Is Voter Fraud Real?
What is the greatest threat to free and fair elections in America? Here’s a hint: it’s not Russia or any other foreign power. It’s not a person, either. It’s something much more subtle, and much more dangerous. Investigative reporter Eric Eggers has the answer.
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While the major media fixates on the influence of foreign powers on American elections, a much more serious attack has been taking place right under our noses: Good old-fashioned, home-grown voter fraud. Let’s look at three of the worst offenses.
Example number one: bloated voter rolls.
In 244 counties across the United States, there are more registered voters than there are
people legally eligible to vote. Twenty-nine states have counties with more registered voters than legal residents. And eight states have more registered voters than actual voting-age people.
When the Supreme Court upheld Ohio’s efforts to clean up its own voter rolls in 2018, the majority opinion cited Pew Center statistics: 24 million voter registrations in the United States are either “invalid or significantly inaccurate.” And nearly 3 million people are believed to be registered to vote in more than one state.
These numbers have a shocking implication: It’s very easy to exploit our voting system. During an undercover investigation, New York City detectives made 63 attempts to cast illegal ballots based on flawed voter rolls. They were successful 61 times. Similar investigations in other cities and other states produce the same dismal results. But phony voters on the rolls is just one threat to election integrity.
Here’s example number two: ballot harvesting.
In 2016, the state of California—one of the states with more registered voters than citizens—became the first state to legalize the practice of ballot solicitation; that is, the collection and delivery of ballots by third parties. With no trace of irony, this is called “ballot harvesting.”
It works like this: In California, organizations with a clear political agenda are legally permitted to go to a location—say, a nursing home or a church, and collect—literally harvest—ballots. The third party then transports these ballots to a polling place or an election office.
This raises an obvious question: Once this third party collects the ballots, what’s to stop them from changing them—or from just throwing out the ones they don’t like? A guilty conscience? How do we know ballot harvesters from Democratic organizations aren’t destroying Republican ballots? Or Republican harvesters aren’t destroying Democratic ballots? We don’t. We have no way of knowing.
Let’s look at one specific example. On Election Night 2018, California Central Valley Republican Congressman David Valadao held a 5,000-vote lead over his challenger, Democrat T.J. Cox. The margin was wide enough that the networks even called the race for Valadao, the Republican incumbent.
But wait!
There were late ballots still to be delivered by the third-party vote harvesters. When those votes came in, they broke so overwhelmingly for Cox (in a historically conservative district, no less) that Valadao’s 5,000-vote victory became an 862-vote loss.
Maybe that was just a coincidence. Or maybe not.
In the first major election after ballot harvesting was allowed in California, Democrats won every single congressional seat in Orange County, which had been a Republican stronghold for decades. A year earlier, no sober person would have thought that possible.
Voter corruption example number 3: Voting by non-citizens.
Should you have to be a citizen to vote? Silly question, right? It was once. Not anymore.
According to a recent poll, more than half of Democrats—53%—support granting illegal immigrants the right to vote—forget the legal ones!
Democratic National Chair Tom Perez, before working for the Obama administration, worked for a group called CASA de Maryland, which has been a longtime advocate for expanding non-citizen voting rights.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/is-voter-fraud-real

Voter frauds are disobedient children. Disobedient children will be punished.
There should only be a one party system. One party system and one party system only.
People should vote with their phone number,
i love how throughout this entire video no actual examples of fraud were named. and we have seen statistically that when fraud occurs (which is less than 1,300 proven cases from 1982 until today), the fraud happens at about a solid 50/50 split between democrats and republicans. this is not a real threat, please stop worrying guys
Those were not examples of voter fraud. You want voter fraud than look at trump and his supporters. Republicans were the only ones who were convicted of voter fraud
He lost me when he said the left 🤦🏽♂️ why does everything have to be political. If that would have been omitted he would have had me.
"pretty soon they will be a relic of the past"? ? ? You mean like, years ago already?
would love a list of sources, otherwise every statistic is essentially meaningless
3:02 well for a coincidence it sure happens a lot. Election Transparency should be something that everyone would want, unless of course there's people that have something to hide.
Excellent comments and every American should care regardless of party affiliation or preference. Fair elections are as important as fairly and objectively officiated sporting events. Nobody likes fraud and cheating and dishonesty in sporting events. The same should be so in political elections, which affect our society more than athletic events!
If you have to be dishonest to make your point, maybe you're just wrong? Notice how only democrats can be guilty of voter fraud. That should tell you everything you need to know about this video.
The source Prager sites is a conservative news outlet which does not site an original source, nor does it claim to have run any such study itself. So those numbers are likely made up.
Also, if true it some places, is likely because federal law prevents local government from removing voters who have recently moved or passed away for 2 voting rolls.
This claim also has no real weight or bearing on whether voter fraud actually occurred because they are counting voter registration, and not the actual votes. Note that actual voter turnout is usually quite low on average (sixty to seventy percent for presidential elections).
I wonder – how do those darn civilized countries do it so reliably, while the "true Christian patriots" of the best country in the world can barely get through one day without eagerly chasing some form of deception, disinformation, conspiracy theory and dehumanization of their fellow human beings?
Voting fraud = Capital punishment
Happening in real time
Dustin Koellhoffer – The left says voting is legitimate and democratic ONLY when they win. Anytime they lose they declare its voter fraud like 2016 and 2000 claiming Russia stole the election. Suddenly voter fraud is possible. This is because they don’t believe Republicans can win unless they cheat better than Democrats do. Democrats want elections on their terms only as one party rulers. This simply proves that libtards ARE the fascists trying to establish themselves as dictators. We need a revolution to overthrow their mail voting machine.
Saving America
in times of greatest danger, Rome would give one righteous leader absolute power for one year to save the republic. America is at the tipping point of being destroyed by a cultural revolution that would undo our Constitution and establish a socialist tyranny over the nation. I believe Donald Trump should be elected and given these powers to stop the Democrat coup. They portray him as a Hitlerian narcissist megalomaniac ruler wannabe when he has proven to be the opposite like Churchill. Save America or watch your liberty disintegrate. Two years to restore our Constitution and he can step down for VP DeSantis.
Trump v DeSantis
President Trump showed everyone how to handle the lying left-wing media and throw their smears back in their faces. Ron DeSantis and Kari Lake learned these lessons well. But while Lake got taken out by the Democrat’s mail ballot fraud machine DeSantis wasn’t. Why? I believe it’s because the left wants to use him to split the Republican Party. America is on the road to Hell paved with good intentions and the nefarious purposes of Democrat usurpers via their mail ballot fraud coup. Either a dictator casts them down, rights the nation, then steps down, or America falls to a socialist dictatorship.
Righting America
Undo all damage Democrats have done to our culture:
Unleash energy production
Close the border eject illegals
Restore police and crush crime
Purge schools of socialists teaching racism and perversion
Destroy violent activists and foreign hostile cartels Establish election requirements:
Only ID non-felon citizens vote
Purge voter rolls of the dead and those who moved away
ONLY physical, readable ballots
a counting machine not part of the Internet
In person voting one day only
Voting age 21 with full-time job, 18 in military; armed forces, law enforcement, fire rescue service. Military votes at bases rather than absentee.
This will repair all the damage democratic socialism has done over the past sixty years. Then establish McCarthyism and keep it regardless of how much the lying cries wolf.
NO MAIL BALLOTS or Provisional ballots without ID. All voting in person only! Voting age should be 21 ONLY if they have a full-time job, or 18 if they are in a military profession like armed forces, law enforcement, or fire-rescue. ONLY ID non-felon citizens. ONE Election Day, ONLY physical ballots, not electronic, and a counting machine. Illegal aliens attempting to vote are banished. Violators are prosecuted as felons. Census before each vote. Voters rolls purged of the dead and those who moved away. NO changing election laws for any reason! If there is a national crisis then election is delayed a short time.
That example of a close election breaking unevenly for the Democrat Party guy — T.J. Cox? Well he got his. In August 2022, Cox was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on 15 counts of wire fraud, 11 counts of money laundering, one count of financial institution fraud, and one count of campaign contribution fraud souce wikipedia.
I'd need to see the studies. Which states? Is the left the sole offender?
In Israel the elections are much safer than in the USA.