Ken Cuccinelli: Biden’s Radical Immigration Agenda Is “Ripping Apart” Our System of Laws | Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Fox News, Friday, February 19, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, the Biden administration’s radical new immigration agenda, and why we cannot afford amnesty.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH_4sE64oRg
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" Ripping apart our system of laws " well then, I guess they're succeeding in their mission
We haven’t had a system of laws for anyone under $500k for 20 years.
>I won't ban fracking.
-Bans fracking first-day killing tens of thousands of jobs
>We'll slowly get away from Keystone over 2 years
-Bans Keystone first day killing tens of thousands of jobs in the US and Canada
>We will forgive $50k in student loan debt
-At the town hall he said he will not be doing any student loan debt. literally $0.
>We will stand up to Putin and Xi
-Biden said Chinese Islam internment camps are "just differences between nations" we have to overlook
>we will give a $15/hr national minimum wage day 1 if we have the house and the senate
-Not Happening. Now its talk of only Federal employees getting $15/hr with reduced work weeks
>we will be giving $2k covid relief checks "out the door on day 1 of my presidency"
-may only be 1k and won't come until March/April
>Has already solidified $248million in weapons deals with Raytheon
-$440million in the works to be signed next week
>Trump is mismanaging Covid and killing people. We have a plan day 1
to slow the virus and deaths.
-Tens of thousands have died to Covid since Biden took office and appears Cuomo is responsible for 1/3 of the deaths when Trump was in office.
>we will lower health costs.
-Insulin went from $60 to $360 day 1 due to an executive order reversing Trumps order reducing the cost (for no reason other than Trump bad)
Democrats discarded laws and due process. Now if you’re a: Republican; Trump supporter; reject CRT or reparations, you’re labeled “domestic terrorists/white nationalists.”
This is a b***** interview.
I have no idea why the magnetometers in the House in Washington DC is any more insulting than magnetometers in an airport or a government building anywhere else in the country. That is an extremely naive and ridiculous position to take. The people who are elected to represent us in Washington DC are no more trustworthy, and in fact possibly less trustworthy, then most people I know.
You both are wrong. It makes perfect sense. The dismantling of the American legal system by executive Fiat is intended to create a dictatorship within United States that maintains the power of the Democrat Party perpetually. The only way to end this nonsense will require bloodshed. There is no question about that. The removal of these toilets from power is no longer feasible through legal means and lawful elections.
The stories told within the hunger games series are fiction coming to life. The character named snow within that book series is representative of either Joe Biden or Nancy pelosi hiding behind their razor wires in the Capitol City.
It doesn't make sense because the Democrats rigged the election they don't need illegals to come in to get their votes they can rig it so the purpose is to destroy America at all costs
God is ready to judge
Seems like an impeachable offense.
Mass migration hurts everyone. It stagnates our wages and increases our living costs AND it hurts the most vulnerable folks left behind in the foreign country when their best and brightest are drained.
Nobody is doing anything about these shills! Why complain if we just let them destroy us?
All these Immigrants are racist
Sometimes, I wish Asterisk-President Biden had an equally generous Migration agenda.
It's all about more voters for Democrats!
The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the GOVERNMENT, Big Tech, MSM, & their Enforcers! They steal your Freedom and Liberty, your money, your property, your privacy, your dignity, your future!
According to Our Government: Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, & Corruption of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society… Unless the Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, & Corruption is Perpetrated by the Government!
We once suffered from Criminals committing crimes, now we suffer from Psychopath Control Freak Government Agents making Laws to Control every aspect of your life and Violating the Constitution!
Rename Washington DC… ELYSIUM!
Stefan Molyneux – The Story of Your Enslavement – https://www.freedomain.com/videos/
Privacy: Who Needs it (Stossel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW3Kmw6-huI&feature=youtu.be
Gun Control and Venezuela (FreedomToons) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID8Ssy4sVC4
Knowing THE PLANS Of Our ENEMIES + Bill Gates video (Good Patriot) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8j2LidoNDs
Officer Pulls Guy Over and Seriously Regrets It (Audit the Audit) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7trNXpBU1k
Canada's 2001 climate predictions. How did they do? (CDN) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR6wds_ly2s
Vietnam Vet Beaten by Police in Unprovoked Assault at VA Hospital (IJ) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_wFX9bJFcs
Kevin Sorbo –
If you think 18 is too young to own a rifle
But 16-year-olds are mature enough to vote
15-year-olds should be able to get abortions without parental consent
And 7-year-olds are capable of deciding their own gender
YOU are the problem.
Kevin Sorbo – Name another country that taxes their citizens only to send the money to America. I’ll wait.
Lauren Boebert – Protecting and defending the Constitution doesn’t mean trying to rewrite the parts you don’t like.
Then some wonder why I have NEVER been a Democrat.
We're in the middle of a pandemic, millions of Americans have lost their jobs and the DEMOCRATS are opening our borders!!! Destroy America is their motto.