Joe Biden Is “Brazenly Lying” About the Border Crisis | Ken Cuccinelli on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Fox Business, Thursday, March 25, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, Pres. Biden’s dishonesty about the border crisis, and why we need to get back to securing our borders.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CokRAk0ENTE
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Better stand up or prepare to bow down to the DeepState Donkey Party Of Lies!!!
Once a lier always a lier!!!
The Biden administration has no agenda.Thats why they lie, for they have nothing to say.
I'm glad to see we took care of all the American's in severe distress, paid off our 30 Trillion Dollars in debt and are now able to do "feel good" outreach pet programs like this.
All those people who voted for Biden must be spinning in their graves
Currently 70% illegal immigrant children are MALE 16-17 Years old …. these are CARTEL MEMBERS MORE THAN LIKELY as I remember a ARTICLE about cartel targeting teen American boys 13& up in tx to join CARTEL
we're in deep shit
He is a disgrace to USA as is the rest of the federal Gov .
Because if you have to be a prominent person of Education or whatever I can't do it..
Biden's Obama's international GENISIDE AGAINST OTHER COUNTRIES PEOPLE, with a plan for GENISIDE, no borders, for the UNITED STATES PEOPLE ….!
THINK NOT..? REMEMBER EBOLA, IN A TEXAS HOSPITAL. !??? What the hell were Africa Ebola patients doing in an American Hospital.!???
If it wasn't for Senator Rand Paul we would have had a Breakout just like covid-19 right here and right now with Ebola..! Question why the hell isn't Doctor Senator Rand Paul nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize..?
We are being systematically taken down from within. End times activities. The very speed at which this is happening is supernatural.
C'mon man, the ice age was Trump's fault
Can someone who's demented even form the intent to deceive ? You mean his puppetmasters are telling baldfaced lies.