Learn What All Spiritual Beings in the Bible Have in Common
Did you know that the biblical word for God, Elohim, is actually a title and not a name? And did you know that “Elohim” can refer to other spiritual beings as well as to the creator God? In this video, we explore the biblical terminology for spiritual beings and how this helps us understand what the Bible means when it says that “God is one.”
Special thanks to Dr. Michael S. Heiser, author of “The Unseen Realm,” for script consulting on this series.
#Elohim #BibleProject #BibleVideo #Angels #Demons #DivineCouncil
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Elohim is the fallen angels
Elohim are space aliens🤦🏽⚠️
This is a lie
One English Lit. Student who's dad is Jewish inspires God to make these videos – it's not fair.
Elohim is a collective consciousness of the highest form and are considered to be the architects of this reality. They have established the design of many different realities in both material and non-material forms to allow consciousness to incubate and evolve.
Elohim is therefore perceived by us and many others to be a creator collective, a consciousness that is considered to be God in some traditions. They provide supervision, balancing, and continued observation of their own creations.
As one of the original seeders of human consciousness, Elohim carries an important role in humanity’s existence and has chosen to support us at this pivotal time in our awakening and consciousness evolution.
“We have assisted humanity as part of one of our creations in its evolution. We are the architects of this reality, of this world, of space and time, of the material experience, of consciousness.” – ELOHIM
God bless you Amen ❤️
Whats wrong with you guy. you are making good lectures for good being , but you are corrupting many things with your video: you say jesus is god than , god is money god Elohim, than there is a supreme God , than there is his counsil like he needs advice….whats wrong with you!!! there is only one creator that have Engel and he dont need them, and he have Messenger (like jesus and moises ) and he dont need them neither . you think its a playground or a playmovie. at least if you have missunderstood your book , read other books (Torah, Quran) so that you can find a just definition of words and meanings. thank you
Did they say gods with a lowercase g? As if there's more than 1?
woe to this who changed Allahs words.
Elohim= Allah.
this video is blasphemy
too nad no jews believe this. nor does islam.
elohim is allah , do the research and translate it.
Is it bad to call God as "The Elohim of the Elohim"? The 1st Elohim referring to God as a name while the second Elohim refer to the title?
El +Om/Ohim
ElOhim reffers all Manifestation of El/One/Singularity.
Like Hinduism Brahman/Bramh/Sat is Singularity and Tat is reffers Manifestation of Sat/singularity/One
Through Om.
That's we Say Om Tat Sat.
Is similar meaning with ElOhim
Alohim ( Allah ) is One God not Three like Fake Jesus
I love this content soo much!!
Elohim is a plural word. So there is no god. Our creators are called the Elohim. Yahweh is their leader.
I glorify your holly name Yehsua!!!
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
1 Thessalonians Four Sixteen-Seventeen
is a plural
Elohim are
the angel beings
In Hinduism 7 levels or lokas of heaven and hell.
You atheists know nothing because your dummies 🫵
This Bible project awesome!!!!!!😮😮😮