Media LIES About Global Warming and Climate Exposed by Alex Newman
In this amazing speech at the Inconvenient Lie conference by Freedom Force International, award-winning international journalist Alex Newman exposes the mainstream media’s blatant lies to promote the man-made global-warming theory now known as “climate change.” Learn the truth about Al Gore’s documentary and the climate.
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so whats the real deal? Earth gets really cold and then warms up. inbetween the really cold we have a period like were in now with summers and winters with sometimes extreme weather, then we go back to an ice age. All the man made warming is a complete political BS story.
It's surprising to see so few views on this upload considering it's been up for almost a year. The biggest issue I see is that most people refuse to look at facts and think for themselves and would much rather have a figure of authority spell it out for them. That's precisely how dictatures and tyranny come about, whether from the left or the right.
Great stuff thanks Alex!
Is this Alex’ channel? If so, I’d love to interview you for a documentary I’m working on. I’ve been a huge fan of yours since I saw your reporting on A 21 last year.
Liars portray themselves as truth seekers, authoritarians portray themselves as freedom fighters. "Liberty Media", "inconvenient lie", "freedom force". Nice disguise.