Is Heaven a physical place?
In this video, Dr. Frank Turek discusses the nature of Heaven.
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If heaven is a physical place then could you provide some coordinates? where is it's location/direction? Heaven cannot logically be a physical place and reside in a metaphysical realm.
What about the people that are there now in a physical body? Jesus for one. Also Elijah who God took up into heaven. If heaven isn’t a real physical place right now, how can they be there?
Good speech
Frank is the king of dumb answers.
We must have understanding of what is heaven. Heaven is here on earth, not is "space" which does not exist, and if it does exist why is it not mentioned no where in HIS word? Heaven is here and we are in "a heaven" of heavens right now, (Deut 10:14) & (Matt 11:12). But we are not in the heaven to come (Matt 6:10) which will be ruled by the King YAHUSHA HaMashiach, ("Jesus Christ") This is why HE said "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" Meaning the start of HIS kingdom under heaven has now begun, and is still at work until this day as we get closer to HIS coming… very soon.
(Luk 1:33) & (Isa 9:6,7).
Heaven just means "a haven" a place of refuge and protection from something that can cause harm. This is why the firmament is called heaven/haven because it protects us from the waters that surrounds the earth above and below. This is why the sky is blue, pure water, and not why they told us it's blue…
Genesis 1:7,8 KJV
7: And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so
8: And God called the firmament Heaven"
having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure.
make (something) physically solid or resilient.
Psalm 148:4 KJV
4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
So you see there is water above us and beyond the haven, and the many havens which are here on earth, where we are protected under. There are many havens/heavens/ places of refuge on this earth that HE has prepared and given us under HIS divine guidance/commandments since the beginning. So this is what Heaven is so says HIS words and not mine.
(1 Thessalonians 2:13)
I am so glad that there are people who are talking about our spiritual existence in a real world context. Dr. Turek has been a wonderful resource in my own journey. When and if your ready to start thinking of the Bible in a "real world" context, then you should look at more of his videos and others that are doing the same. Thank you Summitt Ministries for your work in this area.