JFK Assassination 60 Years Later: The Conspiracy, Coverup, a…
On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was extremely assassinated while campaigning in Dallas, Texas.
60 years later on, the American people are still demanding answers and responsibility from the U.S. federal government, which seems to continue to hide the fact from citizens.
In a special interview with Liberty Sentinel chief of operations Andrew Muller, Jack Roth, an investigative journalist, historian, documentarian, and author of the book “Killing Kennedy: Exposing the Plot, the Cover-Up, and the Consequences,” shares a much deeper point of view as to the “why?” instead of the “when,” “who,” and “how” surrounding JFK’s murder.
Roth and Muller go over how the “how” and the “who” are simply landscapes to keep worried Americans from asking the most essential concerns: Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited?