Jarrett Stepman: Millennials Do Not Know The True Evils Of Socialism
Jarrett Stepman has documented chilling examples of the left’s efforts to revise American history in his book The War On History. He joins OAN share more about it.
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Generation Z And Millennials Often Don’t Even Realize That The Nazis Were Socialists
And To Those Who Think Otherwise… The Nazi Party Was Literally Called The National Socialist Party + Or The German Workers Party
And If You Think It Should Be Tried In The Future I’ll Tell You Something… The Antichrist Will Be A Socialist… And The Bible Says He Will Murder Over 7 Billion People During His Dictatorship
So If You Want To Try It Then Don’t Do It In America Because If You Even Try To Bring Communism Or Socialism To America Your Going To Have To Kill Me In The Most Brutal And Bloody And Violent Way You Could Ever Imagine Possible. Because I Will Have A Gun And I Am Not Letting You Bring A Socialist Dictatorship To America Without A War
And If You Think That American Nationalists Like Me Don’t Have High Numbers Then Think Again Because There Will Be A Civil War Before You Could Even Attempt To Overthrow The United States
Socialism Is Made Only For 1 Reason And That Is So A Dictator Can Take Power… And Fighting For Socialism Is Only Doing Exactly What Hitler Did
Im a Socialist and I own my own successful business. Under capitalism, I love corporate welfare, and I love how I only need to pay employees the bare minimum. I love that I can pay off government officials to increase and secure my future wealth, and I love the fact that capitalism allows me to screw over future generations for my own personal gain in the here and now. As my capitalist friends tell me all the time, Im not doing anything illegal, and clearly it's not the systems fault at all LMFAO
Every word he says is a lie, I'm not even exaggerating it. Like for real he uses the black book of communism as a reference when it has been debunked for rounding the numbers to the nearest bazillion. I would not be surprised if he used animal farm as a reference. Also more people have died due to capitalism in a couple years than have died in the entire history of communism. Especially the soviet union. Anyone who wants to argue with me please do so in a civilized manner.
Why can’t they research it
Socialism has worked in societies before. Ans socialism isn't communism. They honestly don't know what there talking about
How is the philosophy of socialism evil? Socialism is literally in the Bible too. Original socialism mind you. You people make no sense.
As a millennial I love living in a democracy. My friends are stupid always supporting communism and wanting to be communist. Smh always supporting soviet union.
White people trying their best to keep the status quo
Change the teacher college dictation and the university and high school education ASAP. They are programmed
In The Communist Manifesto Marx says, “The theory of the communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” He knew that depriving individuals of this basic freedom would not be easy and that dictatorship by the proletariat — and violence — would be required. However, the abolition of private property is necessary, Marx argued, because it is the central cause of the perennial clash between the classes.
In the Soviet Union you could only live and work where the government told you. Millions tried to leave their home country in order to escape the repressive regime. To stop this exodus they built the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall and machine-gunned anyone trying to leave the country. That is the Communist utopia.
Marx also stated: "Communism begins from the outset (Owen) with atheism…."
Vladimir Lenin similarly wrote regarding atheism and communism: "A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could."
In 1955, Chinese communist leader Zhou Enlai declared, "We Communists are atheists".[5] In 2014, the Communist Party of China reaffirmed that members of their party must be atheists.[6][7]
Peter Hitchens is the ex-atheist brother of atheist Christopher Hitchens. In an article entitled Britain needs God Creation Ministries International wrote about Peter Hitchens:
“Peter wrote that his views changed slowly, as he came to see the fruit of atheism. Part of this realisation came when he was working as a journalist in Moscow, during the final years of the Soviet Union. His depiction of this godless society was sobering. He wrote of the riots that broke out when the vodka ration was cancelled one week; the bribes required to obtain anaesthetics at the dentist or antibiotics at the hospital; the frightening levels of divorce and abortion; the mistrust and surveillance; the unending official lies, manipulation and oppression; the squalor, desperation and harsh incivility. Peter wrote of how traffic stops dead in Moscow when rain begins to fall, as every driver fetches wind-screen wipers from their hiding places and quickly fits them to their holders. Any wipers left in place when the car is parked are stolen as a matter of course.
The atheist, humanistic ideology of the state, he believed, had even affected the Russian language. Peter spoke to a descendant of an exile, whose grandparents had fled Moscow in the days of Lenin. Having been brought up to speak pure Russian in his American home—the elegant, literary language of his parents—he was shocked when he visited Russia to hear the coarse, ugly, slang-infested and bureaucratic tongue that was now spoken, even by educated professionals.
Socialism is a monster born of atheism, materialism and laziness.
Junior in college, Bernie supporter. Not once have I ever been taught in school (high school or college) that socialism is good and capitalism is bad. This is not taught. You are spreading lies. I have only been taught how good capitalism is especially in high school
Understand this. Karl Marx, in his manifesto, use the terms socialism and communism interchangeably. They are one and the same.
I am a millennial and I understand very well how evil socialism is I am a capitalist and conservitive. I will say GOD bless America while we still have the freedom to say it.
The real issue is socialism is lumped with communism as if they’re one in the same. When they aren’t even close to being the same. The idiocy exists there.
What would this country look like if instead of the system being set up as a land of opportunity, and instead the founding fathers preached the belief that working hard toward the goal of achieving prosperity, and wealth was immoral? I'm guessing something like a 3rd world country.
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.
Socialism always leads to a destructive dead end..
That tells me that leaders that promote it are truly sadistic and straight up insane. Our of their minds. Bonkers.
socialism always produces wicked tyrants. it's because at socialism there is hatred for Jesus Christ and an affinity for the devil. Karl Marx was a hardcore satanist.
socialism is like a plague of locusts. Socialism being applied applauded… is evidence that a nation is turning its back on God and going to be judged and ruined.
Every nation that became immoral (Rome, medes, Persia) …like America has always crumbled.
do truly isn't a heartfelt cry for Jesus Christ forgiveness there truly is in a hearts cry to God for miracles and help. People are putting their hope in Trump he's not God Trump is limited they got Trump respect people's right to pray and read their Bibles and share Jesus Christ. So you better take advantage of this moment of time before a solstice gets into office because that's what's going to happen if people do not repent of their evil ways to love the world and cry out to Jesus Christ
Well I agree with School Choice. Democrats are horrible on education.
Socialism is more about the people.
Capitalism is more about individuals.
Millenniuals are Boomer 2.0
Black book of communism is bullshit written by people who use intentionally obfuscating and misleading methodology to inflate the numbers of deaths under governments of an ideology they don't like so they can justify the abuse, manipulation, and exploitation inherent in the system of capitalism. You are all delusional if you really think the free market or capitalists are your savior or anybody else's, just look at what capitalism has done to the global south, how capitalist nations lash out when their hegemony is challenged by leftist nations anywhere, and how even in USA, center of the greatest capitalist exploits, there are people starving and going without housing or healthcare. Utterly ridiculous, this system is indefensible
LMAO the black book is bullshit and all historians know that.
Standing in front of a logo for a "conservative think tank"
yeah fuck you and your poor-people-hating propaganda.
Democratic socialism is not the same is socialism in the past. Your not going to find any bernie supporter that wants a dictatorship or "eliminating" rich people.
Think about this for a moment, please: It took me over a year to find the complete "Gulag Archipelago" by Alexander Solzenystsin ON AMAZON! It may still not be available as a book, or audiobook. How insane is that? Think of how nearly every item in the world is on Amazon. Now, do you think your children will be assigned that book or topic in school? My parents lived through that time. Now your taxes will not pay for public schools to teach what will likely repeat itself due to its siren call. Erwin Lutzer's book on Christians who shamefully were fooled into going along with Soviet Socialism and Nazi Socialism (yes, communism and Nazism are both socialists) (Edvard)
Oh my, there were no homeless on the streets of Russia, and there is exploding number of them in US… Half of the country is in powerty, but you worship psychopathic billionaires that drive people into powerty! Fuck you!
The globalists have controlled the education and the breakdown of the family with two working parents. This is movement toward a one world government. Worse than the glorifying of socialism is the teaching of disrespect of the old and depicting elderly as stupid and useless Without the perspective of the ages, children will be fooled easily.
How to know when you can dismiss someone’s argument when their book has a picture of an over-exaggerated event like crossing the Delaware.
Stupid cuckservatives say any handout is evil socialism but are fine when their lord emperor trump grabs them by the pussy and fucks the economy, United States geopolitical strength and position, and the world as a whole
Watched it happen. Not as much to my 21 year old, but my 16 year old. The people teaching our children in our Public schools have our children so disillusioned it is unbelievable. We must do a better job at teaching them the correct history of the world. The damage is done we must correct it