Is Religion a Threat to Morality?
Alan responds to the following claim: “Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.”
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Alan, if you want a stronger jawline, get jaw implants. The stubble just makes you look like you stink.
i understand the apeal of having a standardized morality. i get it. its predictable and comforting, its easy. on the other hand, the idea that god must be trusted because HE claims to be trust worthy is flawed, circlular. of course there is the necessity to first submit to the idea that revelation is trustable. but the problem with that is, why apply a different standard to someone who said they saw christ, than to someone who said they saw a unicorn. cultural bias..thats the only answer that makes sense. its familiar, and therefor comforting and easy..back to square one. so atheism is a couragous path..much more so than being a christian. we are the ones that get persecuted, usually the good athiests like myself dont make a scene unless they are attacked by a fellow believer. i try not to anyway..i just change the subject and blow it off. so naturally the only atheists that are well known are the ones that make a scene, giving atheism a bad name..same for christians, the evangelical nut cases make a bad name for christianity. but the distilled logical ways of thinking can stand alone. there is a huge problem, in fact its the same problem on both sides, the atheist has an ego problem, and so does the believer. sometimes. we dont see much of those who dont, cuz they dont make a scene. anyway, i stand by my simple rule for moral conduct. compassion and humility are all you need, the rest falls into place. the most obvious moral issues take care of themselves..if we actually care, and the ones that are not so obvious, are not REALLY an issue of "sin", just not ideal. is it harmful to you or someone? does it promote progress or degrade it? simple! and lastly, secular morality is superior because it is FOR its own sake, not base in an ulterior motive like christian morality. its honest! dishonesty is a problem amoung the religious. i can tell, mormon missionaries have "helped" me with tasks, but they dont REALLY want to.. they do it for browny points from god. maybe some do genuinly good things, and those are the christians that actually have my respect and aproval. they also tend not to be the ones that bring up their faith at odd times, and try to convert people. they dont have an ego problem..see were this is going? religion, atheism, the real problems are outside of these issues, and part of the human psyche. we CAN work out of this, but we have to actually look in the right places.
Thanks for your expose of the sloganeering and "bumper-sticker" mentality that characterize our increasingly anti-God culture. You countered it effectively with rational analysis and logical refutation.