Is the Postal Service Worth Saving? A Debate Among Three Experts
The U.S. Postal Service is in deep trouble and potentially faces the real risk of going bankrupt this year, with taxpayers left to pay the tab. Despite declining mail volume, many Americans depend on the Postal Service to deliver to them essential goods from food to medicine.
Private delivery companies move a lot of packages, but don’t go to every household in the country. Some suggest the U.S. Postal Service is too big to fail, while others point at successful privatization of postal services in other countries as a viable option. Something we can all agree on is that the Postal Service’s finances are unsustainable and reform is critical.
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Worth Saving I Think So Republicans and Democrats Gsve 78 Million To Save
The funds taken out of paycheck s should be sitting in interest earning accounts building up finding for the retirement, funds not used to be returned to operating costs.
Thanks to Trump and DeJoy for cutting structures to where we can’t get the mail to you.
The United States Postal Service lost $9.2 billion in 2020.
The USPS delivered 80 billion packages in 2020.
In other words, if Republicans let the Post Office raise the price of a package by $.12, the Post Office returns to self sufficiency with no taxpayer funds used at all. $.20 and they would return a profit of $6.4 billion.
However, the USPS isn't allowed to raise prices because Republicans have made that illegal. They've made that illegal because they want to prove that private entities are better for everything.
It is so disingenuous to argue something doesn't work when you're the one making the rules to purposefully make the thing not work.
Fedex and UPS are only profitable because they don't deliver mail to rural areas and instead unload their toughest packages on the Postal Service to take their losses instead. Fedex and UPS also don't pick up packages from your house unless you pay extra; USPS does that for free. The United States Postal Service is massively more efficient than any private sector counterpart. Getting rid of the Post Office would mean substantially less coverage at substantially higher prices.
It needs privatized for sure. This business has needs privatized for decades as it would have been done years ago if it wasn't backed by the government it would have been done decades ago. It is poorly ran , archaic, and the union has made it even worse through the years with their outrages pensions and wages.
The general consensus in the US, is that if you don’t have a PHD you should live in squalor. Modern capitalism is simply feudalism with extra steps.
No, no, no. No privatization. Chris , please do a lot more research!!!!!
Most of ups, fed ex are delivered via Post Office. How do I Know? I did it for 30 yrs. Privatizing is bad. They will pay people much less in every way, instigating throw it in the river kind of attitude. The postal service has a standard. Those standards will not be met through privatizing.
This panel is full of shit. All conservative, big bank, big money, fuck the US citizenry as they hide behind so-called intelligent talk. I sighted 6 lies in the 1st 10 minutes 😡
Let this outdated relic of the past burn!
ET'S JUST GET TO THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS PARTICULAR POSTMASTER GENERAL: He is a BILLIONAIRE donor to Trump's Campaign, who made much of his wealth, as I understand it, from LOGISTICS (moving stuff around the world). He has been hand-picked for this reason, and his primary mission is to scout-out the inner workings of the Postal System in an effort to prepare plans and talking-points necessary to convince the AMERICAN PEOPLE that the US Postal Service needs to be PRIVATIZED. These guys play the long game. This bit with the Mail-in Ballot Voting is just another beneficial use to the Trump Campaign by this Postmaster being in place at this time. THINK ABOUT THIS: Lately, even just in this clip of Trump's daily lashings, you see a dramatic uptick in the accusation of how poorly our US Postal Service is. REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN LOBBIED TO PRIVATIZE THE POST OFFICE FOR MANY YEARS, without success. There's BIG $$$$ to be had there. Only thing is, the American People like getting their mail on time no mater rain sleet or snow! So there's no sub-contractors handling your checks and payments. We've had this system almost since the inception of our Union of states. If privateers can get hold of our tax dollars running the Postal Service, they'll have us over the barrel and it would hell to get them off us. Take a look at the prison systems being privatized all over the country. Keep your ears to the news, you are going to hear SO MUCH negativity about the Post Office you'll begin to wonder yourself if we need to get rid of it. That will be the day they'll call it mission accomplished. This BALLOT VOTING THING IS DESIGNED TO PISS YOU OFF, AND TO SUPPRESS VOTING! THE LONG GAME IS STILL IN PLAY. "HAND DELIVER YOUR EARLY VOTE! PLAY IT SAFE. ONCE THAT BALLOT LEAVES YOUR HANDS YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT GETTING COUNTED THERE FORWARD…
The man is right just junk mail in my box. Keeps my trash collection in business throwing away stuff USPS lost money on delivering.
wow the presidents company head fired top excutives? Where else can you lose money every year and never get called on the carpet? As a construction foreman for many years if I lost $10,ooo I would find myself fired! So surpriseyou do losy job you get canned. No surprise for haed working folks. Do not make it political you suck at your job. Go find a fool to hire you.
Yes, it's worth saving. it's not meant to be a for-profit business
I used to work for USPS, and the funding issues have been artificially created by the GOP over the last couple of decades. Congress has required them to pre-fund employee pensions 75 years into the future, for employees who haven't even been born yet. No private business has that kind of financial burden, and it's totally unnecessary.
The GOP has been trying to destroy the USPS for years, to pave the way for privatization. The Postal Service is part of the Constitution. It has the highest approval rating of any government agency at 91%. It is the only link to the outside world for millions of people in rural areas.
And now Trump has kicked this destruction-by-design into full gear, to suppress mail-in voting, in order to secure his own reelection. He just appointed Louis DeJoy (a man who owns stock in Fedex and UPS) as Postmaster General in order to sabotage the USPS.
This whole debate is disgusting
The USPS is worth saving. But it needs to be saved, not drowned in the bathtub as so many right wing nuts, Louis DeJoy self centered, greed locked ignorants, and failing US Presidents want. Those of us who remember the Communist menace in our America were smart enough to see them for what they were, forces that wanted to destroy posing as movements that wanted to help. Today, we have similar forces against our nation. Some can’t see themselves when they shave each morning! Having voted GOP for so many years, I never thought I would have to speak the truth to, er, blind, ivory tower, Right-Wing thinking.
Get risk of the union and Democrats first. They are the problem.
Yes, it's worth saving. It's worth restoring to it's pre- congressional condition.No company,no other government entity is required to keep their pensions and benefits paid up into the future. History is rife with failed companies and government pension
plans that have been raided,underfunded ,and outright stolen.Until congressional meddling put the current debacle in place, USPS turned a profit every year,service was world standard,and the work force stable USPS was set up by the founding fathers because it is necessary and vital to the commerce,national security,and the general welfare of the American people.. Privatized it'll be just another shoddily run money driven company,with no worth to anyone but the stockholders and the petty and corrupted politicians that destroyed a truly wonderful and trustworthy Enterprise. government service
It would effect you too. Your 4 dollars fist class package would probably cost 3x that amount.
Do the military next
Not having a college degree doesn't mean you should get compensated well it is a very hard job and it's hard to keep people working in these conditions even with what we pay them
Misleading title, not much of a debate when everyone agrees and is pro privatization
They do a horrible job and raise rates, they should be doing pay cuts. They should be charging their customers who ship big quantities of packages everyday a lot more. They get a huge discount and is no fair. I will not help bail out Post offices. They do a horrible job here in Albuquerque and I have made inquiries and they do nothing.
Some "debate." Where are the arguments of the other side(s)? Leave it to Heritage to push public employees and public services into the clutches of profit-hungry private interests, and then call it "freedom."
Amazon will milk us dry that why it always better to take the cheaper option. V●ᴥ●V
Traditional mail is obsolete. Packages is where to focus.
Not worth it, they need to learn and show others that the mentality and attitude they have developed over the years is their downfall. 90% of what they deliver these days is junk mail because digital mail is taking over and USPS is hanging on with no changes like Polaroid and Kodak. On the surface Unions have a good purpose, but below the surface a union is the same as a corrupted government.
My father – a WW2 vet – did eighteen years at the USPS after his twenty in the Navy. It was a lousy place to work but it paid the bills. And it was financially sound until Congress screwed it up by forcing them into the federal retirement system. The Post Office operated independently of the government, paying it's own way and doing just fine. Congress just had to get it's greedy little hands on their pension funds.