Israel and Human Rights | 5 Minute Video
Israel is one of the most free and most prosperous countries in the world. Not only is Israel a booming economy and a wellspring of innovation, it is the only democracy in the Middle East. So why is it so controversial to support the Jewish state? Stephen Harper, the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada, lays out several fundamental truths about America’s most critical ally.
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When I was Prime Minister of Canada, I was often asked this question: “Why do you support Israel?”
My response, in effect, was always the same: Why wouldn’t I support Israel?
Why wouldn’t I support a fellow democratic nation where open elections, free speech, and religious tolerance are the everyday norm? Why wouldn’t I support a country with a vibrant free press and an independent judiciary? Why wouldn’t I support a valuable trading partner and a well-spring of amazing technological innovation? Why wouldn’t I support our most critical ally in the Middle East, and in the international struggle against terrorism?
In a rational world, in a world where simple common sense prevailed, the question “why do you support Israel?” would be like asking “why do you support Australia?” or…”Canada?”
But we don’t live in that rational, common-sense world. So the case for Israel has to be made over and over. I, for one, am happy to make it.
Let me start with this:
Every military action Israel has ever taken has been to protect itself. Israel is not an aggressor state; it’s a defensive state. This has been true from its founding to this day.
As a fledgling nation in 1948, Israel was immediately attacked by its Arab neighbors. Their goal was not to contain the tiny new country; it was to annihilate it. No nation came to Israel’s aid—not the United States, not my country, Canada, not the United Kingdom—no one. They all thought Israel would lose. But it didn’t lose. It won.
In 1967, Israel’s neighbors again sought to utterly destroy the Jewish State, a nation that had then existed for two decades. Again, Israel prevailed. And It survived another all-out attack in 1973.
Those are the big wars, but I’m not sure there has been a single day in Israel’s entire history when some act of terror has not been waged against it—inside or outside its borders.
There have been two bloody waves of terror, so-called intifadas, in the late 1980s and the early 2000s, when Israelis were blown up on buses, at pizza parlors and celebrating weddings. There have been incursions from terror groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon. There have been thousands of rocket attacks from Hamas in the Gaza Strip—even after Israel completely withdrew from that territory in 2005.
In between the wars, in between the terror, Israel has sought peace with its neighbors. And it has achieved peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. For others, however, every Israeli gesture for peace is met with incitement and violence.
I recount this history for one reason: Any nation that has endured what Israel has endured could easily have become a police state. But through it all, Israel has never abandoned its commitment to the rule of law, to democracy, to tolerance. One-fifth of its citizens are Muslim. They enjoy the same rights as Jewish citizens. They occupy key positions in the nation’s courts, press and government. And they have their own parties representing them in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. To say that Muslims in Israel are the freest Muslims in the region is an understatement.
How about this as a human rights test: Prisoners in Israel, be they Jewish or Arab, are well-treated, well-fed, and have access to the best possible medical care. Parents and spouses of these prisoners know where they are and that they are safe. Who else in the region but Israel can make that claim?
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/why-dont-you-support-israel

I am ok with PragerU's support for Israel, but I have a feeling that they hate all Muslims and all non Judeo-Christian people.
well done sir
Because the West has been flood with muslims and immigrants due to Israel's wars and influential lobbies, that want ""DIVERSITY""" for us, but not for Israel. HYPOCRITES!!!
Vibrant free press hey? Except the ones they assassinate in the west bank of course
OOOPS.. I just realized that I am on youtube… the AI will be hunting me down soon… ADL AI has been nasty lately.. hope that all of my comments survive… no free speech here anymore.
Israel started a war with Palestinians in 1948. It has never ended… Sorry for all the loss on both sides, but Israel is clearly the aggressor. They are evil for doing what they are doing… This Canadian fool is more of an ADL mouthpiece than he is anything else he may claim to be.
Thank God Mr Harper, for speaking the truth.
As a fellow Canadian, I have made the same argument to others many times. The name of the Israeli armed forces is the Israeli Defence Force. That sums up Israel’s ethos in a nutshell. A Jewish doctor saved my life by his swift diagnosis of meningitis when I was 4. I am fortunate to have crossed his path. I support Israel.
🎶Mister we could use a man like Steven Harper again🎶
Wow. Stephen Harper. Sorry to see you are suffering from cognitive decline. Nobody from Israel so much as ever jaywalked right?
Forgets to mention that Israel was built on the ruins of another society
Democratic elections and free speech? Human rights? 😂😂😂😂
Dear PM, you should replace the incompetent and tyrant Justin Trudeau. He has been a disgrace for Canada!
As per Israel, you well said it ALL.The anti-semitism is a contagious plague. The major problem is exactly what you mentioned: a free, successful, democratic and tolerant country. So, the ENVY of its neighbors enemies is enormous!
Prof George Sowell in an interview was asked if and when the anti-semitism would likely to end. He calmly responded: “Yes, when Israel fails.” That’s so true! Arabs and Muslims can’t see Israel’s prosperity, making a swamp land flourish. Admirable!
We want you back as our prime minister Mr. Harper!
An outstanding leader.
I stand with Israel
15,000 down votes are brainwashed and won't open their eyes, ears and hearts. Sad.
Why wouldn’t you support Palestinian statehood!? Why wouldn’t you support every nation having a state? Why would you support Netanyahu’s support of Hamas, stoking the fires of conflict? Why wouldn’t you be a peacemaker?
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🇮🇱🇬🇧❤
I support Israel
Thank You.
PROPAGANDA: Every nation that has occupied another nation by force has experienced deaths among their own soldiers and civilians. 100%. Ask the USA about Afghanistan. They anticipated the deaths. They were advised … "deaths coming!" Then when they come, 2,000 for Israel for surrounding and concentrating Gaza… their wails and big lies start. Return to Palestinians their lands, know peace. Don't do that… you will need a lot more propaganda than this. That is why A NEW GENERATION WILL NOT BE FOOLED LIKE THE LAST ONE WAS and is turning against Israeli excesses
–en masse–right now. You have put a hole in your own barrel by lying, by starting the convo at 1948, by electing fascist Bibi, by slaughtering Civilians 17 to 1. Grotesque. Israelis and Israeli Supporters need to stand united against settlers, lies, theft, ignoring UN actions, fascism, extremist cabinet members, nuke threats, kiddy killing, OR PAY THE PRICE.Bravo Mr Harper ! It feel so good to hear words of peace !
Wisdom and good heart…What a good mixture. I hope that you will be heard and that the many other wise listeners will be touched by your words and will carry your message as their own loving kindness.
Thank you
Always extreme suport israel and america…… ….🔯🗽………for kuwaity programe is diferent ….for me and us as jew israely american forevere always jew …
Because trut oxegine
Because im jew so so proud forevere always and so so more….🔯
Truth… spot on vid!
Thank you Mr. Harper for sharing the truth. Israel is the light of the nations and I love this beautiful nation.
The problem we're having in this country and around the world is a lack of education. There is a lack of knowledge of history and in science.
I love that they used the Islamic symbol even though all the Muslims are starving in Gaza. Seriously though, all I heard was “us Americans can put bases there”
Its got gods blessing still
The best PM of Canada EVER! ❤ I am Canadian living in Israel for 31 yrs.
The best PM of Canada EVER! ❤
I hear Israeli life valued more than Palestine life…well, Palestine does not value life
No wonder our country is a mess with this guy in charge lol this video aged horribly and anybody with any knowledge of the 48 and 67 conflicts laugh at this video.
thank you
Propaganda on steroids.
Thanks for sending as very needed
Thank you for your support
gross this is a advertisement, this company can’t even properly explain who found america and it’s certainly not christopher columbus, pathetic.
Amazing video 👏👏 love Israel. Oh and to those who wanna boycott Israel, start with your phones and computers.
Eu apoio Israel! Sou do Brasil e a maioria aqui apóia. Menos o nosso presidente Lula que não nos representa.
Ew ew ew