Joel Griffith on Coronavirus: Take Proper Precautions, But No Time to Panic
Joel Griffith joined Fox Business on March 2, 2020, to discuss what to expect as markets react to the coronavirus & what the Green New Deal would cost the average family.
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Joel Griffith is a research fellow in the Roe Institute at The Heritage Foundation. He is a research fellow for the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. Previously, he worked as a researcher for a former member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board. Joel also was Deputy Research Director at the National Association of Counties.
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Bernie leads when no one shows up to vote. GND = redistribution of wealth to the already rich. COVID19 = Hysteria to control the masses.
5G rollout too. Yay.
Have you seen the video out of Wuhan? Is horrifying what's going on there. The city at night is full of people screaming and yelling from buildings they've been barred up in.
Green New Deal — Putting GREEN $$$ in Democrats pockets!
A.O.C. – Asshole On Crack !!!
Stock Market Hiccup!
Guy sounds like he has coronavirus.
Watch as China collapses
Non-Communist Companies have "Learned their $$ Lesson" with the C-19 OutBreak.
Now, $$ Prudent Companies will seek to Mitigate their Exposure and move as much as possible .. Chains of Supply Out of Communist China to USA & ElseWhere.