Kelsey Bolar: “Squad” Is Pulling Democrats to the Far Left, Socialism
Kelsey Bolar joined Fox Business on July 22, 2019, to discuss the Democrat “squad” and why they should be focusing their attention on their constituents.
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TRUMP 2020! 👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍
The irony is the Rumpelstiltskin Republicans printing trillions of $$$ out of thin air are the biggest closet socialists on the planet just ask Wall Street and the Housing markets… fueled by their globally socialized fiat currency they're parasitic Imperialists exporting their inflation around the world living off the backs of everyone else.
Pelosi and the Squad are a big reason the Democrats are not relevant to the majority of Americans. Trump will be re-elected.
Go trump
Democratic socialism is the same thing as radical socialism
It's amazing how Republicans keep saying that Democrats should be concerned that our party is moving too far to the left just because we have innovated representatives who are trying to enact policies like Medicare for all, Healthcare for all, and tuition free college that will benefit all Americans. Yet you never hear the Republicans asking if their party has moved too far to the right when they have accepted white nationalists, bigots, a racist president, and killer cops. They want to destroy our confidence with this hypocritical bullshit they are spewing. Our Democratic representatives are offering exactly what this nation needs. We need to remember that, stick with our representatives, and not fall for another Republican con. We need to vote Democrat every chance we get.
Socialist Squad = SS
I have never voted Republican but, I think I will not be able to ever again vote Democratic as the Party is far too Left and not protecting American Citizens.
I best change my affiliation soon
Foreign nations cannot beat America militarily so they collude with democrats to destroy america from within.
I’ve known and referred to democrats as communists my entire life because upon close inspection of their platform, even under Bill Clinton it is clear every one of their goals can be found in the communist manifesto