Left Won’t Be Satisfied Until They Get Amnesty, Open Borders | Chad Wolf on Biden’s Border Crisis
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Tuesday, August 3, to talk about the Biden border crisis, how the crisis is overwhelming our Border Patrol, and the crisis’ effect on the COVID crisis in the country.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWnBh7mBpAQ
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So, more bridge's need to be constructed?
this could be easily stopped if Washington DC would do the right thing and place some of the hundreds of thousands of federal troops we have on the southern border — not to mention build the wall which could be easily done in no time flat with hundreds if not thousands of army corps of engineers personnel
Republicans talk and talk but they do nothing 🙄
I guess the question is what are Republicans going to do? Something? Anything?
the lefts ideas of Abolishing prisons and police, abolishing private property, allowing segregation, abolishing fossil fuel, switching to renewables and allowing free healthcare, education and collage would lead to inflation rising, the US running out of money, unemployment rising, crime rising, the US without power and lead to lawlessness which would make every criminal, gang and mafia as dangerous as Mexican cartels which would force every illegal immigrant to flee back to mexico and ever innocent American forced to turn to crime or flee the US into europe and every big business such as dell and microsoft would flee into europe and the US would be as bankrupt as Greece
Spread the word everywhere, especially cali residents! Larry Elder for California Governor!
Guatemala signs to Kamala June 2021. Keep your 860mil bribe we want work not charity. Stop funding criminals that make people migration to America…
Half of year is already gone and look what messed they have done.
Get it right, the left will NEVER be satisfied! They live for keeping everyone afraid and they will never have enough power to control people and even after all that having victims is key to their very existence, so they will always find someone they can make into a victim! This mentality only has one silver lining and that is that they will consume themselves, the only question is how long it takes for that to happen!
What a bunch of BULL!!!!!
BYE-den Admin is ordering ICE that they must allow ALL immigrants in — unless they have been found guilty of a crime in the last 10 yrs.
REAL CASE: They ordered ICE to RELEASE a MURDERER who committed the crime 10 yrs + 3 mis ago!!!! And he had been in PRISON for the LAST 10 YEARS!!!!!
This is being done on purpose by the Demorats. They know they only have 2 yrs to destroy this country as much as possible. U can bet the house mashed potatoes for brains will grant them amnesty next yr.
If enough spread happens they'll have mail in ballots for '22.
Violating U.S. citizens rights and liberties while letting non-citizens spill over the border and bussing them all over the country, spreading highly contagious variants of the very virus they use to violate our rights and liberties. 🙄
So, who says their satisfaction is of any importance? Throw the bums out!!! Full scale letting in of people is an INVASION! IT MUST STOP!!!
Lady you have it backwards. The illegals aren't being abused, they're abusing us…the US citizen.