Is Intelligent Design Defensible? Michael Behe Says YES!
Are there responses to the criticism of Intelligent Design? Is “irreducible complexity,” coined by Michael Behe, valid? In this interview, Behe and I discuss his arguments for ID and he responds to some tough criticisms.
READ: A Mousetrap for Darwin (https://amzn.to/3nvYFRd)
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Hell no. ID is a brazen lie put forth by sister Mary elephant wannabes who are pushing for a christofascist theocracy. Behe and his flatulent ilk should be laughed out of any discussion.
Great video! God is a logical necessity. Darwinism is a logical fallacy.
"Everyone sees the mouse trap as 'Designed'."
~ Dr Michael Behe
Yet they simultaneously see the human eye, the entire animal kingdom, Jupiter and fine tuning of
The Universe "Accidents" because they invoke a CREATOR.
Man, much as pre-salvation C.S. Lewis, himself; has been 'running from' GOD for thousands of years,,,
"I gave in, and admitted that GOD is GOD."
~ C. S. Lewis
Can you not check the guests volume in post production and correct it?
Sean, why did you not contact Kenneth Miller or David Farina…..they could have told you about the bullshit you are peddling!
And you do this repeatedly doing this, so gloves off.
A creationist of the discovery institute and its wedge strategy says
intelligent designcreationism is defensible? Contradicting the outcome of a court case where this very claim was proven wrong scientifically AND legally? Gee, what a surprise. To think I used to believe Sean was one of the more respectable apologists, at least I learned from my mistake, unlike Behe…I can not get enough of this topic! Going on 9 months now. Just me
Thanks for having Behe. I just read Demski's book again, the intelligent design movement is fascinating. They make great sense, better than the naturalists and the Darwinists. Oh, I'm reading one of your dad's books right now "God Breathef" terrific book, your dad is great and I love his apologetics work.
Sean asks all the questions I have been dying to ask.
He had the opportunity to defend his position in a court of law and failed
That’s all you need to know about the validity of Intelligent design
It’s a farce to push god into the science class.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 3:23
Jesus lives
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus loves you repent
You're a sinner in need of a Savior
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:9 KJV
As a Christian, I find it extremely fascinating to research proof for intelligent design. Mostly because my older brother is an atheist, and I think it's beneficial for me to be more educated on the reasons why Darwinism doesn't work. Now, I think all this information is great, but now, how do we address if the God of the Christian Bible is the "true" God? And even more importantly, why is "Jesus" the same, true God in physical form?
As I said before, I believe in Jesus and I'm a Christian because of my own personal experiences. But how do I address someone like my brother who says, "all religions could be correct, you only believe in Jesus because you grew up in a country that's predominantly Christian."
I want to say, "I believe this physical character, Jesus, from this New Testament Bible, is actually the 'true' redeemer/messiah/religion because…" And then have evidence for someone who is extremely logical like my brother.
My thought was: okay, if intelligent design is true (which I believe in the new earth theory) then, we should be able to track when the Earth was created. Most new earthers agree that the Earth is around 6,000-10,000 years old. It makes perfect sense according to the Torah: the first 5 books of the Bible written by Moses. But also, when you google "where was the location of the first documented civilization" or "What was the first written language" it's documented around 5,000BCE. Then, you can analyze the reason for there being multiple spoken languages and races scattered around the world, it's also explained by Moses in the Torah: Genesis 11:9 "That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth."
Historians can't explain how people got on different continents or how civilizations aroze in South America around the same time as Asia or Sumeria. The evidence is there that all civilizations arose around the same time (because of documentation). Then why, (if this specific Bible is false and evolution is true) did all civilizations arise at the same time? I've heard people say they believe approximately 2 million years ago Homo erectus expanded out of Africa, but where is the documental evidence? People bring up Lucy the "Australopithecus afarensis skeleton fossils discovered in East Africa," but couldn't this back up what Dr. Michael Behe said about de-evolution? It's easier for cells to delete (degrade) than create new? Also, who claims this Lucy fossil is actually 2-4 million years old? If someone with the ability could tell me "here is exactly why we think Lucy is millions of years old," I would listen. But I see all these claims without explanation, and I'm sorry, but I won't believe an accusation like that without an educational walkthrough as to why this fossil is claimed to be millions of years old. Is it because of half-life?
Am I wrong to believe that there is only evidence for civilizations and language documented and traced back to 5,000ish BCE? What happened before that then? I seriously want to know..
I'm wondering what God is made of?
It can't be cells or atoms.
He can't be made of nothing – you guys know how much you hate something from nothing.
So, it must be something!
A force perhaps? Electrical, Magnetic, nuclear???
Where did the things that God is made up of originate from?
Did something else create the parts that you need to make God?
Does he eat, drink, walk, fly?
We hear a lot about the hand of God.
But, does He have legs?
What does He need legs for?
To walk in space?
What powers Him if He doesn't eat.
We hear a lot about God seeing us.
Does God have eyes?
What are they made from?
Because right now, if you cannot answer these questions.
The best and only answer to all these questions is that He is a product of your imagination.
Yup. It's one of those strange ironies of history that Charles Darwin, if he were alive today, would definitely NOT be a Darwinist. Gotta admit, that's pretty darn funny 😂
Evolution and science have advanced exponentially over the last one-hundred years. Intelligent design isn't science. Nor can it be used as a template for all the other sciences that have come about as an outgrowth from evolution. Intelligent design provides nothing of any substance, because its advocates spend more time attempting to discredit evolution, which they have not succeeded in doing, rather than putting forth a believable case for intelligent design. To always be on the attack is the fools gold of a defensive position that real scientists can see through. Intelligent design, creationism, and young-earth ideas have been debunked, and thrown in the trashcan of pseudo-science nonsense. None is being taught in the classroom as science, nor should they be. They belong in a Sunday school class where anti-science ignorance flourishes in a niche market of ancient and useless myth, arcane theology, irrelevant doctrines, and served up with smarmy smiles, potato salad and punch. It can also be found in the Ark amusement park and Creation museum, where pseudo-science is served up with an amusement park ticket and Disney-like-animatronics. This is how Fundamentalist Evangelicals make money off of ignorance, while pretending to know something about science. They promote educational harm, while not benefiting a wit for the effort. This is the definition of stupidity.
The right half of the video, where Dr Behe appears, seems out of synch with his voice. The video part on the right side seems in slow motion. Any thoughts on this?
Agnostic here but I respect you and enjoy your show.
Macro-evolution is incompatible with Christianity
Is Behe unaware that there is an evolutionary explanation for the flagellum, that was published nearly 15 years prior to this conversation? https://www.pnas.org/content/104/17/7116
Dear Mike,
Did your god intelligently design children with birth defects?
If not god then who?
Can you put together Michael J. Behe and James Tour in a video? It would be great
There are signs of peer reviewed papers and published books which answer the irreducible complexity issue Behe alleges.
The combined human intelligence can not come even close to making a self replicating cell. Yet, evolutionists want us to believe that a cell as well as 8.7 million species on earth have come to existence by blind mutational process. How much 'blind' can the evolutionists be? While not agreeing with intelligent design, they themselves have created a 'God ' of blind mutations to explain all complexity in life ! If you can believe evolution, then you should believe that through random parts interacting with each other we have gone to the moon or created international space station!
Behe should be celebrated in the same way as NBA superstars are.
This man is just spectacular.
A Muslim friend.
Atheists holding on to 100 year old science is hilarious. Evidence over the last 40 years has smashed "macro" evolution. More like deevolution.
Behe is the worst ventriloquist I have ever seen 😂. But….an incredible genius.
Behe just asserted that darwinian evolution requires all life to be explained from simple to complex. If he can demonstrate just one thing can't be explained by darwinian evolution then it's all false. I sincerely don't understand why it's not possible that both could exist? If hyperthetically evolution could demonstrate some life forms and ID can demonstrate others, is it not possible that God created some and then used "darwinian evolution" for others? Can anyone explain? Why that wouldnt be possible?