It is Safe to Play Sports? | #Coronavirus Myths vs. Facts
What outdoor activities are safe to do during the coronavirus pandemic?
Dr. Kevin Pham cuts through the confusion.
As a medical doctor, contributor to @DailySignal, and a former graduate fellow in health policy at The Heritage Foundation, he’s offering sound wisdom for combating the #coronavirus and keeping not only yourself, but those around you, safe and healthy.
Here are links to videos of Dr. Pham busting other myths:
Social Distancing means staying inside at all times
We should avoid elderly neighbors
It’s OK to let your kids play with their friends
You don’t need to disinfect your groceries
I don’t need to wear a mask and gloves when I leave home
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I think any sport with a shared ball is a concern. Social distancing may be a challenge and the ball may be a germ carrier. This video used glow-germ to show it's possible to transfer germs from person to ball to person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUfxV1dVdY4
This guy is a liberal making excuses to be a Sally Panties. You stay home and play with your self basement boy. The rest of us will play the sports. Just imagine this. What if, George Washington as he stood on the bank of the cold Delaware, knowing things may not be easy on the other side, what if he turned around? And said, sorry fellas, I’m just to damn much of a SNOWFLAKE?
I had a friend who recently died in a hospital alone. His family were not allowed to be with hem in the hospital even though there were no virus's involved this hurt them deeply. Some doctors are angered at the mention of this virus it is real but is not what we are told. The more we learn of it it seems to be no more harmful than the flue. I believe the world has been duped and another swindle is about to take place. Play ball be free and God bless.
Was it ever safe to play sports? Play sports…oh no, everyone should just stay in their houses and wait for every disease to just go away.
If you can go to Wal Mart…and Home Depot…you can play contact sports….OPEN UP NOW.
Since the percentage of people that have no to mild symptoms appears to be over 50%, shouldn't we try to increase that percentage?
A study was done that showed a connection to vitamin D3 blood levels and severity of symptoms. Shouldn't everyone either get enough sun and/or take a vitamin D3 supplement?
Has there been studies of vitamin C blood levels? Some doctors say they are having success with intravenous vitamin C.
How about blood levels of zinc? or NO (which is derived from L-arginine)? or Copper? etc.
Nutritional deficiencies are common. Drug deficiencies are not common. How do these common nutritional deficiencies affect our ability to resist covid infections?
Shouldn't doctors focus more on boosting our immune systems by fixing nutritional deficiencies?
Washing hands, social distancing, gargling with 1.5% H2O2 can still be helpful, even after the bitter taste of communism lockdown is over.