James Carafano on Coronavirus Response: “China In Real Danger of Destroying Its Own Reputation”
James Carafano joined Fox Business, Wednesday, January 29, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese response to the coronavirus outbreak, and how China risks even more damage to its brand with its response.
Learn more about this issue: https://bit.ly/2RIbg6p
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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So why doesn't all countries that buy from China stop buying 'anything' pertaining to their animals? Otherwise it is just going to stay the same. I have never forgotten catching the Swine Flu in the early 60's I think it was. Our own flu's haven't been nearly as bad as just ones that comes from China.
Wish our country had nothing to do with them, but thanks to the greed of this nation, that will never happen. And the idiots (in my opinion) that buy their meds and clothing 'even though' there's warnings on both that it can cause cancer? More greed showing and real ignorance. Buy five blouses for ten dollars each from china and they 'may' last a year. Pay fifty dollars for one blouse Made in America and it last through ten years of washings and wearing before it starts to show any ware – and no cancer warning necessary either!
Go figure – the stupidity of greed…
I smell jealousy and insecurity everywhere from the West 😂😁
May Gods timing be in haste. Shalom.
something tells me that China let this virus go on purpose. also, this guy's an idiot thinking that we should contain rather than look for a vaccine. we can do both. it's not an either or type thing. what an idiot. it would be real dangerous to have guys like this in charge of epidemic response.
published an hour ago and still 2 countries, 40 deaths and 400 cases short of its growth… crazy
Anyone PAYING attention since China was mistakenly granted most favored nation trading status and was WILLING to "look behind the red curtain" KNEW the Communist Government lies like a rug. Can not trust them to be honest.
Unbelievable how another Tragic Event follows the Mock Drill Exercise for that exact Tragic Event almost as if it was Scripted
Whelp. Im a gamer which means Im good. Never liked leaving the house anyways.
Is animal/food contamination the real cause of this Coronavirus ? At this time only God knows are those who know differently aren't talking ! At peril of their and their family lives more people are reporting on this disease and conditions from inside China. Much worse then what is "officially" being reported !
Banning the only place people can get food would be interesting.
This is the 3rd major virus to come from China that I'm aware of.
1, Swine Flu
2. Bird Flu
3, Corona Virus
Are there more from them?
Does anyone else wonder why?
I remind you that China is a signatory to Agenda 21 & 30.
To little agreement no one in the Media seems to WANT to inform their audiences about, between ALL the major nations (including ours) pledging to cut their populations in 1/2.
So I have to ask, "Is this what you get and potentially worse when the World's Leadership all believe there should be LESS of U.S.?"
Boiled Garlic has shown great results against the Corona Virus in some Asian countries.
90,000 infected 1/25/20.This is the real thing. They incinerate the people along with havmed suits used to take them from the hospital room. During Grand Solar Minimums outbreaks have killed off 1/3 the world population. The Sun effect the human Immune system.
Now that’s legislation everyone can get behind!
The number of deaths in China should be much higher as many corpses are sent directly to 24-hour operating cremation centers without any autopsy to find out if it is due to Corona Virus….not the other way round.
Not to mention the LAB that manufacturers this virus is located 10 from the city center.
This is a patented virus. Look it up.
This has the globalist cabal written all over it. Trump has done more damage to the globalist than we truly know. So now they unleash a virus and hopes that it does untold amounts of damage. George Soros and his bastard cabal of globalists are sick SOB's
And the U.S. government is going to release the plane full of people from Wuhan after 3 days. Into Cal. WOW
China aint got a rep thets fer "GOP CHILD MOLESTERS"
lookin ta continue,lookin PRESENTABLE and STRAIGHT
……………………………………………………………fer their STUPID CULT FOLLOWERS.
"BLOOD ON THE MOUNTAIN" there America n see first hand GOP/CORPORATE's bluprints fer America