Jesus’ Anointing Ceremony • The Anointed Ep. 6
“Jesus the anointed one” is the literal translation of the Greek title “Christ,” frequently applied to Jesus. In this podcast episode, Tim and Jon discuss both this title and Jesus’ baptism, which the gospel writers depict as his anointing ceremony. Listen in as we explore the theme of the anointed in the New Testament and how Jesus’ followers become anointed ones too.
Show Music
“Defender (Instrumental)” by TENTS
“Sailing on a Flying Boat” by Enzalla
“CluB waVes” by Tyler Bailey
“Along the Yarra” by Stan Forebee
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I am He 🤴🏾
thank You Lord for considering us worthy of being anointed as well!
1:01:17 true!
Is there a Bible Project video on this theme?
King Jesus is AWESOME!!!
WOW, what a informative podcast.
This understanding of the meaning of Christian makes it so much more exciting to be called Christian.
May God bless this knowledge and understanding to spread through out the church. In Jesus Name
How much of the spirit do we have?
2 Corinthians 1:22
22 who also sealed us and gave the DOWN PAYMENT of the Spirit in our hearts.
2 Corinthians 5:5
5 Now the one who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the DOWN PAYMENT, the Spirit.
Ephesians 1:14
14 who is the DOWN PAYMENT of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.
Numbers 11:17 Then I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take PART OF the spirit that is on you, and will put it on them, and they will bear some of the burden of the people with you, so that you do not bear it all by yourself.
26 And I will give a new heart to you, and a new spirit I will give into your inner parts, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh, and I will give to you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will give my spirit into your inner parts, and I will make it so that you will go in my rules, and my regulations you will remember, and you will do them. 28 And you will dwell in the land that I gave to your ancestors, and you will be to me as a people, and I will be to you as God.
This sounds like when we receive our new bodies we get a new spirit also. If we had the fulness of the spirit in this body why would we need a different one?
Hey guys, regarding 4:45 +/-, remember we christen ships, and they are not being Christianized. They are being initiated — anointed.
I’m new here… what video order should I start??? I’m about to bench watch🥰😌
What do you say to people who ask, does the amount of water mater in baptism? Does it matter if they are emersed, or if water is poured over their head, as in an anointing?
Christ was anointed by John the Baptist. Not in the text? It's inferred. John is dressed like a prophet. Just like when David and Saul were anointed they received the Spirit, Christ comes out of His baptism with the Spirit. In fact the the church still practices Chrism in orthodox. Jesus began his ministry teaching the disciples how to anoint and that teaching is important enough to be mentioned again in 1 John. Not all of the details are laid out directly in the text.
Thank you for sharing your time with us all
what about Mary washing Jesus' feet? I'm not sure if I was taught that or where I heard it, but I thought it counted as an anointing. Maybe its a Liberation Theology thing???
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Was Cyrus an anointed one in Isaiah 45:1. If so, I can find no mention of him being smeared with oil.
Have you guys thought of doing a series on the Bride/Bridegroom design pattern? I would love that!!
Hey Tim and Jon, just want to thank you for this series. I have been craving this type of discussion and you have enriched and encouraged me spiritually. Praise God! God Bless you both.
Thank you for this series. Very enlightening!
What about the story of Mary Magdalene anointing Jesus's feet with expensive perfume? Does that have significance beyond proclaiming him the messiah?
Also, I see a lot of comments bemoaning the lack of visuals. I feel I should say, I have enjoyed these longer, slower conversations where you can dive into deeper details. Whether you focus on long podcasts or short videos, you are making a difference. Keep up the good work!
Gentlemen. I know you didn't mean it this way, but nothing in the books written by God is trivial. Amazing talk! Oh hey, just drove past Multnomah U.
I didn't realize Peter says Christian in his letter. I knew the word was in Acts and used by others. Thanks for your work !
I needed this révélation of the "Christ" "Messiah " "Anointed one" in this season of my life. Your teaching will truly help others teach about the good news of our King and Kingdom
God bless you so much
42:25 is cold!!!!! Love you guys
Jesus was anointed by a prostitutes tears. He is also the living water that flows from deep in the innermost place.
I love your friendship.
🙏 much blessings to everyone
When they said “test of fire” I heard “testifier”, as in “one who testifies”. It would make sense that one who has been purified by the testing of God by fire would also be the one who would have the privilege of bearing public witness to the glory of the Lord.
Nothing more exciting than a family vacation.
"Recharge travellers hq Edit"
Thank you, you guys are great!
I'm just imagining people popping out of nowhere and just reciting random verses and Tim saying the reference right on the spot lol
Is there significance in that he was gifted frankincense and myrrh at birth by the wise men? Hence, received double anointing?
If I may ask when did we leave eden as adam and eve stayed in eden. They were thrown out the garden but it was cain who was banned from eden
Mary anoints Jesus with oil/perfume on His head/feet in Mark, John and in Luke FYI
May the Lord bless everyone from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Jesus is the real Anointed One, Song of God!
Tim it is very interesting that the Apostle Paul never uses the Word Christian in any of the 13 letters he writes and in fact the Word Christian is only found 3 times in the Bible. Twice in Acts and once in Peter and even then the Disciples never called them Self Christians. The First Disciple's called them self the Followers of the Way; meaning the New Covenant Way of Love and Sacrifice. Jesus told His Disciplined Ones that they would Be Witnesses of His Love and Sacrifice by and through their Character Manifested through having the Mind and Spirit of Their Anointed Savior. The Mystery of Paul's Gospel Colossians 1:26-27 IS Christ Jesus Manifested in you the Hope of Glory for you and the entire World. As New Testament Saints = Holy Anointed Ones each One is a Holy Temple, Priest, Prophet, and Sacrifice who Serve continually by way of Prayer and devotion Daily. Even as the Temple Priest Sat in the Presence of the Most High and Ate Show Bread in Communion and Fellow Ship With God and each other as Disciples of the New Creation of the greater Way Should we do the same. The Word Christian came into play in the 4 century by way of the Roman Church and the Roman Emperor Constantine as he Declared Him Self King Ruler as the first Pope of Rome on Earth. Manifesting Christ Jesus Character = His name is the Power of resurrection for the Purpose of Healing and Resurrection that testifies as to the vitality of having received the Holy Anointing Within the Heart. How True the old saying is; I had Rather See a sermon than hear one any day. Once again; You Shall BE Witnesses and in Doing so the Whole World will Know you are my Disciples. No Name Needed. Grace, Faith and Peace to you AMEN
Baptism contains anointing with oils as well as with water. Oil is also used to strengthen and heal, so it is shared with the sick and dying. Oils are blessed on Holy Saturday and kept in the sanctuary of the church all year. Blessed oil is also given for confirmation since you are an adult and are responsible to go out and share the good news. We are called to be priests and children of the king.The Holy water as you enter the Church is a reminder of our Baptism and the mikvah bathing before entering the holy temple. GBY
Is the original anointing of spirit and water going down to the dirt, a connection of heaven to earth; and if so, would this connect to Luke 7 with the women pouring perfume onto Jesus's feet and Jesus mentioning that he came to serve?
Jesus compares the woman's tears to water, her kiss as an act of love, and the perfume to oil.
Hearts on display. Thank you for showing your views with us all.❤️🔥❤️🩹❤️🔥
17:00 Good Point
13:25 Hahaha 😂❤️🔥✨Amon.✝️
I appreciate you saying you stand corrected. I’m happy you have that strength and awareness to show us all.
Obscure comment coming… but this is a MAJOR point of separation between reformation age christians and modern evangelical interpretaion of daniel chapter 9. Reformation age christianity and before viewed daniel 9 as a fulfillment of Christ's annointing at his baptism by the Holy Spirit. For some reason modern evangelicals have shifted this event to palm sunday.
The unfortunate result, and this is not hyperbole, is all the US political turmoil when it comes to foreign policy in isreal…due at its base to a misinterpretation of daniel 9.
I agree, the "Genesis anointing" is water and spirit, but I think that the water used by God is not the one that waters the garden but the water used to make the mud from where the first man is formed. So, Adam is the first anointed, baptized by water (body) and spirit (soul+spirit) by God.
The greek word kurios does not mean YAHWEH. It means lord, there are other humans called kurios, doesnt mean they are called Yahweh. That was such a farfetched way to install the doctrine of the trinity in the first verses of Mark. It is as simple as it says. God will send a messenger for the Kurios which is Jesus the Christ. Nothing like Yahweh talking to Yahweh what an
utter nonsense.
Brother the diagrams were much more better than audio. It becomes a bit monotonous. Kindly keep the previous way of presentation.
"Christening" actually does involve anointing and that is where it gets its name! Traditional Christian baptism includes anointing with Chrism oil with the sign of the cross on the forehead of the baptised (Anglicans do this, for example). When bells are christened they also have water and oil applied to them. "Chrism" has the same Greek etymology as anointing. So you guys are even more right than you realised! Great stuff.