James Gattuso on Hardball with Chris Matthews
James Gattuso discusses why Congress wants to bail-out Wall Street but not the Auto Industry
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James Gattuso discusses why Congress wants to bail-out Wall Street but not the Auto Industry
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The fraudulent statement of "US Taxpayers paid for the foreign car manufacturers" is laughable. Detroit got the same, if not more in tax subsidies, they blew it!
I'll be anyone that these same manufacturers would be successful in "Right to work" states. Anybody want to bet?
Toyota and GM sold about the same number of vehicles worldwide last year, yet one (GM) lost billions, the other (Toyota) made billions… What's wrong with that picture?
excuse me, but… your ideology is showing.
Riiiight…the Wall treet bailout was a rescue of free market meritocracy and the auto bailout is nanny state welfare. For a crowd tied up with the "religious" right, Heritage sure loves them some social Darwinism.
It'd be comical if the economy weren't crashing down around us.
What kind of 'conservatism' is it that calls for more of the same while the country crashes and burns?
Idiots, that's who. Or rank bullshitters.