Joe Biden’s Open-Borders Agenda Is Enriching Drug Cartels | Mark Morgan on Newsmax
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Thursday, May 27, to talk about the border crisis, the profits the drug cartels and smugglers are making from Biden’s border crisis, and why we need a common-sense and humane immigration agenda.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjce-wqRbFI
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Obiden is a drug dealer. It's been known for years that our government has been bringing opium, heroin into this country since Vietnam. Using soldiers bodies to do it. Why do you think we've been in Afghanistan so long. Why are we guarding poppy fields there? Uncle sam is the biggest drug dealer in the country
This would not have happened under the last P
ck it out – youtube ( Pinball Prepper – Prepping – Da Comrade! How we got into this mess
Biden’s open border policy is a criminal act considering the estimated number of gangs and terrorists entering the U.S. every day. A terrorists attack is eminent and that will lay directly on Biden’s Democratic lap.
Get those crooks out of the White House!
How many Americans hear this news that is factual, visually explicit and appalling?
Thank you for trying so hard to spread the truth.
Hollywood is getting their drugs and children
Love them or hate them – they are breaking laws and causing financial burdens and threatening lives of every legal resident
I can't understand why the Biden "regime" isn't under indictment for treason. Biden is refusing to enforce immigration law and in the process is endangering the security of the United States and the safety of American citizens. The Mexican drug cartels are making billions of dollars off of Biden's "open border" policy from illegal immigrants and Americans and their appetite for drugs.
It's the BHO administration all over again. JB is his puppet.
Do you remember Nancy Pelosi standing with a Salvadoran gang member also known as MS-13.These gangs are run by the same mafia as many of the border coyote gangs. Do you really think that Nancy does not get a kick back for all the illegal human traffic that is invading America? How many times has Congress taken vacations south of the border? Wasn't the last vacation they took a prelude to the now invasion of the U.S.A.? Don't forget Benghazi. It was about drugs, not guns.
Anyone that supports rape trees, child trafficking, raping of children, drug trafficking by allowing all these folks that were most likely provided with the camaflouge to slip into USA undetected is totally in SUPPORT and getting revenue from this illegal activity. The only ones that protect and help with this illegal activity of crime of raping childrenchild traffickingpedophilia and bringing drugs into USA are getting revenue from this activity. PERIOD! No one allows this unless they are justifying their own sadistic beliefs and actions. SomeONE is guiding them here and someONE is allowing it!!!! Hhmm…. For MONEY thru CRIME!!! Billion or trillion $$$ business.
Not only enriching cartels they’re making the Pedo Elites who hep elect Biden, very, very happy. When Trump was Pres. Child smugglers were busted constantly, but now under Biden children are streaming across the boarder. Now the Biden Gov. are flying children into the central U.S. where the Pedo Elites can choose without prying eyes around, like when the kids are in cages. Notice that Hillary is yaking a lot oTwitter now. She’s happy to.
China is profiting, too. Fentenlol.
Mass migration stagnates your wages and increases your living costs.
Biden Administration is our own National Security Threat!!!!