Is There a Right Way To Read the Bible?
The Bible isn’t a rule book. It tells the story of God making humans his partners, humans ruining it, and God restoring the world through Jesus. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible
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God bless ❤ please pray for Israel and Palestine
Jesus Christ is king, God is great 😊 ✝️✝️✝️
I agree to disagree with the bible not being a rule book it has rules called commandments it has a specific set of 10 that are really important.
The Bible Project is a phenomenal site well worth looking into
"The Bible is not a rule book." Tell that to the 600+ rules written in the Good Book.
The Bible is an invitation to join GOD's New Creation. Come join the eternal party. You are forever loved. Praise be to our LORD Yeshua the Anointed one. Amen. 🙂🙏✝️✡🕎❤
Love you guys you’ve been a part of my spiritual growth. Thank you.
What a stupid story. How can you expect a rational human being to believe? Such bullshit? Talking snakes and donkeys, an ark that had supposedly housed two of every animal for hundreds of days, a virgin birth, and a man named Jesus, who walked on the water, and performed magic tricks. There is absolutely no evidence that any of this ever happened, but yet as society, we require evidence, being a reasonable doubt to convict somebody of a crime. The Bible is just bullshit.
Its been 2023 years not thousends of years
Thank you so much for this, but y'all messed up a bit there at the beginning. It is indeed a rule book. There are indeed narratives, poems and letters, but there are also 'Rules', many times contained in those very narratives, poems and letters, and particularly, Paul's letters. If nothing else, think of those main 'not rules'. The ones He gave to Moses on those stone tables. It wasn't 10 'Suggestions'. It was 10 •Commandments•.
Added–But I will most certainly be viewing your videos. I'm considering your opening as a misstatement. We all have done it!
Added–Just to clarify…It was indeed 'Part 3' of your 3 divisions where He sends His Son, but it was in 'Part 2' where His 'decision' was first introduced.—"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."-Gen. 3:15
And I've since watched 2 more of your videos! Is it possible for you to include book, chapter and verses of your statements in your narratives? Too many people are making totally unfounded statements (and there have been a few different videos I've watched that Satan definitely had his finger in–many Truths, mixed with lies…). When it comes to my Father's Word, no one can just 'tell' me. Not even my Pastor. You have to Show Me. Appreciate you putting 'Him' out there! 😊
By the Guidance of the Holy Ghost, spirit of Truth. (John 16:13)
Read precept upon precept line upon line here a little there a little (Not in a Sequential Order). – Isaiah 28:10
Catch 22 : You have to have the Holy Ghost To UNDERSTAND what you are reading. (Acts 8:30, 31)
You have to hear The Word of God first, then you have to believe it, so that you will hunger and thirst for it.
You have to HEAR The Word of God from the Preacher God sent, because he will have the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:35) so that you will receive faith that comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:14-17).
Your faith will become the belief in the Word of God.
Because of your faith God will lead you to repentance. (Romans 2:4)
Your repentance will lead you to salvation when you receive the Holy Ghost speaking with new tongues (2 Corinthians 7:10); Mark 16:17).
The Holy Ghost will draw you into the understanding that after you repent you must be baptized in the name of JESUS CHRIST (which is the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost) for the remission (removal) of your sins.- Acts 2:38
Reading the Holy Scriptures is not a homework assignment it is your life (Deuteronomy 32:47)
You won't understand the Authorized Holy Bible until you have the spirit of Christ. Your hunger and thirst for righteousness in God's word will come from the unction of the Holy One (The Spirit of Truth) so that you can UNDERSTAND the scriptures.- 1 John 2:20).
They are so careful not to offend people by calling sin sin
the bible has a lot of rules though so that makes it also a "rule book" right?? tired of all these contradicting and different "christian narratives"…
The Bible dose give us rules
2 Peter 1:3
"seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to
Life and Godliness through the full knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”
People think it's a miracle that Jesus turned water into wine, but it's not a miracle.
The people we're taking sheep and silk and turning them into clothes long before Jesus arrived.
The common misconceptions about the content of the bible stem mostly from the attitudes of a certain religious "authority" that has injected their own traditions annd assert they relate to the bible but not from a dearth of clarity or continuity. The Bible hangs together from first to last, if it's read honestly and with good faith.
Assenting to "scholars" when the Holy Spirit is already your guide is useless.
It's caused no end of problems in the common conception of what the world is.
Take Darwinism, for example. Darwin was, like most men of his day, a "believer" in God but also like most men of his day had the imposition of church authority overlaid on any understanding that the reason and wisdom that comes from the grace of God can grant in the understanding of scripture.
He thought of the Bible what was told to him by men esteemed as "pious" and having more authorty on biblical interpretation and many were even discouraged from reading it altogether.
So, when Darwin took his voyage on the Beagle, he witnessed the wilderness, the fallen earth, and he said "Surely this is not the perfect creation of a loving God."; animals preyed on one another, death, disease, and violence were the norm. He witnessed the Law of the Jungle and, because he had been taught the fallacy that God created a perfect creation but never fully taught about the actuality of the Fall of Man and it's effects on the world, he saw an inverted image.
"Cursed is the ground *for your sake*; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you." Gen. 3 : 17-19
If Darwin had had the proper hermeneutic of viewing the consequenses of the fall from grace as having a phenomenology in the real world, he would have said, "Yes, this is surely the fallen world of man.". He would have recognised that all of nature is not evolving to an eventual state of perfection but degrading from a state of perfect creation because the land doesn't bear the fruits it once did; the flora becomes smaller and less diverse and the fauna do the same as a result. The animals in Eden didnt prey on one another, nothing died or withered or had to adapt to the increasingly harsh conditions of a harsh world.
After the fall, though, verything had to adapt to a degrading state of nature by developing the tools to kill and hunt and eat anything just to survive.
It's so subtle a difference of perspective as to make it insidiously seductive to fall for the error.
Darwin was quite right in his observations, but wrong in his biblical assumptions about who God is, who we are, and what the covenant between the two is.
Making aasumptions about the impact of biblical events without biblical understanding, especially of Genesis, leads to a complete inversion of all subsequent scripture and strips it of any insight into the legacy that biblical events have had on history, nature, genetics, culture, and anything palpaable.
The knowledge of the mechanics of the world is segmebted into "fields" and "careers" and often mutually excludes the physical from the philosophical creating limited understanding qhich eads to assumption which leads to error.
Understanding the Bible leads to a demonstrable observation of assertions made in the text which is inclusive of all other knowledge.
Taking the bible as True, the stories as mundane, and the actions to have consequences on the real world not only helps one understand the scripture, but opens up the mind to the Wisdom of God pertaining to all worldly things.
Luckily for us we dont have to flounder about in confusion, we only have to ask…literally, just ask God…for the eyes to see and the ears to hear so that we believe in our hearts that what the Father has told us is so by virtue of His telling is and then showing us that it all has come to pass.
That's kind of the central theme of the whole book. We "know not what we do", God tells us how to take care of ourselves, we struggle with God and don't take his advice, he makes contracts and promises and they come to pass, imperfect people turn and believe and increase the kingdom but still live imperfect lives and then die as is appointed to man…but the ultimate reward is coming to the internalised and fully realised knowledge that in God is no lie and that if we seek, we will find wisdom and understanding that surpasses that of the world.
I don't have to read it alone?