Lt. Col. James Carafano: Keep Pushing Back on China’s Coronavirus Propaganda
James Carafano joined Fox Business, Thursday, March 26, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, China’s efforts to shift blame from Beijing for the outbreak, and the need for Americans to work together to stop the spread of the virus in the U.S.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/james-carafano-chinas-anti-us-coronavirus-lies-ridiculous-but-it-could-work
Visit heritage.org/coronavirus for more!
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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China keep Pushing Back on American lies
Wow powerful pushing covid-19 back china
Australia Says 80% Of Coronavirus Cases Traced Back To US – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKADMPZqbE8
You are discussing. This Russian station
Is it fake news? Complementing this president mean so many deaths of Americans shame
Like Pakistan which portays itself as the biggest victim of terrorism…. China is portraying itself as the biggest victim of Coronavirus.
So it is unfair to call China as the source & perpetrator of Coronavirus just as it is wrong to call Pakistan as the source & perpetrator of terrorism.
You have a very smart man there, great video!
Check out our coronavirus playlist, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBs6_t5NjudR8-l18UrDRVr20HG62ipkr
I wish people would stop listening to these politicians and use their brains. Covid19 is a glorified flu. It already passed through my town back in January, my entire office and family along with many people I knew had it. It is a strain of sars and similar to swine flu in the amount of down time. Don’t get me wrong it’s highly contagious and we were all out of work /school for a minimum of a week but people with average immune system will pull through and when it’s over will have built up immunity. There immune system will be much stronger. Those in high risk categories, seniors and those with weak immune systems should be quarantined but we should no be throwing the US into a Great Depression over it. Forced quarantine is not only a form of martial law it is a violation of ur fifth amendment. It isn’t the bubonic plaugue. 646,000 people died worldwide of the flu last year and 2.5 million died of pneumonia in 2017. The death counts if those two viruses are catastrophic compared to covid19. Why are we shutting the country down??? The emporer has no clothes on and no one is questioning this
The Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda fueled this pandemic by intentionally and recklessly delaying crucial information sharing amongst foreign governments. The CCP must be held accountable for the lives and livelihoods destroyed from the virus that originated from Wuhan, China. Never forget, the CCP lies and people die.
Fox is the most popular and viewed network. IT IS MSM. Let’s stop worrying about China and focus on what’s really happening here. $700B in stimulus somehow is $2.2T now and that’s not the $4T in federal reserve printing. Our dollars value is under attack and the top 10% are going to be wealthier than they were a month ago. They gambled, they lost, we pay.
Why is no one talking about the politicians in New York in early February telling everyone don't lesson to Trump he is wrong this virus is not bad do what ever you want and now they are saying Trump needed to do more most of the politicians are cowards and need to be removed
Ironic how Trump has had to fight MSM and Democrats during his term and now China spewing lies about this virus , at least Americans can get a feel on how it feels to be attacked for things that aren’t true !