Is Hunter Biden a Pawn for Foreign Countries? Former Business Partner Weighs In
Tucker Carlson sits down with Hunter Biden’s former business associate, Devon Archer, to discuss Biden’s relationship with foreign countries.
Full interview here: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson
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There’s no reason a president of a country would call a random guy just because he’s involved in real estate. He called him because of Hunter Biden.
Hunter Biden isn't quite a pawn to foreign interests. Being a pawn of someone else kind of connotes being unaware on the part of the pawn that he/she is being exploited. Hunter knows exactly what's going on and is intentionally selling out his country for personal profit. He's not a pawn, he's a crook.
zap city
The Chinese seemed fond of the "Big Guy".
11:21 Tucker is really on to something there, God please protect him
Now link the U.S. blowing the pipeline. Elites carving up the earth. Some families did it in the Mideast. Now Europe. America is a children's story.
Get his Ass Tucker!!!
yeah we hera ya
‘Relationship Manager’? WTH is that? 🤣. Riiiiiight!
He knows
Tucker is trying so hard not to just call bullshit on everything. This guy knows he made a shit ton of money off of the bidens and is trying to whistle blow without indicting himself
He's….. he's cannon fodder at this point .
And apparently he's gone again
Ok 🥱🥱 booooorrrriingg!
Kiddy rapist buddy, playing his part for kiddy rapist master.
Thank you very much. GOD BLESS YOU!
Tony Bobulinski
Good evening. My name is Tony Bobulinsky. I served as a lieutenant in the United States Navy with a high security clearance. My father and grandfather both served for decades in our country's armed forces. Since leaving the Navy, I've been involved in various successful businesses, both in this country and abroad. I'm making this statement to set the record straight about the involvement of the Biden family, vice president Biden, his brother, Jim Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. In dealings with the Chinese, I have heard Joe Biden say that he's never discussed business with Hunter. That is false. I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden.
I have also heard that Vice President Biden said on Tuesday that Senator Ron Johnson, the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, should be ashamed for suggesting that the Biden family sought to profit from their name. Well, here are the facts I know, and everything I'm saying is corroberated by emails, WhatsApp chats, agreements, documents and other evidence, and the American people can judge for themselves. I bought I guess, for the record, three phones that spanned the years 2015 to 2018. These phones have never been held by anybody else besides myself. I was told this past Sunday by somebody who was also involved in this matter that if I went public, this information would bury all of us, him, me and the Bidens. I have no wish to bury anyone.
I've never been political. The few contributions I have made have been to Democrats. But what I am is a patriot and a veteran. To protect my family name and my business reputation, I need to ensure that the true facts are out there. In late 2015 I was approached by James Gilliar, whom I had known for many years, about joining him in a deal which he said would involve the Chinese state owned enterprise CFC China Energy, on what he called one of the most prominent families in the United States, I was informed first by Gilliar and then by Hunter Biden and Rob Walker, who was working with the Bidens, that the Bidens wanted to form a new entity with CFC, which was to invest in infrastructure, real estate and technology in the U. S. and around the world, and the entity would initially be capitalized with $10 million and then grow to billions of dollars of investment capital. After months of discussion,
I agree to Gilliar and Hunter Biden's request to become CEO of the entity, to be called Sino Hawk, representing the Chinese side hawk representing Hunter Biden's brother Bo's favorite animal. Between February and May 2017 we exchanged numerous emails, documents and WhatsApp messages concerning Sino Hawk and its potential business. On May 2nd 2017 the night before Joe Biden was to appear at the Milken conference, I was introduced to Joe Biden by Jim Biden and Hunter Biden at my approximately hour long meeting with Joe that night. We discussed the Bidens history, the Bidens family business plans with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar, at least at a high level. After that meeting,
I had numerous communications with Hunter, Walker, Gillar and Jim Biden regarding the allocation of the equity ownership of Sino Hawk. On May 13 2017 I received an email concerning allocation of equity, which says 10% held by H for the big guy. In that email, there is no question that H stands for Hunter, big guy for his father, Joe Biden and Jim for Jim Biden. In fact, Hunter often referred to his father as the big guy or my chairman. On numerous occasions, it was made clear to me that Joe Biden's involvement was not to be mentioned in writing, but only face to face. In fact, I was advised by Gilliar and Walker that Hunter and Jim Biden were paranoid about keeping Joe Biden's involvement secret. I also had a disagreement with Hunter about the fund CFC was contributing to Sino Hawk. Hunter wanted five million of those funds to go to himself and his family, so he wanted the funds wired directly to an entity affiliated with him. I objected because that was contrary to our written agreements concerning Sino Hawk, he said, referring to the chairman, his father, that CFC was really investing in the Biden family, that he held the trump card and that he was the one putting his family legacy on the line.
He also said to me on May 17th, 2017 that CFC wanted to be my partner with the Bidens. During these negotiations, I repeated to Hunter and others that Sino Hawk could not be Hunter's personal piggy bank and I demanded the proper corporate governance procedures be implemented for capital distributions. Hunter became very upset with me. CFC, through July 2017 was assuring me the funds would be transferred to Sino Hawk, but they were never sent to our company. Instead, I found out from Senator Johnson's September report that the $5 million was sent in August, 2017 to entities affiliated with Hunter. Tomorrow I will be meeting with the Senate committee members concerning this matter, and I will be providing to the FBI the devices which contained the evidence corroberating what I have said. So I will not be taking any questions at this time. Can you tell us a little bit more about the evidence that sits on these three phones? I don't wanna go into anything any further. Uh, this will all be discussed with Senator Johnson and his committee, and the American people can decide what's fact. Thank you for your time.
Archer n hunter…two peas in a pod.
He knows that he was needed for the chess play of Hunter being on the board, let's just say he was the needed filler for the engagement, so Hunter would not look suspect, he was the link needed for the process to happen, clearly a Mark.. We just love when Tucker asks a hard question and you get ' i don't know ' as the response, that's when he's right on the money..
When ya answer the question with, Ya see what had happened was… you know right away the rest is bullshit….just saying.
The last two videos of yours have at some point turned into a chinese girl crocheting with no audio. Has someone hacked all your youtube posts?
Don jr too
1:17 What a joke .. he should be in prison. Has he been charged yet?.
If this is not Tucker Carlson, this is a bad idea