Is This The Antichrist Deal of the Century? | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I am discussing the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. I explain why this matters and how it relates to the Antichrist’s covenant for 7 years. I’m also discussing the history of Israel’s peace treaties and why Saudi Arabia’s is the most important.
Subscribers have access to the entire video which includes exclusive content where I answer questions such as, “When will we receive our glorified bodies?” and “Where will the New Jerusalem be?”
Visit https://endtimes.com to access this entire video.
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Thank you Mark for diligence in keeping us informed!
The scriptures Make clear that the rapture is post trib. Thanks for your work!
wonderful look about how our current climate relates to the end times!
Jesus clearly says that "immediately AFTER the tribulation … shall appear the son of Man … and he shall gather together his elect (Matthew 24)." No where in the Bible does Jesus say anything about a rapture of the church to heaven to take place beforehand.
Jesus himself says that his return will be as a "thief in the night," which phrase ostensibly means that his return will happen when no one knows expects it to happen – not according to your “the signs are all around us!” A thief does not send out signals (a sign) that he is on his way. Besides, Jesus said on more than one occasion that a “wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”
The first-century Christians believed that his return was imminent – that it could happen at any time – indeed it appears that they thought it would happen within their lifetime. The imminent return of Jesus has been in effect since the day of Pentecost, and is no more imminent today than it was back then.
Furthermore, it was Jesus who said that it is not necessary to "remove” his followers from this world in order to "keep" them from wrath. Read John 17:15, as Jesus prays just before his trial and crucifixion: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."
God did not deliver the three Hebrew children from the fiery furnace; but he did deliver them from the "wrath" of the fiery furnace.
God did not deliver Daniel from the lion's den; but he did deliver Daniel from the "wrath" of the lion's den.
I could go on and on. There is no "pre-tribulation" rapture. Nope. It's not in the Bible.
God's Prophet To The New Testament Church
And The Book of Revelation
Daniel, Jeremiah, Zechariah and etc, were God's
prophets to the nation of Israel: and they prophesied
about things pertaining to Israel.
They prophesied about what would be taking place
with Israel during the time of tribulation, which
Jeremiah called Jacob's trouble
Just as Daniel was God's prophet to Israel; Apostle
John was God's prophet to the New Testament church,
the body and bride of Christ.
And John spoke of things concerning the New
Testament church.
Jesus gave unto John thru visions and revelations, the
prophecies in the book of Revelation, and told John to
write them in a book, and send it to the churches
John wrote the book of Revelation to the church, and
for the church; the body of Christ. Rev. 1:1-5; & 22:16.
The book of Revelation is to the church, and for the
It was not written to the nation of Israel, or for the
nation Israel, the Jews
Now when we fully consider that truth; Then we
understand that if the church, the body of Christ, was
to be raptured before the time of tribulation, then there
would be absolutely no need or purpose for the book Revelation
What would be the purpose for writing such a book;
for, and to, a people that would not be here ??
Therefore we clearly see that the book of Revelation
only has a purpose, if the church is still here during the
time of tribulation
The Pre Trib. Claims:
the church is no longer mentioned after Rev. 4:1
Well there is a very good reason why Apostle John did
not use the word "church" after Rev. 4:1.
In Rev. chapters 2 and 3; Apostle John was speaking
to the "individual churches"
The messages Jesus gave to John.
were for the seven "churches" of Asia;,
And as Jesus gave John the messages; Jesus
instructed John to deliver that message to that "
individual church
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write
And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write;
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write,
And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write;
And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write;
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write;
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans
At the end of chapter three, John finished speaking to
"individual churches"
Beginning with chapter four, John was no longer
speaking to the
churches' individually, but from there on thru the end
of revelation
John was talking about the body of Christ, the bride; as
the whole congregate of born again believers; and that
is why he never used the word church" again.
From 4:1; on thru Revelation, John used the word "
saints", because the church, the born again body of
Christ, the bride; is referred to as "saints " 48 times in
the epistles of the New Testament
The "saints" in Revelation "is" "the church'" John tells us in Rev 6:9-11. KJV
9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under
the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word
of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O
Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our
blood on them that dwell on the earth?
1 1 And white robes were given unto every one of them;
and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for
a little season, until their fellow servants also and their
brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be
The souls under the alter represent those who were
martyred from the beginning until that time; and the
fellow servants that would be killed as they were,
Are the saints that will be killed during the tribulation.
John tells us in Rev 13:7-9.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the
saints, and to overcome them: and power was given
him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,
whose names are not written in the book of life of the
Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 lf any man have an ear, let him hear.
Now where do we get our names written in the Lamb's
book of life ??
We get that when we obey Acts 2:38-42. / . . 1-Peter
Eph. 1:7. . 1-John 1:7. . Rev. 1:5. KJV
There is NO scripture in the Bible that tells us of any
tribulation saints that are saved after the rapture.
There will be no-more salvation after the rapture takes
Now About The Wrath Of God.
Pre trib. teaches the time of tribulation is the wrath of
But what do the scriptures tell us ??
Well in Rev. 12:12; John clearly tells us it is the wrath
of satan the devil on God's people.
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwellin
them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea!
for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath,
because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
And in Rev 15:1 & 7; John tells us:
1) And I saw another sign in heaven, great and
marvellous, seven angels having the seven last
plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.
7) And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven
angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who
liveth for ever and ever.
And in Rev 16:1-2; John tells us:
1) And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to
the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials
of the wrath of God upon the earth.
2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the
earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon
the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon
them which worshipped his image.
John is clearly telling us the wrath of God; comes
"after" the tribulation ends. The wrath of God comes in the " 7-LAST plagues"
IF: the time of tribulation was the wrath of God, then
the wrath would be coming "before" any plagues ever
But John clearly tells us, the wrath of God, are the 7-
LAST plagues.
Also; the wrath of God first begins to be poured out on
those who have received the mark of the beast, and
worshipped the beast.
The mark of the beast comes in the middle of the time
of tribulation, when the man of sin, the son of
perdition; 2-Thess. 2:3. Steps into the temple and
declares himself to be god;
Rev. 13:16..KJV
Therefore: seeing that the wrath of God comes in the
last 7-plagues, and it is first poured out on those who
have received the mark of the beast
Then the time of tribulation " CAN-NOT" be the wrath
of God
And that "fact" alone, "destroys" the pre trib. hoax, and
Jesus tells us six times in the gospels the resurrection
of the dead will be on the "last day:, The resurrection
of the dead takes place at the coming of Christ, and
the rapture of the saints. 1-Thess. 4:16. KJV
Therefore the rapture can not take place before the
The Post Tribulation Rapture Of The Church,
At the end of the tribulation; Jesus Christ comes for
the rapture ; catching away of the church / the saints /
the body of Christ / the bride.
Jesus comes in the clouds; with a great shout, and the sounding of the trumpet of God. . Matt. 24:30–
1-Thess. 4:16-17. Rev. 1:6-7. 1-Cor. 15:52. . Rev. 10:7; &
11:15. KJV.
The saints who have died, and are in the grave,
shall be resurrected first. 1-Thess. 4:16-17; KJV.
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in
the air:
We will go to be with Christ at the marriage supper of
the lamb.
While we are in the Heavens with Christ,
The wrath of God will be poured out on the wicked that
was left on the earth. . Rev. 15:1. & 7; & 16:1-2; down.
When the out pouring of the wrath of God is finished,
Then we will return with Christ on white horses
For the battle of Armageddon; and to begin the
millennial Kingdom of Christ,
And will ever be with the Lord. . 19:11-16; KV.
This ls The True Teachings From The Word Of God.
Dr. Mark Hitchcock is totally in error in believing there is to be a pre-tribulation rapture. Don't be fooled by this. The taking up only occurs once as shown in scripture and that is when Jesus comes. The bible already gives the answers to the questions posed in the video. The problem is that the answers are always conflicting because the understanding of scripture is interpreted according to their own doctrine and belief. Paul said that those taken up will be transformed in a blinking of an eye to meet the Lord in the air. (1 Corinthians 15:51-52. As Jesus said he will send his angels to gather his elect from the four winds – in other words the four corners of the world – the whole world. (Matthew 24:31) This will happen when the city of the New Jerusalem comes. Jesus made it quite clear about the judgement for those who are resurrected as well as those living during his coming will be glorified and will never taste death. Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection, over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:6) The millennial kingdom is during the time when Jesus's elect will live in the city of the New Jerusalem while the new heavens and new earth are being created. As it was during the time of Noah and his family living in the ark during the time of the flood, so will be the time for those who are saved, to live in the ark of the city.
Once the new earth is created, the first event will be when Satan is released to descend his armies upon the New Jerusalem when it settles on the new earth. Fire will come from heaven to finally destroy Satan and his armies. (Revelation 20:9) Once Satan and his armies are destroyed, then those in the city will live eternally on the new earth.
The Temple Foundation in Israel has said that they do not need to build a physical Temple to resume worship on the Temple Mount and sacrifices. They can erect Moses Tabernacle within hours to accomplish the same thing.
All Millennial Kingdom saints who are still living at the end of the Millennium will receive their glorified bodies prior to the descent of the New Jerusalem upon the New Earth.
All saints who died during the Millennium will immediately receive their glorified bodies.
Dan 9:27 does not call for a "Peace treaty," but a "covenant." That covenant may include peace overtures, but that is assumed, not specified. Also, that covenant is not specified as with "Israel', but with "many", which may or may not include Israel's Arab neighbors. Please avoid readings things into the text that are not there (i.e. eisegesis)
In the early 2000s, the Saudis proposed the Saudi Peace Plan (the covenant?) which proposed peace between Israel and the Arab World. It was never implemented.
Recently, Prince Osama bin Salmon started talking peace. At the August 23, 2023 BRICS Summit, the current five countries invited Saudi Arabia to join.
The Temple Mount is presently under Jordan’s control, however control can be transferred to Saudi Arabia. Should that happen, as a major component of the peace agreement, bin Salmon could permit the Jews to erect their Third Temple on the Temple Mount which will lead to the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 to 29!
I'll pay if u stop begging for money 😂
The Bible does not say that the antichrist makes a peace treaty with Israel, it says that He confirms a covenant with many.
Abraham was 75yrs old when God called him out.Israel is 75 yes old.If tribulation starts on the day the 7yr peace traty is signed the church has got to be out of here which is scheduled for Sept 18 according to the UN website.jesus said he will resurrect us on the last day.That would be Sept 17.the feast of trumpets is Sept 15,16,17.last Trump on the 17.
If the peace treaty starts the tribulation then the church has to be out before the restrainer has to be out before the peace treaty
Trump along with Kershner are responsible fir this "Abraham accord" So, who is the Anti-Christ TRUMP OR KERSHNER.
Hope peace does come. The antichrist and tribulation comes first.
In Ezeikel 38 and 39 does not mention Saudi Ariba being one of the nation's that come against Isreal in the war of 38 and 39
Those nations are
These nations are mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel in chapter 38
8/28/23 Israel Channel 13 Israeli officials, who had previously hoped to seal a deal with Saudi Arabia without having to make major concessions to PA, are beginning to realize that this prospect is increasingly unlikely, given the pressure exerted by both the US and Saudi Arabia. 🔥
Senior Palestinian officials will soon visit Saudi Arabia to discuss conditions that Riyadh could set upon Israel to fulfill for normalization with the Kingdom, Channel 13 revealed on Sunday, citing Israeli officials.
This development, according to the Israeli channel, would mark a tactical shift in the Palestinian Authority (PA) strategy, which would now seem to be opting for active involvement in the normalization process between Israel and Saudi Arabia rather than a boycott, as was previously the case. i24 English
Do people see how close we are to Dan 9:27?
Keep looking up ✝️💖
Ditch the smart watch dude
This is just another futurist hiccup. Newspaper eschatology at it's best. Do not fall for this charade of error and more error.. To hear these guys tell it this is the real deal. It's not!!! Not even close. This peace treaty thing with an anti- Christ is a complete butchering of Daniel 9:27. The futurists have a habit of chucking O.T and 1st century events out into our future. They don't know the difference between 70 a.d.
in first century Israel and Anytown, U.S.A. in
21st century America.!!!!!!! They will pay dearly for their indulgence into la la land.!!!!!!
Revelation 22:18,19
Only God knows the Times,Dates,of his own Coming!!!!..
No Man knows..
HE is Donald Trump!!! Don’t be fooled. He is the Man of Lawlessness now being restrained until the Lord Gathers HIS Church then shall that Evil One be Released and revealed on a worldwide scale to do what He was destined to do
Don’t be deceived
Time is short and The Almighty Lord Jesus is at the Doors!
Salvation couldn’t be nearer!!! Call on his name and draw close while he may yet be found
The Abraham Accords were ratified on September 15, 2020. The Feast of Trumpets this year starts sun down September 15. Just saying. And the red heifers, I almost forgot about them, they turn 3 in September, there are 3 I believe still qualified. Almost there, come Lord Jesus, Amen!
God will judge all nations who scattered his people and divided His land.
For when "They" shall say peace and safety
So who is the beast?
Some interesting ideas, but IMO you are wrong.
The Great Reset, which has been described by Klaus Schwab as a 7-year covenant, has yet to be signed/confirmed. The last I heard is that this is due sometime in September this year.
Daniel 9:27. He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.
Paraphrased I understand this to mean: "He, the anti-Christ, will sign/confirm a 7-year covenant with many nations – The Great Reset . . . "
So first of all who is the anti-Christ?
Well Revelation 13:18 tells us,
"This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666."
There is only one title in the world, whose numerics add up to exactly 666 in both English and Hebrew, and that is Prince Charles of Wales. Also compare his coat of arms with the description of the first beast of Revelation 13. Google it.
So, in the near future – maybe next month – King Charles III (previously Charles Prince of Wales) is due to sign the Great Reset (a 7-year covenant) with many nations.
How can this not fulfil Daniel 9:27?
Brother Mark – does there have to be a temple or would only an altar suffice? This is a discussion we've had a few times on our vBulletin discussion page. I know you won't answer that here, but just something for other readers to contemplate.
Okay hear me out Mark and other teachers. The hour is late… Now is the time to stop all the subscription nonsense and try to spread the gospel of Jesus without any hinderances to people who have ears to hear! That is what we are called to do. Just my humble opinion. 🙏🏼
Pastor Mark, so the rapture has to happen before the peace agreement?
If only you knew what you're talking about . Go listen to Thom Hartman explain the plan Republicans have for America three major players. Trump, MDS and Putin. America is done for.
This pre rapture garbage is not biblical
Rapture is at the end of all things. 😢
You're forgetting the most important treaty deal ever, and that is the U.N SDG summit!
False teaching using a modern perVersion Bible rather than the King James Bible.
The European Union is going to “confirm a covenant with many for one seven “ (Daniel 9:27) on September 18th 2023. It is the “SDG Summit “. From 2023 to 2030 (7 years). “With many” (193 member nations). All will agree to work together to combat climate change, transgender issues and more. (Covenant). It’s a 7 year commitment to work together on the “Sustainable Development Goals” for the global good.
The book of Daniel speaks of “10 toes” And “10 horns “ these are “10 kingdoms “ . The European Union has already divided the world into 10 sections or kingdoms. The Antichrist comes from a “revived Roman Empire “ and Rome is in Europe, where the European Union comes from.
The SDG summit will be the “next day” after the Feast of Trumpets which is the highest watch day for the rapture of the church.
So excited! Can’t wait to go home!! Can’t wait to be with Jesus and my daughter and my grandparents! (One you know well…..Velda George!!!). So stoked!
Good day. I just want to know how I can enter the subscription privilege to watch the subscribers only program. I paid $77 last July 6 which was posted July 7, 2023. Hope you can guide me to enjoy this program which I have been following since last year. I haven't watched a single program for subscribers only. Thank you very much. I'm Dr. Jade del Mundo from the Philippines.
UK-Israel 7 year agreement signed on March could be the 7yr peace agreememt, that means King Charles is the suspect AC
I do not believe in the Rapture of the church. There are so many ways this is interpreted, but I would rather be prepared to be here as a believer through the Tribulation. I believe there will be people that will fall away from God during that time because they won’t understand why they are still here.
WOW, all these peace treaties are how old? Older than 7 years? WOW. Seems your own comments are trying to tell you there is no such thing as a 7 year peace treaty or covenant. Guess you better read and understand Jesus is the one who made the "covenant with many." "And He said to them, "This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many." Mr 14:24 _
"For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." Mat 26:28
"Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you." Luke 22:20
"There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; " That quals 69 weeks until Messiah or Jesus came.
"And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; " After 69 weeks? He didn't even start until after the 69 weeks. Therefore he started the 70th week, which by the way comes after the 69 weeks.
"Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering." Jesus brought the new covenant, and upon his death 3-1/2 years later, he ended the belief in sacrifice and offerings, even among the Jews.
Jesus made the covenant this man is claiming will be made by the Antichrist. It's a done deal and was done 2,000 years ago.
The Antichrist came into the world 2,000 years ago. The Apostle John said it is a spirit that denies Jesus is the son of God. The Antichrist is not a flesh person. The Trinity or Triune belief that Jesus is God, is the spirit of the Antichrist John explained to us. Therefore, there is no future Antichrist. The Man of Sin, SON of Perdition that will stand up and be revealed is Satan.
In your description it says: how it relates to the Antichrist’s covenant for 7 years. There is no such thing as a seven year contract or covenant. Jesus confirmed the covenant 2,000 years ago with his resurrection 3-1/2 years into the 70th week. There is no future signing of a 7 year covenant.
The treaty will be made near the beginning of the trib. but the 7 year Tribulation will begin the moment the (Daily Sacrifice) begins in the new temple. Everything is dated to the Daily sacrifice and the Abomination that causes desolation.
Israel will have covenant with the many, which is brokered by the Antichrist
When the Catholic makes its pact with Israel it's the beginning of the end.