Kim Holmes on the 2010 Index of Economic Freedom
Kim Holmes discusses the 16th edition of the Index of Economic Freedom by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal.
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Fiat currency is fraudulent. Fractional reserve banking is fraudulent. The Federal Reserve and FDIC are fraudulent institutions created by the government. Manipulating interest rates is fraudulent. Allowing banks to mark their toxic assets at face value, instead of at true market value, is accounting fraud. The massive amount of off-balance-sheet transactions the banks have, is fraudulent.
Our entire banking system is based almost entirely on fraud.
Getting FACTS from the Heritage Foundation…
… is like taking dietary advice from Ronald McDonald…
actually, they have. look at the barbars off the coast of north africa as soon as right after the nation was created
Another Paulist feeling his oats comin outta the woodwork?
Should there be troops in Germany or Europe now that Communism has been neutered, `course not. To argue that people must be "strong armed" into believing in inalienable rights is laughable. These rights are innate and natural. It`s the opposite,they want us to convert to islam.
Sheesh, u paulists are in a Heritage Foundation posting. Your head in the sand kook ideas only fly amongst yourselves
You can quote the Constitution all you want but that will not make it right.Our founders did not envision the military setting up camp in 130 foreign countries,the military was to protect us from invaders,not to strong arm others into doing things our way.
The Constitution specifically authorizes a Military but does not specify how to word any deceleration of war. You seem to accept a theoretical military as long as that theoretical military does nothing.
Try P.L. 107 – 243 is VERY specific and the military achieved its goal and beyond, it`s repairing what it broke thru sheer magnanimity. The PL doesn`t get anymore Constitutional.
You deny the koran specifically dictates the conversion of all infidels?
It`s clear you`re an obvious Paul crank now.
S.korea is not being "occupied", Germany. Iraq,etc. NONE of these countries` govt.s have stated the yare "occupied". You`re straw man is exposed.
Congress did declare war and the Constitution does not specify HOW Congress must word it.
Try P.L. 107 – 243 then get back to us here on planet Earth. U know jack shit of the US Con.
Look, you Paulists are gonna get your heads handed to u when u think u can debate your kook ideas.
Islam is about the geography of the mind. They demand all bow to their god and the fact you didn`t know they invaded Europe is STUNNING!
What next, the CIA bombed the WTCs with remote controlled planes and used demolitions that no one saw being planted ! ?(shakes head,walks away)
you`re simply naive and ignorant of history.
Charles Martel, look it up, learn it and repent the simplistic errors of your ways.
Paul thinks he can ignore Islam and it will just go away and not bother us.
Tell that to Charles Martel.
RINOS won`t solve a thing, only strict Originalists aka Constitutionalists will. No,not the Ron Paul head-in-the-sand types either.
The GOP and the Democrats are like 2 passengers in the same car,same destination.Each take a turn at the wheel. The diff is the democrat floors it and goes 100 MPH and the RINO simply observes the speed limit.
All economic bubbles are created by government policy.
Start with fractional fiat currency and the Community Reinvestment Act. Then get back to us here in reality.
@helltrackrider Bush left office with a $459 billion deficit. That was after 8 years. Obama came in and spent $1.4 TRILLION in under a year. Did you see where the Dems want to raise the Debt Ceiling to $1.9 TRILLION for their 2010 spending budget. Guess that is another Republican problem in your blind liberal eyes?
I am so sick of this Republican/Democrat thing. Hold them ALL accountable!
Still, in either of his terms he still spent less than 0bama did in just his first year.
Bush wasn't a good conservative, but he was certainly doing a better job than what we've got now.
Get the Republicans back "AS SOON AS POSSIBLE".