Jordan Peterson and Lee Edwards on Inequality and Socialism
Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and their fellow socialists like to pretend that socialism is just another political system, leaving out some of the keystone principles that came from Karl Marx, the founding father of socialism.
This week on the Heritage Explains podcast, Jordan Peterson and Lee Edwards help us break down some of the fundamental principles of socialism that are carefully omitted by the mainstream media and the left.
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Jordan Peterson doesn't actually know what the origin of socialist theory is. He's barely read the original works of Marx & Engels. He prepared for a debate by reading the Communist Manifesto (hardly cracking the surface) for the first time. Real Socialism is worker co-ownership of the means of production. It has nothing to do with nation-state sanctioned economy. It's about decentralizing ownership into the hands of workers so they can also rise up out of poverty. Some companies practice a version of it and do exceptionally well for themselves and their workers. From what I've read, Publix supermarket practices their own version of it by handing the majority of ownership over to long-time committed employees who've worked their way up so that the original owners/family owns about 20% of the company while the rest is in the hands of employees. That's admirable in the face of what we're accustomed to seeing: mostly exploitation and companies now buying back their stocks when they get a tax break instead of re-investing into their employees. Publix is just one example. There are plenty of other cooperatives that are practicing real Marxism all over this world. Power to the people.
government ran health care example: V.A. Healthcare
Could anyone point me to the "mainstream media" pushing socialist talking points? I must have missed them.
Soon as you see Heritage Foundation… RUN. You are about to listen to a pile of bullshit just like Faux Opinion News.
Wait? Who is proposing complete socialism? Bernie wants to say free health care, and never said anything about taking all private property away. Certain industries are too important to be subject to greed. Like education that’s why we have free public schools.
I think he's missing one key point – Healthcare. I live in a Republican ran state, and out of college I couldn't get a good paying job with benefits, so for some time I waited on tables while I looked. I didn't make enough to qualify for the tax benifit for Obama Care, and my state did NOT expand Medicaid even tho I qualified, so I was told that I was SOL, here's a code so I'm not charged for going without healthcare. The cheapest plan for me was over $600, which I couldn't afford on top of rent. I'm not saying I want national health care, but I totally see the appeal in a situation like mine. The system is broken in some ways. But the government can't even run the VA properly, why would we think putting them in charge of the whole damn thing would be good?
Atheism is ACTS = Absolute, Complete and Total Stupidity and so is Communism.
Religion is one if not the Main and MOST important Trait that separates us Humans from animals. You see, Animals have customs, habits rites, and rituals, beginning with the mating rituals. What they don't have is religion because only humans have religion. Is granted by God to man to belong, have, or practice a religion. Is one of many and maybe the most important trait that separates mankind from animals who are below man in the Hierarchies of Creation. It is Uniquely Human to belong to, have a, or Practice a Religion.
When both of them talk about socialism, they make it the most extreme form of socialism. It would be like talking about capitalism being laissez faire where it’s everyone for themselves…kill or be killed. It’s not fair to present things like this. Both “systems” are essential.
I actually agree with Karl Marx on religion and that's about it,as with any ideology there are good points and bad points but humans will be humans and screw up everything because they don't agree with a part of the whole ,same principle applies to all aspects of human involvement
Australia…. government owned airline that has never crashed… Medicare for all that works to not bankrupt sick families… aged care that works… autism services best in world… drug prices that are affordable… no school shootings…. homelessness extremely rare… how is it all possible? 1. The wealthy are willing to pay more in taxes for such outcomes unlike USA 2. Public servants who actually serve the public compared to USA… btw I have lived in both countries.
Capitalism, voluntary production and greed. Socialism, compelled destruction and envy. Fake socialism, anything the left feels it should be.
oh god, this so misleading…. and I love JP. Democratic socialism isn't about doing away with private property…. it's about allocating government resources to programs and aiding those impoverished, and providing healthcare as they do in countries like Canada, Britain, and Germany… as opposed to just allocating our funds to greater military expansion.
"Karl Marx, the founder of socialism."
No, marxism and democratic socialism aren't the same thing.
American Capitalism appeals to those who begin with the most advantages . Capitalist pretend we all start at the same spot and the lazy losers fail because of lack of merit. The wal- mart family is worth more than the bottom 50 million citizens and they produce nothing. you make money for owning not working. They advanced because modern capitalist went and exploited the cheapest labor.
This is not a bad description of how in certain moments, socialist countries were organized, but these are not the ideas Marx defended. He did not defend the end of all private property in the sense of your personal objects, but focused on the so-called means of production. The idea that religion would disappear was not so Marxist as an Enlightenment idea, for people should appeal to reason and whatsoever. Marx did not defend the production of state bureaucracy, as he criticized the State as another manner of the elite classes to exploit the poor and concentrate capital. I have nothing against criticizing bad applications of socialist ideals, but we should make the critique in a more nuanced way. It is not as if capitalist third-world countries were (or are right now)living good moments under capitalism. Anyway, geopolitical and economic history as well as political philosophy are complex subjects. Let's study it more to understand the complexities of our world
Capitalism is not a bad system, but it needs to be restricted. You can not let companies do what they want, they will exploit workers, scam people, destroy natural resources…. These things just have to be tightly regulated by laws.
My hero
The increase in reporting crimes I think probably also has a lot to do with everyone having a cell phone on them at all times and everywhere they go.
complete exaggeration…. nearly all of the European countries utilize some socialistic principles and I don't see them complaining
Would you want your arrogant brother in law telling you exactly how to live your life and take everything from you? Who would you give complete control to? I cannot think of one except Almighty God. If socialism was God's plan it would have worked by now.
Millenials are being lied to but thank God that the majority of Americans are smarter than that and know that capitalism works. The world economy depends on the US system. It's not because of greed. It's the desire to live well and it increases productivity in the human spirit. Since when is it greedy to work hard and have a free exchange of ideas. These young people being lied to don't understand that socialism is essentially slavery and there has never been an instance where it has succeeded.
Aiye, yi, yi. While the “right” in the U.S. has given the great “gift” of Donald Trump – a pathological liar and malignant narcissist – to America, and the world, you guys are talking about a few freshman politicians as if they are a fifth column of Bolsheviks ready to tear down everything that’s beautiful. Give us a break – and Peterson should know better. He knows that not too long ago in Canada we used to call people like Bernie Sanders “progressive” conservatives. I find this whole narrative constructed by the “right” about people on the left like Sanders, and now a few members of Congress, almost laughable, a rather pathetic. But of course I haven’t inhabited an academic “bubble” like Peterson has his whole adult life, I live in the real world where quite frankly the “right” (and it’s gift of Donald Trump) is far more of a threat to the world at the moment, than Bernie Sanders or OAC.