Justice for Jack: Free Speech and Religious Liberty at the Supreme Court
Freedom of religion and speech are America’s foundation. Now, these fundamental rights are being challenged by sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) non-discrimination statutes and policies. The Supreme Court will soon hear the case of cake designer Jack Phillips. The State of Colorado ordered him to create a custom wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. Jack serves all customers, but his conscience won’t allow him to express all messages. Join us to hear Jack and others talk about the challenges of creating art and doing business in keeping with conscience in the 21st Century.
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Discrimination against minorities is not a form of free speech or liberty, it's just an exercise in bigotry.
The truth about marriage is what was at the heart of the debate over redefining marriage. Not broadening it but REDEFINING it from an institution created around meeting the needs of children into one which indulges the romantic desires of homosexual adults. Same-sex "marriage" is rooted in a lie. These cases are all about the government coercing and compelling the perpetuation of a lie, not just for the religious but for all of us, which is completely unconstitutional.
If u are blind, u’ll never know. Jack philip never judge nor condemn. God doesn’t prescribe homosexuality becoz it is self-destruction. Sadness & Happiness lives in the same coin, sadness is bondage, & ur happiness could be enslaving u (a slave of the flesh). God wants u to fight, close your eyes & start questioning it, becoz overtime, it will free u, like a blind man that just received his sight & be 4ever grateful..
The government should appoint Muslim bakers to serve gays and transgenders
Yes I had to block some people because of their nonsense. If Jack offers something else for the gay couple, how can that be discrimination? I feel that it's not. He owns the bakery. And it's a small one.
If you’re going to talk about religion, secularism, and atheism, at least know what you’re talking about. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines secular as follows:
a : of or relating to the worldly or temporal secular concerns
b : not overtly or specifically religious secular music
c : not ecclesiastical or clerical secular courts secular landowners
2 : not bound by monastic vows or rules; specifically : of, relating to, or forming clergy not belonging to a religious order or congregation a secular priest
It defines secularism as: “: indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations”
Secularism as it pertains to the government, per the constitution and affirmed by the Supreme Court is a government that takes no position on religion or non religion for that matter.
I couldn’t care less if you believe in God or not. Nor is it relevant that you ultimately rejected your former religion as “small minded”. It only demonstrates the source of your anti-religious bigotry. As to the Westboro Baptist Church hypothetical, regardless of how offensive any reasonable person may find them, they are a bona fide Church in the eyes of the law. As classified both by the state of Kansas and the federal IRS.
The civil rights act doesn’t just protect people you approve of. It is crystal clear they are in a federally protected category against discrimination. No matter how much you might try to spin it, your lack of objection of the government forcing a Christian owned business to violate their beliefs but not a gay
owned business to violate theirs, only further illustrates your own bigotry and hatred.
The gays and the left are always the violent ones.
See the police officer in the background at 12:36 ? I wish in america you could discuss subjects freely without needing protection from radical activists.
Thank God for freedom from religion.
SOLUTION: if god sends you a test and you fail it , god will take everything from you , because discrimination is against gods teachings
Is it called religion freedom when anyone can force someone to violate his belief or faith because of his right by refusing to give a service to someone that is not in it's consent.
It's written in the Bible it is better to fear God than to fear of men.
Which one is more important between God and money?
The Bible says that you can't serve two masters. Rather you choose one or reject the other one.
Suddenly, religion is waking up to the same kind of Governmental over reach that gun owners face regarding the Second Amendment.
First, it was still recognized that art is the same as speech when it celebrates or denigrates any recognized belief or behavior. Just as media outlets can put a disclaimer on any speaker making comment (you know, "the opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the network"), such a disclaimer could be demanded be placed on any artistic effort. From now on, any baker who disagrees with the message they are being requested to create art for can place on the cake a disclaimer, and it can be as big and prolific as any other writing on the art. Artistic expression has only one arbiter when it comes to sale. So, as long as it is made clear any request to deviate from any standard product they produce will require expressive and artistic effort, and therefore the value can be uniquely assigned.
When the next gay couple looking to get force a known Christian into making their cake, they can place the disclaimer and charge ANY price they want. $135,000 would be a good low number for consideration, since that seems to be the going rate for not "doing the right thing" and refusing.
Asstonishing – people who think they have a religious right to persecute folk who are cellebrating a civil right
Jack should no more have been forced to create a cake that he otherwise does not provide (even has it posted that he does not), than should a Muslim operated Mexican taco restaurant be required to provide "pork" tacos that it otherwise does not provide. Would you not agree? Thank you.
Go lookup "Bilderberger Group" to see their intentions for America
"God's Word forever shall abide, No thanks to foes, who fear it; For God Himself fights by our side With weapons of the Spirit. Were they to take our house, Goods, honor, child, or spouse, Though life be wrenched away, They cannot win the day. The Kingdom's ours forever!" – Verse 4 of the hymn, 'A Mighty Fortress is Our God,' composed by Rev. Martin Luther
The only way these people can lose everything is if they have the wrong definition. If Jack is putting his trust in his business, or Baronelle in her retirement savings, then yes, they can take everything from them, and likely will. But, if they put their trust in God alone, which it sounds like they most definitely have, try as they might, the government won't be able to take away from them the only thing that matters (their everlasting life in and through our Lord Jesus Christ). Praying for these and others in similar situations. May the gospel of Christ overflow!
Do you have a list of the speakers?