Just Say “Merry Christmas” | 5 Minute Video
Should Americans wish each other “Happy holidays” or “Merry Christmas”? Should an office “Christmas party” be called a “holiday party” so that it’s more inclusive? Dennis Prager answers these questions and more in this short video.
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The change from wishing fellow Americans “Merry Christmas” to wishing them “Happy Holidays” is a very significant development.
Proponents of “Happy Holidays” argue it’s no big deal – proponents of “Merry Christmas” are making a mountain out of a molehill.
But the “Happy Holidays” advocates want it both ways. They dismiss opponents as hysterical; but at the same time, in addition to replacing “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays,” they have relentlessly pushed to replace “Christmas vacation” with “winter vacation” and “Christmas party” with
“Holiday Party.”
So, then, which is it? Is all this elimination of the word “Christmas” important or not?
The answer is obvious. It’s very important. That’s why so much effort is devoted to substituting other words for “Christmas.” And these efforts have been extraordinarily successful. In place of the universal “Merry Christmas” of my youth, in recent decades I have been wished “Happy Holidays” by every waiter and waitress in every restaurant I have dined; by everyone who welcomes me at any business; by my flight attendants and pilots; and by just about everyone else.
When I respond, “Thank you. Merry Christmas!” I often sense that I have actually created some tension. Many of those I wish “Merry Christmas” are probably relieved to hear someone who feels free to utter the “C” word, but all the sensitivity training they’ve had to undergo creates cognitive dissonance.
The opponents of “Merry Christmas” and other uses of the word “Christmas” know exactly what they’re doing. They’re disingenuous when they dismiss defenders of “Merry Christmas” as fabricating some “War on Christmas.”
Of course it’s a war on Christmas, or, more precisely, a war on the religious nature of America. The left in America, like the left in Europe, wants to create a thoroughly secular society. Not a secular government – which is a desirable goal, and which, in any event, has always been the case in America – but a secular society.
Most people do not realize that the left believes in secularism as fervently as religious Jews and Christians believe in the Bible. That’s why “Merry Christmas” bothers secular activists. It’s a blatant reminder of just how religious America is – and always has been. So, here’s a prediction: Activists on the left will eventually seek to remove Christmas as a national holiday.
Now, the left doesn’t announce that its agenda is to thoroughly secularize American and European societies. Instead, they offer the inclusiveness argument: that “Merry Christmas” or “Christmas party” or “Christmas vacation” is not “inclusive.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/just-say-merry-christmas

I'm Korean, so I don't know much about this topic. But in Korea, Koreans always say "Merry Christmas." Korea has a much smaller percentage of Christians among its population than in the United States. I'm not a Christian either. But I think Christmas should be called Christmas. I think it's an act of respecting other religions that you don't believe in. Likewise, even if you don't believe in Buddhism, Buddha's Birthday should be called Buddha's Birthday.
How about we say whatever we want?
Weird how they talk about Judeo-Christian values but seem to favor Christian traditions more than Jewish traditions.
So I once worked at a register at a TJMaxx in the south during the holiday season. I’m Jewish and still, I tried to play along and say merry Christmas and wear Christmas attire, and wow did it deflate my self confidence. I was so embarrassed and I felt so fake and phony. I couldn’t assist people with their purchase like I once did. I was amazing at getting people credit cards and then suddenly, it disappeared. I couldn’t boost sales anymore by suggesting they grab a candle, or candy, and why not a resuable bag. I was so obsessed with having to hide something and make myself seem believable.
They just hate christ. They are demons.
CHRISTmas will always be a christian holiday.
Happy Christmas.
Dennis: Leftists are too sensitive
Happy Holidays
F- you Tommy Tallarico for helping PragerU make this video. His mother must be very ashamed.
Children, you’re not here to be used as entertain. If you don’t want to say merry Christmas, you don’t have to do it. No one should demonize you if you don’t want to party, you shouldn’t be threatened, seduced, or bribed to take part in someone else’s celebration. Since this man tries to sell your citizenship by requesting your currency in words, you don’t have to gratify him by acting cute.
Happy Holidays=Soy Face 😀
Based Merry Christmas. 🗿
Happy holidays Dennis.
Happy holidays prick
Americans are dumb, Why should the greeting "Merry Christmas" be banned?
happy holidays!
Guy is so butt hurt he has to imagine a scenario where he's a victim to explain his constipation.
I piss myself and tremble in fear whenever I hear an alpha conservative chad like dennis prager say Merry Christmas
Dennis prager is such an interesting specimen. I’m not political, I just find his behavior to be so interesting, like, in the same way people find Chris Chan to be interesting.
i love that my people (critics of this idiot) are here, i love all of you
I see a lot of people saying “we use the term ‘happy holidays’ to be more inclusive“, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, I think it misses the fact that it’s also been a normal thing for Christians to say to other Christians for a very long time and that this “war” is based on literally nothing. How about you spend your oil money on something that’s a bit less of a waste of time and space, Dennis?
is it just me or maybe I haven't seen enough politicians talk about things on the internet or in front of a camera but doesn't this guy sound like how dr Breen talks in half life 2 when he's up on that big screen in the plaza.
hi, i’m christian, i say happy holidays because, ready? 26 percent of us population isn’t christian, and wouldn’t celebrate christmas. meanwhile, in the whole world, only 31% are christian. we aren’t the only people, denis, other people exist.
i’m not christian, so every time i hear the phrase “merry christmas” i spontaneously combust. thank you dennis for exposing me as the joy-hating, woke, soy-guzzling beta male that i am.
Wait til they hear that "happy holidays" is actually an umbrella phrase that also applies to Christmas
I have never seen such a bunch of losers so wanting to be oppressed. Oh Golly, they said "Happy Holidays". Whatever shall we do? Get off your crosses, shitgibbons, we need the wood.
Christmas is by far and away my least favourite holiday. It's cold and dark, the lights are bright and give me a headache, I am constantly sick and tired, everything is closed, there's almost an expectation of me to buy gifts and money flies left right and centre. The worst part is, I don't celebrate Christmas, I celebrate Hanukkah but get wished a happy Hanukkah weeks after it has ended because people think it's the "Jewish Christmas". Why wish me a "Merry Christmas"? "Happy Holidays" is far more inclusive. That being said, in my country, the "Christmas Holiday" lasts from the 24th to 26th of December whereas "Winter Holiday" is almost all of February.
It's astonishing that these losers make any amount of money from this garbage
Most Christmas traditions have nothing to do with Christ, including the date of his birth. Most are either Roman or Northern Europen. Gift giving Roman and Christmas tree German. More examples can be found with an internet search. My favorite is from the Nordic Oppjurazhollandia it is a game called Anaxt Kasta af Akokunni, which is translated as the throwing of the cake where young men line up to see how far they can throw a one kilo fruit cake. The loser has to eat a one kilo fruit cake. Last year's loser is still constipated.
So, basically, saying "Happy Holidays" is a microaggresion.
Im not a religious jew, but i still celebrate Hanukkah alongside Christmas because its a part of my culture. So to me, saying "happy holidays" is like saying merry christmas and happy Hanukkah (and any other december holidays for that matter) at the same time, which i dont really see a problem with. And besides, its just two words lol
The point is, we can't cede control of language to the left. Not an inch. We do that, they'll be emboldened to take miles more. This isn't a slippery-slope; we've seen it before, and it's a lot more than Orwell pointing out how dangerous giving up control of our own language is.