LGBT & Islam Allied Against Christianity – Alex Newman & Tanya Gaw
In this interview, Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman talks with Action 4 Canada co-founder Tanya Gaw about the alliance between LGBT forces and Islam to undermine Christian civilization. Central to this is the hijacking of education and schools to destroy Christianity and biblical morality.
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LGBT people just want to live their lives you heterosexual.
Awesome! Great content, very informative, presented in love! Strong supporter of Alex Newman and thenewamerican.com...
Thank you!
And is it just me or is it a little weird that every other group has hate laws to protect them,BUT Christianity!! There is nothing to protect Christians. There are laws to protect Islam, LGBTQ’s, Jews but the faith that this country was built on has zero laws to protect them. Hmm. Maybe it was so this can go unchecked
Jesus was a racist jew …..Mathew 15:22
I have a degree in math, a CA teaching credential for math and 50 years of experience. Yesterday, I tutored a 5th grader in her math. I observed that the activity being asked was entirely inappropriate for the student's age! I suspect that whoever wrote this, has no idea of child cognitive development!! This kind of assignment is confusing to the child (and many adults who may try to help) and discouraging. I believe this causes kids to hate math so that they stop math classes as soon as possible … hence, they are limited in future science and engineering learning … "STEM"
Evil has always hated Christ and His Church.
"In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act." (& love is a courageous act also)
Keep speaking the truth 👍