Joe Biden Wants Unlimited Immigration Into America | Mike Howell on Ohio Public Radio
Mike Howell joined WOSU Ohio Public Radio, Monday, January 25, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, why President Biden’s immigration plan is so radical, and why we must grant amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants currently in the U.S.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxOLyGk-e4U&t=70s
Mike is a senior advisor for Executive Branch Relations at The Heritage Foundation. Mike joined The Heritage Foundation in October 2018 from the Department of Homeland Security, Office of the General Counsel, where he was the chief legal point of contact for the department’s 3,000-lawyer office for all congressional oversight and investigations that concerned any of the department’s headquarters or component offices.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/mike-howell
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Those immigrants don’t understand that they’ll help America decline even faster to the point that it may potentially become a full blown socialist country. Ex: Venezuela. Prager U released a few quality videos that explain this.
Welfare + Open Borders = Total Collapse
how do you proof "asylum" or "refugee" from illegal?
…so this Biden moron worries about flights from Europe, but he cares nothing about illegals with Covid strolling across the border, bringing MS-13 and Jihad, drugs, and kids for sale….seriously….who voted for this POS
This amid imposing CCP-virus restrictions … WHERE is the SENSE in THAT?!?
They're saying there's a "pandemic" (PLANdemic … w/AGAIN – a 99% Survival Rate ) …
Thus lockdowns/etc are "necessary" … and thus MANY Americans are on hard times financially …
BUT YET – (now) OPEN BORDERS … CCP-OWNED Buy-done wants America DESTROYED!
Of course, they have made CA a one Party state with immigrants, next is the entire nation.
But of course the deterioration and collapse is a matte of time.
Mass immigration has stagnated wages and increased living costs for us. AND it just devastated countries by draining them of their best and brightest.
I'll use myself as an anecdote: I'm Italian and Italy was taken over by literal fascists after millions of people fled. Not a coincidence.
This President wants a total invasion of this country ,treasonous seats in r White House ,time to throw this guy out
Biden is FreeBase-ing meth with his son ,disarming the ppl and opening the door for a million Richard Ramirez….smfh. Asylum seekers and dacas destroyed California over the past 40yrs its unrecognizable.
No country in the world allows unlimited immigration. No country allows immigrants who have no work skills or without some means of independent income.
Makes sense. These illegal immigrants are his future voters.
Ok. I got a nice 4 bedroom in Scotland. If this is true. Anyone in Las Vegas wanna swap , now remember, you will also be swapping hot hot weather for torrential rainstorms and a 2 week summer period.
If nothing can be done about all this, moving to a different country sounds more tempting by the day.
What about blood testing to determine the kids really belong to the parents to reduce child trafficing.
who built the cages Joe!? …the joebama Administration is involved in some sick agendas.
He will not allow the raping of the other nation's land. They will have the UN, World Bank, Davos and you know it. This is pie in the face after Trump. You need to shut your pie hole dude. Go home and sulk.
This goes to show that the Wuhan Virus, China Virus, or whatever name this virus goes by nowadays, it's all a scam,a sham, a fraud and one great big giant lie that the Americans had to endure. Now don't misunderstand my words, the virus is real but the lockdowns are what is the scam. Now this sorry excuse for a president is allowing open boarders to allow every illegal alien to come across with who knows what disease they may have just for the Demoncratic Party to gain votes and maintain power.
Until the right uses the same Tactics as the left they will lose lose lose and lose again♎
Good luck to US citizens I'd start thinking of emigrating if i were you
It’s the only way they can grow their party.