Make No Mistake — This Crisis Was Intentional | Ken Cuccinelli on Biden’s Border Crisis
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Just The News, Wednesday, March 31, to talk about the border crisis, why the Biden administration is pushing so hard for its open-borders agenda, and why this agenda is so harmful for America.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnNi_buM3EY
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you can't drive on down in mexico everyone always says. but new laredo we went there. steven spielberg was there once when we were there filming he always carried the camera whenever we saw him n' his friends travelling around. banditos bandits down there n' we don't mean the bikers gang. spanish word* bandits stop the car you pay to drive down the street.
Same SCRIPT in Italy Sweden Denmark France London Germany Finland Spain Biden Harris are Globalist Puppets AntiAMERICAN leadership This was well planned Every Homeless American Citizen Family and Homeless Vets should Storm Biden Harris and friends homes with tent cities. This is not acceptable destroying. America as fast as possible
Texas that's your border block it don't listen to the sicko in the office or downstairs
This is to get the 2022 primary and the 2024 elections for the democrats. It is intentlonal.
Make no mistake, George Soros and his tribe / ilk destroying USA and western civilisation…
Yes it is intentional
So where are the military? Dying of shame?
It is a shame what is going on at the border. And the so called president is doing nothing. This administration is a disgrace
Isn't this another way of them to be buying votes – which is ILLEGAL!
Create more Dem voters. That’s the “thinking behind it”
The Heritage Foundation +
Is it true that Trader Joe Lieden is going to Guantanamo for military trial? I guess for treason and crimes against humanity.
Why are people coming to the US border wearing new Biden T Shirts?
Biden's Human Trafficking business is booming. He won't visit his business enterprise for obvious reasons. Only challenge Biden has is his left6 knee.
America is lost. What a pity Americans allowed Biden to steal the election from them.
2022! Vote for all Republicans because the Democrats want to replace us. Make all those that voted for Biden pay for all illegals. The migrant children are being abused even throwing babies in the river.
They want more democrat voters. This is their strategy to reach that goal. These people are more easily controlled than the average American citizen.
284,000 per illegal family and they gave US $1400.
Make No mistake – any reasonable person should know this
It's like we have an Afghanistan on our border! There is no Government there, just Cartels. Time to invade Mexico & bring order!!!
We house migrants but have homeless on the street
Mass immigration toppled Roman Empire. Globalist know that. Here comes one world order
This is just an updated version of the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" to overload the system, which will cause the system to collapse.