Joe Biden Tore Down Trump’s Strong Immigration Policy | Chad Wolf on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Monday, April 12, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, why the Biden administration tore apart Pres. Trump’s strong immigration policy, and why the Biden approach is bad for America.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrsa3P8OdUg
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Great awakening, BRING IT!
Democrats aren’t very good at enforcing the law are they. In fact the exact opposite. Take a look at Brooklyn Park for quick fact check on democrats and “law enforcement”
🤡🤡🤡 Biden HARRIS_MENT 🥳
Sending money to those people? Why not just tell it like it is and say that you are sending them travelers' checks and gas (coyote) money? That is all you will accomplish, but you KNOW that.
All democrats support the infiltration chaos at the border. They rely upon the results in order to stay in office and choose future installed officials. They are mocking concern for the cameras.
Democrats are the root cause
Pelosi is an angry beatch, Biden is a bad joke, and mataharris a heyna
Old men are dangerous: it doesn't matter to them what is going to happen to the world.” — George Bernard Shaw . Nancy is a nut and will do anything to keep power. Get these Lawless morons out of our power ASAP. These liberals on the left are compulsive liars . The enemy is within. Shame on you
Biden working to resupply the trafficked kids?
How low can you go Joe is a complete idiot!!