not got enough power yet, cause modern democracies were build to precent fascism.
But, see weak democracies like Brasil, where I live. Here, fascism is growing in governmment, but the dumb lefts call the oposition on right as fascist.
When we made hospitals go from "socialist" to capitalist in Germany, things went shit and still are. Most people want to go back. Same for the Deutsche Bahn, our trains. Profit has no business in healthcare and of all countries, the US is the one to know that.
This is ridiculously stupid. It is well-known and obvious that the nazis put socalist in there to get the support of the working class. They didn't really touch capitalism. Strong state control, production for war, yes, but other than that they were friends with big business. The nazis had attributes of capitalism and socialism, but they were neither of the two, but a third, more ugly thing.
Islam and the far left are fascism
The left is fascism and Nazism
as soon as he said german fascists and showed national socialists i officially gave up in the hopes that one day people will undestand basic and simple politics
More relevant now than ever.
With all the information available, people still seem not to understand that Hitler and his stooges were left.
Wake up people, the left ideology is evil.
Yep and Communism/Nazism are twons too 5:23
Yep and Communism/nazism are twins basically once studied.
Actually, the term "Nazi" is not some contraction of NSDAP, but a local Bavarian insult.
There was a Bavarian stereotype of a country hick named Ignaz, rather like Americans stereotype southern hicks as "Billy Bob." The shortened version of Ignaz is "Nazi," rather the way "William Robert" might get shortened to Billy Bob.
The nickname "Nazi" got applied to the National Socialists because, in German, the first two syllables of the party's official name, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, are pronounced as "Nazi." Basically, it's normally pronounced like "Nazional Socialistische…"
So in American terms, National Socialists were being called the "Billy Bob" party, and they didn't like it. They repeatedly complained to the governments of Britain and the U.S. about newspapers calling them Nazis. Fortunately, and somewhat surprisingly (FDR started out as an admirer of National Socialism), the larger and more powerful Western governments told the National Socialists to go pound sand.
It's funny isn't it, Antifa ARE the fascists.
Nope. Mussolini is credited with being the father of fascism and is even given credit for coining the word itself. Benito Mussolini upon being expelled from his position as chief editor of the PSI's newspaper Avanti!, Mussolini joined the interventionist cause in a separate “fascio”. The term "fascism" was first used in 1915 by members of Mussolini's movement, the Fasces of Revolutionary Action. The American far right just doesn’t want to live up to its own fascist ideology. You’re not fooling anyone D’souza…😂
LOL !!!
But in an earlier video by Prager U, Dennis Prager said that both the left and the right hate Nazism at 0.59, so how could Nazism be left wing.
Fascists also do not believe that race is a biological fact, exactly the same thing the left believes. They only believe that race is a color difference, while the difference between someone who is white and a black person, for example, is more than just skin color.
In addition, it is true that people with different views are discriminated against within fascism, and I can also talk about it myself. Because I'm not left-wing, and all my friends have abandoned me because I don't believe in the left-wing way of thinking, and don't believe in a multicultural society. Despite the fact that leftists are always complaining about inclusion, being your authentic self and that you should not discriminate.
They don't even adhere to this, it is a hypocritical gang that must disappear from society root and branch. If there are people who cause division in society, it is the left. Don't arrogate virtues to yourself if you don't live by them.
The facts are that fascist and Nazis were both socialist and solidly on the left.
Of course socialist lie about this. It’s just one of the many failures of socialism.
Tyranny is on the left. Anarchy is on the right. Anything that produces tyranny is on the left. Anything that produces anarchy is on the right. Liberty is somewhere in between but nobody talks about that anymore.
Fascism = Marxism = Communism = Socialism. All garbage.