Limiting Government …and Cutting What It Can’t Do Well — Saving the American Dream
http://www.savingthedream.org | “A billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” The late Senator Dirksen’s caution against government spending has become reality: Washington is out-of-control. Alison Fraser, Director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation, unpacks how America can balance the budget by bringing federal spending back within reasonable, Constitutional limits.
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END THE WARS….have the Money to preserve America's Long-standing SOCIAL PROGRAMS, which are beneficial to the elderly, unemployed, and impoverished families……
but instead we gave our money to the suits on Wall Street…..unreal.
@tenhundredkills Good question. HUD stands for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Funny how the HF is included in a list of non-profits that are involved in manipulating the American public.
Federal Gov is the root of all problems in this economy. Control control control. Now you've gone and strangled out the economy. Good job.