Is Harvard Racist? | 5 Minute Video
Harvard University’s admissions policy is proof that one can remember negative history, write about it in great and vivid detail, and still be doomed to repeat it. In the name of “affirmative action” and “diversity,” Harvard is doing to Asian-American applicants exactly what it once did to Jewish applicants: discriminate. Lee Cheng explains.
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Can you imagine, in this day and age, an educational institution discriminating against a racial minority? Can you imagine what the outcry would be?
“You mean, you’re preventing these qualified students from attending your college because of the color of their skin?!”
Well, you don’t have to imagine it. It’s happening. And at arguably the most prestigious college in America—my alma mater, Harvard.
The ethnic minority isn’t blacks or Jews, as it was in years past. The target this time is Asian Americans.
And it’s just as wrong.
After millions of dollars in legal fees, millions of records examined, and hundreds of hours of depositions and testimony, Harvard’s once purposely opaque admissions policies have been laid bare. It’s not a pretty picture.
Here’s what we now know:
Harvard Admissions rates student applicants in three main ways: 1) Academic performance; 2) Extra-curricular achievements; 3) “Personal qualities.” That’s fine, as far as it goes, if the criteria were applied fairly. But they’re not.
Asian American applicants consistently score higher in the first two criteria—academics and extra-curricular activities, which can be objectively assessed—than white students, Latinos and African Americans.
So how does Harvard justify its Asian American quota? With the help of category three—“personal qualities,” which include vague and largely subjective factors like “likability,” “maturity,” “integrity,” and “effervescence.”
According to Harvard’s own internal reports, Asian American applicants are routinely and systematically marked much lower on this personality scale by Harvard admissions officers who almost never meet or interview applicants. But here’s the kicker: the personality ratings given to Asian students by admissions officers are vastly different than the personality ratings Harvard gets from its own alumni interviewers, who actually meet the applicants in person. Alumni interviewers score Asian applicants as high as whites.
In other words, Harvard artificially and fraudulently downgrades Asians on “personality” to get the results it wants. And what Harvard wants is to suppress the number of Asian Americans admitted.
Based on the data that Harvard was forced to turn over, economist Peter Arcidiacono of Duke University concluded that with the same application profile in terms of test scores, extracurricular activities and personality factors, an Asian American male applicant would only have a 25% chance of admission—versus 32% if white, 77% if Hispanic, and 95% if black.
What’s the real-life result of all this?
In 2013, Asian Americans made up 19% of the incoming freshmen class. According to Harvard’s own Office of Institutional Research, if the personality factors had not been rigged, that percentage would have been 43%.
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Yeah it is and as a hardcore Christian I think what Harvard university did was incredible Lu racist and Unchristian-like. People should be accepted based on merit not race or skin color.
Good news the Supreme Court just struck down affirmative action!
To answer the question, yes.
IQ test for Harvard graduates:
Is socialism beneficial?
Is white privilege an inborn trait?
Is America systematically racist?
Are women and men the same?
Can people choose their gender?
Is CO2 pollution causing climate change?
Will climate change destroy human life?
Are those arrested by police accused of crimes the real victims?
Are Democrats better for America than Republicans?
Are Democrat politicians the most intelligent and moral people in Washington?
If you answered yes to any of these questions you are a libtard.
I was initially against affirmative action but then I considered the following. Someone who was born into a poor neighborhood, goes to a poor school that's constantly being underfunded, has no time for extracurricular activities because they need to work a part time job to support their 5-6 baby siblings, and constantly having to watch out for gang violence and never feeling safe should not be expected to compete against someone who was born into the wealthy elite 1%, had access to all the resources at their disposal, could take up whatever extracurricular activity that they wanted to or were interested in, and never had to worry about their life being in danger. Assuming that these 2 people still scored similar on their SAT, who do you think put in more effort to achieve that level of success? Yes, person A in this example may not be as qualified as person B, but I think it's fair to say that person A definitely faced more adversity to get to where they are compared to person B. There's no shame in losing a foot race to someone who is driving a car. Likewise, we shouldn't award the car driver the award for being the fastest runner because their car drove faster than the foot runner could run
It's horrifying that merit, hard work don't matter. What matters is where you born!
Personal quality should be incorporated in academics and EC. Its not easy sacrificing your entire life studying while those around you are partying 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Of course the school is racist. Education does not equate to being a decent human being. Remember that.
Harvard sucks
Any company that uses affirmative action as their policy is racist logically speaking. if ( student.color.count -lt .2) { student.color.count.addnewstudent }.
I know they're trying to defeat a stereotype, but this is just plain wrong.
I'd mark this guy zero on effervescence…yet he got in somehow.
Jews and East Asians have something in common in they were both heavily discriminated academically yet became some of the most academically successful ethnic groups.
Testing to see if PragerU got a black person to make a video about racism, 8/11
In trying to suppress the opression of some minorties, they became suppressive of other groups of people. LOL.
"Go to all nations" — Jesus. Note He did not give criteria on what nations, that is ethnic or racial groups, to go to.
Wait this is going on for multiple years now?
To be fair the admission rates that got released 2021 are 15.3% White | 12.7% Asian American | 56.1% African American | 31.3% Hispanic so it got a little bit better..
It is just horrible how Identity politics are effecting the Universities.
Trying so hard to be woke anti-racist
Ended up being racist.
Poor leftists!
Meanwhile, in Brazil, every college, public or private MUST have a quota for black people…
Using race as a plus factor is actually a minus factor to the person that would've been admitted but was left out due to their race.
Asian people….just identify as black. Problem solved! they wont put a color scale on you because there is no actual black color. Are light skin blacks still black? how do they decide? Tiger Woods is Asian or black? I guess only half of him would be accepted
Make China Great Again
nobody can defend this practice, not a single liberal or leftist. it's discrimination against a minority, simple as.
StopAsianHate 아시아인들이 서양에서도 주도권을 잡고 있으니까 전형적인 백인 주류의 사회에서 주도권을 빼앗길까봐 두려워하고 있다는 증거가 아닐까요.
With these statistics are they counting only East Asians or east and south Asians?