Is the Left Weaponizing Hydroxychloroquine? | Dr. Kevin Pham on Lars Larson
Dr. Kevin Pham joined the Lars Larson Show on May 22, 2020, to discuss the science behind hydroxychloroquine and whether it can be used as a preventative drug for COVID-19. Following this interview, the WHO announced they were halting its clinical trials that use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients over published concerns that the drug may do more harm than good.
Read more here: https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/05/20/scientists-are-studying-hydroxychloroquine-as-a-preventative-drug-for-covid-19/
Pham is a medical doctor, contributor to The Daily Signal, and a former graduate fellow in health policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Check out his work here: https://www.dailysignal.com/author/kpham/
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Illustration: The Heritage Foundation/Getty Images

Democrats are weaponizing Covid-19, not necessarily medications per se.
Democrats want society to shutdown until it's "safe." They basically want everybody to stop working, and to social distance, along with other means similar to martial law.
Government has No power over you,unless you give them that Power.
Everything happening is in the Bible.
Read up
Revelation 13.
Warning against the Mark/ Chip.
If he found a cure for cancer the left would complain he hadn’t cured Diabetes and that made him a racist!
the NIH had it on their website years ago for the SARS COV 1 as a safe cure for COVID so why is it suddenly not safe for SARS COV 2….
The vaccine/Drug giants want us sick and vaccinated to the hilt. It guarantees them money and it makes us ill. Fauci actually created this virus. The studies out of other countries show it WORKS as does NIH
Trump should have said "ice cream" is good for treating the Kung Flu. We need to treat these dems as a petulant child; for example, Trump should say, "I think it's great idea for everyone to mail in their voting ballots" and they will clamor to make it a felony to vote by mail.
Speaker Pelosi seems to have a disconnection with most Voters & our reality in general. We think she lives in Fantasy Land & has worked overtime to cause the Democrat Party to implode!
Ya and the left wing spy network of these stupid democrats, Goviners are seting up, against our 5 amendment, are going to catch nanch plocey taking hydroxychloroquine!
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Short answer- Yes.
Nancy pelosi needs to be charged and punished for practicing medicine without a license…
Nancy PELOSI is GAVIN NEWSOM'S aunt and it's true EVIL is in family line's!!!