Is God the Best Explanation for the Beginning of the Universe?
For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (http://amzn.to/2kAroVD)
Read: Is The Beginning Of The Universe Good Evidence For The Existence Of God?
Is the Beginning of the Universe Good Evidence for the Existence of God?
Can the beginning of the universe be explained from purely naturalistic, impersonal forces, or is the existence of a personal, all-powerful Being a better explanation? In this stage presentation from an apologetics conference, J. Warner examines the evidence for the beginning of the universe.
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I think it helps to clarify what we mean by God.
At the deeper level, God is not some anthropomorphic deity who is within the universe forcibly imposing his arbitrary will on a preexistent universe.
Rather, God is the external implicit order inherent in all of creation, the purpose of things, why things behave the way they do and how they should behave. That is God.
Is there a distinction between the universe and God? Yes.
Perfection is perfect, and cannot become more or less perfect. For if it could, there would be some imperfection that allowed that as a possibility. If perfection cannot become, the perfect one is not becoming but being, or the I Am.
The universe on the contrary, is in a constant state of flux or becoming, through space (I was here, I am there) and time (past and present and future).
For the universe to be God is a metaphysical contraction. If you are eternal it means you do not change. So how can you change (creation of cosmos, present day, destruction of cosmos) if you are unchanging?
The reason for the belief of the universe being God goes back to the two trees in the garden:
The tree of life (which is essentialism, belief that the world has true meaning, spirit led lifestyle) or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (which is existentialism, belief that the world has no meaning apart from what we forcibly impose, soul or flesh led lifestyle).
Nothing changes. All things come full circle.
It is impossible to have a universe without God.
The Origin of Life I loved the way he put it, he more we learn the less we know. It seems like the more scientists discover that the evidence leads them "Out of the Room," the more desperate they become. The modern "Scientific Evidence" sounds more and more like "Science Fiction". And these people scream that creationist believe in myths and fairy tales BUT they are making up myths and fairy tales to explain away the truth and scientific evidence that point to God.
Amen ✝️❤️🙏🙋♂️
Praise my Lord my God my Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.
CCP is trying rewrite the Bible history. FYI
Since i started learning about the universe and the beginning of it, ive always rejected the big bang and its not just because i want to reject it without another explanation. The BIBLE says 17 times (i believe, dont quote me i could be wrong) that GOD stretched out the heavens. So, here is how ive thought of it for a while. The BIBLE says "In the beginning, GOD created the Heaven and the earth" right? Ok, so GOD created space, matter and time all at once in a certain amount of space and then HE stretched them out and thats where the background radiation comes from and zero point energy, because when you stretch things out, you get heat and potential energy. Remember guys, this is just how i think of it, im not saying this is what it is. It makes sense in my head lol.
I believe the second law of thermodynamics “Entropy”was introduced by God when He cursed creation because of sin. Adam was created never to die.
When sin entered death reigned. To Adam immediate spiritual death and destined from dust to dust. God likewise cursed the ground and everything in it.
I believe in the new heaven and new earth entropy or death will be taken out for there will be no more death.
God spoke the uni verse (one sentence) into existence!
I just came across your channel today and this is the second video I watch, after your video on hidden science in the Bible. I'm so glad to find your channel! I was fascinated by the way you explore the Bible. Thank you so much! God bless you both!
I do have a question please.
Does the First law of thermodynamics, which says that Energy can "neither be created nor be destroyed", originate from outside our "physical universe" (entropy) , a signature of a creator into his creation, so to speak? Does it not signify such? 🤔
Hi J & Jimmy
Excellent video!
Thank you for your logic and rational in your search for the truth which is real science . The way truth and life is God indeed .
I will listen to this again! Bravo!!!
P.S. I've shared this with several people in the hope that they will watch it and use it to be a better apologist themselves. We all need to know what and why we believe as Christians 👍✝️🌄
This is always excellent Jim 💥
I'll save my Ivan Panin question for you here, because it doesn't really fit into these examples. Maybe one day you will answer my question about his work!
Walter 🤟🌄