Media Needs to Report that Journal Corrects Transgender Findings | Ryan Anderson on CBN
The largest dataset on sex-reassignment procedures—both hormonal and surgical—reveals that such procedures do not bring the promised mental health benefits.
People who experience a gender identity conflict should be treated with respect and compassion. And they deserve to know the truth.
We need to find better, more humane, and effective responses to those who experience dysphoria.
Ryan Anderson joined CBN News on Tuesday, August 4, to discuss the American Journal of Psychiatry this week correcting its findings from a previous study that claimed sex-reassignment surgeries improved mental health of patients with gender dysphoria.
Learn more about what happened: https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/08/03/transitioning-procedures-dont-help-mental-health-largest-dataset-shows/
Ryan Anderson is the William E. Simon senior research fellow within Heritage’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/ryan-a…
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I pray that all Transgenders find their true identity in Jesus Christ!
Very good to know.
"Beware the yeast of the Pharisees." This video is a perfect example.
The correction says if we ignore certain data, ("cherry pick") we can say SRS doesn't improve mood or anxiety after attempting suicide.
From this Dr. Anderson concludes there's no psychological benefits. But he leaves out so many details.
Hormones and SRS do improve gender dysphoria.
What's his alternative? Talk. And yet that's what most transgender people did until 2014. And the suicide rate was 40%.
Why doesn't Dr. Anderson use this argument with chronic pain? It's treated with surgery and doesn't improve mood or anxiety. In fact chronic pain sufferers account for 10% of the population and 9% of the suicides.
The correction:
"While this comparison was performed retrospectively and was not part of the original research question given that several other factors may differ between the groups, the results demonstrated no advantage of surgery in relation to subsequent mood or anxiety disorder-related health care visits or prescriptions or hospitalizations following suicide attempts in that comparison."
Looks like the study may have been recorrected or something? The conclusion now says that the study lends support to recommending gender affirming surgery to trans people who want them.
I wonder if the heritage foundation will report on this!
Here's a thought….get your heads out of your asses!!!! Please, no body would waste their time talking about this fed and instilled way of thinking except that it is the perfect distraction to your failing marriage
what would be my alternatives as a trans woman to hrt?
Slight correction to the terminology used.
It is now "Gender Confirmation Surgery" not "Gender Reassignment".
Because becoming a surgically mutilated male/female does not make you an actual male/female.
See this not going to be news
Confirmation bias, got it.
Thank you for posting
That should be shouted from the rooftops; you can't change sex. but Transactivists won't allow that to happen. They have to control the narrative.
God does not make mistakes ………
Like that supposed to be a surprise? Most these people who have the surgery and up killing themselves but that won't be reported.