Marking the Times Episode 17: America's Role in the End Times
Dr. Hitchcock discusses America’s role in the End Times.
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Dr. Hitchcock discusses America’s role in the End Times.
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Given the political situation as it is now, it doesn’t look like America will side with Israel.
Could it be that America is that which is being represented by the Eagles wings that are seen growing from out of the Lions back?
great job as always, love your teachings!
Mark, The 10 kings of Daniel 2:40-45 will emerge out of the EU and are being prepared right now. France's P.M. Macron has called for a '10 Nation Coalition' in the Defense area, and Germany's P.M. Merkel has just called for a '10 Nation Member rotating group' in the UN Security Council to give Europe one voice, these articles can be googled from 'politico.eu' and 'express.uk'. The way I see it is that the 10 kings will be the final phase of this 'divided kingdom of iron and clay' and will give their authority to the Antichrist, and rule with him for a short time, Daniel ch.7, Revelation 17:12-18. I believe the EU is this 'divided kingdom' for many reasons, but here are 5 important ones….#1. The EU began in its nucleus form at the same time Israel became a Nation in 1948, and then expanded to the 27 now, and growing to include other Balkan countries. #2. There has never been anything like the EU in history, it is made up of Sovereign Nations that have formed this 'non-imperial empire'. #3. It has Boundaries, and Boundaries are what make a Empire or Kingdom. So…in order to fulfill Daniel's description of the final kingdom Boundaries are required, or it is not a Kingdom with Nations outside of it. And think about this…all the Empires listed in Daniel 2 had one thing in common, they had Boundaries, with people groups outside of them. This is what the European Union has that a 'world block of 10' does Not have. #4. The EU is Israel's Neighbor and very dependent on the EU for trade. Also, Israel has signed Gas Deals with Greece and Cyprus, and is in the EU-Mediterranean Union. #5. Israel is Western in its thinking, just like Europe. It has been my privilege in watching the EU move forward over the many years to finally see EU Leaders calling for a group of 10 Nations, and it is very fitting time wise as the Middle East is being prepared for the coming 'War of Gog of Magog', Ezekiel 38-39. The stage is being set and the Actors are getting in place for the GOD'S End Time Drama to be fulfilled. Maranatha!!!