Jesus the Royal Priest
After humanity’s failure as the royal priests of Eden, God promises that one of their descendants will intervene on their behalf to restore the blessings of Eden. Throughout Israel’s story, God raises up leaders to be this royal priest, but they all fall short. But their stories point forward to the ultimate royal priest, Jesus. In this video, we’ll explore how Jesus is the ultimate king and priest who invites humans back into Eden so that we can once again take up our calling as God’s royal priests.
#BibleProject #Jesus #Priest
For more information on Jesus the Royal Priest, check out the following resources:
-Jesus the Royal Priest Study Notes: https://tbp.xyz/jesusstudynotes
-Jesus the Royal Priest Script References: https://tbp.xyz/jesusscript
-Jesus the Royal Priest Blog Post: https://tbp.xyz/jesusblog
-Jesus the Royal Priest Podcast: https://tbp.xyz/priestpodcast5 https://tbp.xyz/priestpodcast6

It's like the tearing of the temple is the seed's germination that grows into the tree of Christianity.
WHO SAID??????????????
God be praised!
Jesus came under the Old Covenant, (Gal4:4). He received the High Priest authority by being baptized by John the Baptist whose father was a Levitical Priest(Luke 1:5–13). Under Old Covenant a certain ritual had to be observed to be purified as a High Priest (Numbers 8:21) in water .They were pointing as symbolically of sinless Christ who is our High Priest , Heb.5:10, Heb 3:1 . Therefore as our high Priest , Jesus said ,to John in Mathew 3:15 , "to fullfil all righteousness" .,as per the Old Covenant Law commandment of God to Moses , Numbers 8:21. Hense , the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist who was of lineage of priesthood from his dad ,Luke 1:-5–13 . Jesus had to be baptized by John the Baptist for righteousness and purified by Jordan river water with clothes also as per the Old Covenant Law of God . Food for thought : the Levitical priest were to be washed clean (Numbers 8:7 ) for service of God and offer them for an offering to God ,Numbers 8:15 . A picture / symbol of Jesus .
I always read from people that they dont like it when someone is taking every Word of the Bible serious but i just realised that Jesus used Phrases out of the Bible pretty often too, so if our goal is to "try" live like Jesus we should take this wonderful Book serious because its only truth.
The blood never, ever loses it's power.
We need Jesus to lead us through this Vale of Tears ✝️✡️🙏🏻
the art is so cute 🤍 i like it!! ☺️💕
Excelent explanatión. Just 1 comment. In Génesis God said the seed of the woman Will come to deliver humankind from sin, AND he Is not just one of the future human descendants. He Is God Made flesh. This Is clear from the begonning.
Love all this we need the Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)
There is a respectful freedom, with God hence his gift of our willpower.
Thank you
Thank you My Lord
I really enjoyed God mercy and words ❤
What is a serpent? is it like a lizard. Seeing that God later speaks of snakes in Numbers instead of using the word serpent to Moses. And is the devil the only serpent.
Jesus has Triumphed over Sin t he True Lamb of God Our Most High Priest .🙏🏻
God veracity and God velocity to All in the name of our Lord and Savior, The King of Kings, The First and The Last, The Alpha and the Omega, The Prince of Peace, The Son of God, Christ Jesus.
Amen. 🙏
I love that this points out that both men and women were called to represent God and rule over creation. His original plan was messed up by sin, and that’s when a gender hierarchy was created, which God did not want.
Now, ALL believers are a royal priesthood, all sons and daughters of God.
I love your series.
You guys should do in African languages too
They are beautiful videos and really draw people in, but you guys are ear ticklers, sugar coaters… and I'm afraid you lean heavily towards a woke gospel agenda.. that's scary. If you are true Bible scholars, you know what The Bible has to say about those that lead people astray… woe.
I kove this art style. Well done. Thank you so much for tnese videos. They can change lives, bringing people back to Christ. Please keep making content!
Praise The Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah Amen
Isaiah62fast starts today!
You oaks are actually doing one heck of a job keep it up I love this channel it’s my favourite on this app
What scripture acount did Moses receive a vision of the "perfect high priest." having a bit of trouble finding it. I can't definitely see how that connects to the transfiguration in new testament.
Saw online some say it may be found in the book of Enoch, anything you can help me to reference it would be great thank you.
God is everything and nothing. Everywhere and nowhere.
Dear Bibleproject Can You Upload More Videos Please
This was great! The image of the ark of the covenant being in the second temple during Jesus time is false though.
Hi everyone at the Bible project just want to let you know your videos explain a lot about the scriptures they are brilliant .Please keep making them we need them thank you God Bless all of you.
Unsubscribing… yall are heretical! I pray you repent and stop your blasphemous deceptions!
PERFEITO 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
BibleProject creates free resources to help you experience the Bible. Everything we make is funded by generous supporters around the world. You can see our entire video library, check out our other resources, and give at bibleproject.com.
Good job guys. I'm very impressed with these videos.
They won't be accepted until they except Christ as their prophet after prophet Moses peace be upon him. He was our prophet as well and did his duty to his God. Don't speak against King Yeshua thinking he is not listening.
GOD is light in light in him there’s no darkness at all….
I am realizing something as I watch this. Jesus never submitted or went through the rules of the temple priests. In the way of becoming one of them and then doing His ministry. No wonder they were confused and offended at Him coming from the outside. But we know He did everything perfect and probably would not have been able to get to where He should be as one of them under their authority waiting to do what He needs to do
The gospel (the essence of Christianity) is actually quite simple and basic. It's simply a plan and solution to help sort out mankind-you and I.
There are complex and nuanced theologies but God doesn't discriminate. We don't have to understand everything about him or Christianity, just believe and trust Him
Wow I thought y’all were legit and learned from your videos forreal
He didn’t ask if he was the new high priest, he asked if he was the
Son of God. 63 But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God.
64 ¶ Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.
Matthew 26:63-64
the guys how make this videos dont belive inn hell…..Jesus talks more about hell than he talks about heaven. You a misleding children….. so you know what to do
I like your story. God bless you. 🙏🤗😇
Believers in Christ, we are chosen by God! He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us to be adopted through Christ for Himself, according to His own favor and will! Ephesians 1:4-5. We belong to God, and He chose to make us His own people through the new covenant of His Son. If you need the reminder today, just know that the Creator of the world, Yahweh, wanted to make you His own child through His Son Jesus, and you could never do anything to earn or lose how God sees you, and how you are chosen by Him to be his child. You can rejoice and rest in being God’s, knowing it had nothing to do with your merits, but about God’s grace and great great love for you!
oh you forgot that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD.