Joe Biden Is Breaking Our Immigration System | Chad Wolf on Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Sunday, April 18, to talk about the border crisis, the Biden administration’s responsibility for the crisis, and why we need to get back to commonsense border security.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFalnZ4lR1M
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The impostor Biden and his disgraceful administration are at war with the American people. Blow up the Dominion machines and have another election before America becomes controlled by a communist dictatorship!
Wow. How uniquely unbelievable he reached that conclusion. Pretty outstanding. Most brainwashed media can’t see it. Much less entertain it. 🙄
The biden admin has already allowed in enough adult illegal aliens in order to get the illegal votes needed to defeat the GOP at all the polls. In other words, they have accomplished their illegal mission in that the Dimmie party is assured they will NEVER lose any elections ever again. Hence their opposition to mandatory Voter ID for Citizens! TY GOP for sitting on your duffs and not supporting President Trump. May all your children and grandchildren reap what you have sown as the Dimmies change the political scene of our Nation to Communism and open borders. Time to wake up people.
This angers me on a personal level. I have been on a 23 month struggle with the embassy to get my fiancee here in the US legally, jumping through hoops, spending several thousands of dollars, hiring an agent, and sending in all our personal info about our life about our legitimate relationship and all we hear is "the pandemic is slowing everything up." But yet Mexicans can cross the border willy nilly with no immigration process. This government wants to destroy traditional families, destroy relationships, increase crime, decrease law enforcement, decrease a person's ability to defend themselves, criminalize law abiding citizens, protecting criminals, capturing the minds and souls of our children; thereby destroying America at its foundations. The Lord God's judgement is upon this nation and the wicked are too ignorant to see it. May He have mercy with His people!
In this episode of our new series, PolicyLAB, test subjects were tasked with assembling a mysterious device called a Stirling engine, an early alternative to the steam engine, and a machine that offers a perfect segway into a lesson about asylum reform — an issue critical to all Americans: https://youtu.be/Dy7A0cGV7JA
The U.S has about one fifth of the worlds total migrants. Almost 80% are here legally with an increasing number coming from Africa. Nigerians living in the U.S have attained higher education levels and higher median income than the domestic population. This country has done much to support a reasonable system of legal immigration. Illegal immigration erodes the capacity to expand legal entry. This administration needs to take this crisis seriously.
Why is the Catholic church acting like a de facto arm of the US government ? Well, aside from the millions it's getting paid.
Bottom line ………………….IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE ! Remove criminal Biden and Koo Koo Kamala from the White House now !
When does Biden's immigration policy at the southern border move across the line to treason as he places the security of America in peril and the safety of Americans at great risk?
I'm so tired of ALL the talking 🙄 We know why Biden's fraudulent administration is letting the country flood with illegal migrants because they will be a new voter base. This is purposely being done, and it's a big "F*ck you" to the we the people. We know Biden isn't the most popular president in history, 80 million votes my ass! This is insanity
He knows he doesn't and never did have america's vote. He can only "win" with ilegal votes.
The Real Destruction of America by a lifelong Dictator
Power at any cost
Why is NO one impeaching THIS FOOL….Congress WAS impeaching TRUMP on a daily
Biden-Harris (a.k.a. Obama’s 3rd term) is intentionally destroying our borders, our national sovereignty. They are intentionally destroying our Republic. Criminal charges MUST be filed against these Marxists. They are practicing Coward-Piven every area to destroy our Republic by overwhelming EVERY system.
Socialist Democrats are at war against our Constitution and they are Traitors to our Constitution and our Republic. .