Joe Biden Is Throwing Out Strong Immigration Policy That Works | Ken Cuccinelli on Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Fox News, Tuesday, February 2, to talk about the latest on immigration, Joe Biden’s radical immigration agenda and why it will make America less safe and secure.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX3KUsSq9ZM&t=4s
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Selected not elected needs to be removed along with any other crooked politicians
I'm in Southern California and my Representatives have been allowing "guests" to squander our children futures for years – So more gated communities and a private security guard for everyone – will be the New American Normal?
Catchy title. Got me. Thinking, what could joebdn do with regard to common sense.
For Joe and the Democrats it's all about the money just follow the money
Course he would, why would he care otherwise if it gets him voters for the Dems?
Thanks for letting illegals drain healthcare because of entitlement. (Sarcasm) thanks for using us like sheep. You should call us sheople instead of people. Because BAAA why not (sarcasm) thanks for corruption, thanks for bending the american people over a barrel.
They need more voters so they don't have to cheat next time is why they want an open border
(๑ᵕ⌓ᵕ̤)>c[_] _( :⁍ 」 )_It will end, in about six months Biden will restart building to keep people in – but i have a plan┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴ been swimming daily so i will be able to swim the Rio Grande to Mexico 人人人人 へ( ゚ェ゚)_ 人人人人
Did anyone else notice that previous video that was uploaded on,y minutes before this one was taken down? “Holding the Line: Senator Mike Lee on Why the Filibuster Must be Preserved”
In 2006 Biden was all for the wall with Mexico, people seemed to forgot how he named the Mexican population…..but if Trump says Mexico is dangerous he deserves to be impeached, to be censored and executed if they wish…..
Immigration is getting ridiculous and not fair to the American people!!
Great plan Pres Biden. Now the kids in the cities, like Portland or LA, can get their drugs a lot easier. Also these illegals can start new human trafficking businesses to pay for donations to your party. I would suggest you also allocate funds to provide buses, so these illegals can be transported to cities like Portland, SanFran, and LA. Your new socialist govn really helps to clear out Mexico's prison.
Joe Biden, an American fascist dictator governing through autocratic executive orders, rather than through law. Sounds a lot like a little man with a little mustache in 1930's Germany.
Thanks for building as much of the wall you could President Trump and prayers for board agents guarding our country.
Russia had Joseph Stalin and we have Joe Stalin.
Those Decent people who have paid for and spent time and effort going through the Legal Process for Citizenship should be REFUNDED!!!!! The same for those who have paid for their Education and now find School and College Fees Rescinded for New Applicants!!!
This one move makes Biden a tyrant…allowing an invasion of our borders.
Joe doesn't care what works,,,,,its all theater….
There's only so much Biden can throw out.
Can anyone say IMPEACH JOE BIDEN? Or is the reason we're not because he's not a legitimate President? C'mon America – we have to stand against this reversal trend and turn it back on the loonies.