Marking the Times Episode 45: Withdrawing Troops from Syria
Dr. Hitchcock discusses the recent announcement by the Trump Administration to withdraw troops from Syria and how it could be setting the stage for the End Times.
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Yes,and today,Al bagdahdi is gone.Praise the LORD,GOD BLESS PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.
Mark I like that you mention Rosh as being Russia. I prefer translations that Say "The Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, rather than, the chief prince of Meshec and Tubal. I have two copies of your book, Russia Rising.
Dr. Hitchcock, Trump has betrayed Israel into the hands of Russia, Turkey, and Iran, and you lack the courage to say so. Shame on you.
Don't forget Cush and Putt. Sudan just went up to Syria this week.
Oh I hope this is it, we need to get this show on the road!
Thank you Bro. Mark. The Lord bless you and I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.😊😊❤️❤️
Thanks again Pastor Mark for all you do and all the information you put out on your video blogs it is very much appreciated I hope the information that you put out today isn't the beginning of the end of times, it seems that some of the prophecies are beginning to come true.
Thank you Merry Christmas God bless you