Journalist Alex Newman Accepts Georgi Markov Award for Humanity 2016
International journalist Alex Newman accepts the Georgi Markov Award for Humanity 2016. Awarded by the International Institute of Anthropology and the Bulgarian Institute for Development and Innovation in Education and Science, the prize is given to one person annually in recognition of “extraordinary contributions to humanity in the 21st century. While Newman could not be in Sofia for the award ceremony, he did want to thank the organizations for the honor bestowed upon him. Markov was a Bulgarian dissident and journalist who defected from the communist People’s Republic of Bulgaria in 1969. Living as an exile in London, Markov used his platforms on BBC, Radio Free Europe, and Deutsche Welle to mock and expose the totalitarians enslaving his homeland. In 1978, Markov paid the ultimate price when he was assassinated on the streets of London. His murderer, an individual associated with the Bulgarian regime’s secret police, and reportedly with help from the Soviet KGB, used a micro-engineered pellet containing ricin. The deadly poison was fired into his leg with an umbrella. But his legacy lives on. Below are some of Alex’s articles exposing Bulgarian communist and UNESCO chief Irina Bokova, who was nominated by the Bulgarian government as a candidate to be the next UN Secretary-General. Needless to say, Bulgarians, and especially the many victims of the communist regime Bokova served, were outraged at the controversial decision. Alex did what he could to expose these facts to the world.
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