Lt. Col. James Carafano: Trump Has Huge Leverage Against China and He Should Use It
James Carafano joined Fox Business, Thursday, April 10, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak, and the damage the outbreak will do to China going forward.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miva4chdfyg
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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Everythang is made in China never America.so.until I see made.in america.i won't buy it again.
Until these books say made in America I'm not ordering from them again every thang we have iny he isade in china and I'm sick seeing it.
Coronavirus weaponise, coronavirus part of conspiracy
I don’t want to buy anything from China anymore.
A few years ago, Carly Fiorina was running against Barbara Boxer for the US Senate. One of the huge attacks that was made on Fiorina by Boxer was that when she was at HP, she sent a lot of jobs overseas. Do you really want a senator that sends your jobs outside of the US?
Personally, I felt that Fiorina didn't address this issue very well. She never said to me what was obvious, but I think is not so clear to most voters who take what they are told and don't think about the bigger picture. Put simply – would you rather have someone in the senate that has sent jobs overseas and knows why jobs are being sent overseas? Or would you rather have the career politician who put all the regulations in place in the first place that are leading businesses to feel like they need to send jobs overseas.
For people who think they are only going overseas because the labor is less expensive – please realize that most companies would rather be local. Dealing with time and distance differences is a burden, so they are only going to choose to go that direction if there are very compelling reasons. Yes – cheaper labor is part of that, but it is hardly the whole picture.
Carafano is exactly right in this video, but the emotional left is still going to want their policies and will claim that it is the heartlessness of the right that is causing businesses to use foreign labor. We need to tear down a lot of regulation and to make it appealing for businesses to stay here.
Remember how the republicant's screamed about 3 Americans being killed in Benghazi and now Silence when its thousands of dead Americans! Benghazi was Hillary's fault because she didn't act quickly enough. Covid-19 are Trumps fault because he did not act quickly enough!!! In 2014 there were 11 cases of Ebola in the united States and 2 deaths and Mr Trump demanded that President Obama resign immediately. As of today, Covid-19 cases are now 469,218 and 16,693 deaths in the United States and fragile Trumps ego and incompetence compels Trump to insist he is doing a great job.The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs. His poor choices will bankrupt the country just like his failed casinos. And instead of Trumps daddy bailing his ass out its the American tax payer! Remember when he said the numbers "would drop to zero" in a few weeks?
Shouldn't we hold Trump to Trump's own standard?!
Trump supporters that found community in their secret hatred of everyone else are now themselves afraid because of trumps selfish choices. Your anger nor your Qrazy conspiracies will ever win the Minority elected Trump a single new vote. The families, friends and co-workers of the deceased and the 20+ million unemployed will have a very hard time voting for the denier and chump trump. Remember the majority of Americans didn't vote for trump the last time.