Medical Risks of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children
Michael K. Laidlaw, MD, is an Endocrinologist practicing in Rocklin, CA. Dr. Laidlaw graduated from University of Southern California School of Medicine in 2001 and has been in practice for 18 years. He explained the dangers of radical new transition-affirming therapies for children with gender dysphoria.
Summit on Protecting Children from Sexualization: https://youtu.be/7DwKS1QPh1k
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thank you for this. I will be watching this as I work training for an 100m ride, and in doing so I will remember why I work towards being a big buff trans man every single day. In looking for a perspective that approaches the idea of being transgender from a neutral but explanatory standpoint, all I find is this shit. understand dangers, but support your children.
I think psychiatrist are understanding and assisting people who are hurt or abused
I’m flabbergasted that they were saying this four years ago and here we are now in 2023, and it has exploded into the mainstream political sphere
Everyone knows about it now
"mummy mummy i want a playstation for xmas" now " mummy mummy i want to be turned into a girl for xams"…. The mum has to do or gets reported
10, 13, 14 years old !!!!! What the HELL is the medical world thinking???? Shameful, Shameful behaviour.
Trans community need to stop dictating treatments. Blame the woke brigade amongst social workers, psychologists, mental health nurses, counsellors – all being shut down by woke colleagues. Shame on professionals for allowing the shameful experimental treatment that is "affirmation". This is butchery of young people who have mental health issues.
The physiological cause of Gender Dysphoria is gene mutation in the gonad section of the brain causing deformation of hormone receptors.
Besides the social contagion there is a direct correlation between the #1 most widely used commercial ambient pesticide worldwide Glyophasate,which has had a 500% soil saturation level increase over the past 20 years. It has also been scientifically proven to mutate genes & be an endocrine disruptor. Many countries have already banned it due to the proven severe health risks to prenatal & infants. Amongst the proven health risks in utero include: cancer(s), neurological disorders, autism spectrum, gender Dysphoria, birth defects, infertility, etc, etc.
The EPA, FDA, NIH & WHO have been aware of these health risks & have been actively covering up & lying about the scientific empirical facts. 98% of all beer & wine, grain products; such as cereals, breakfast foods & snacks, soy products, ALL GMO foods contain increasing amounts of Glyophasate. Glyophasate must be banned worldwide!!! It is the greatest threat to the continuation of humanity!!!
When y'all anti transgender people lose y'all should know it's cause you're corrupt and cause you're mean, and it just makes you losers. You just simply deserve to lose, it's because you're awful terrible mercilessly beguiling and evil people is all. You're gonna lose, cause you're corrupt evil losers, HA HA!
Oh, and you're all going to go to hell with the Satan and all the other religions and political oppressive and genocidal sociopaths and psychopaths before you, HA HA!
Crimes against humanity do not expire. We will wait.
Ok, now I’m familiar with Dr Laidlaw. WTF aren’t any other physicians speaking out on this? The rest of us think you’re all crazy for defending insanity.
I am a registered nurse, retired. I have made a study of this topic for several years. I read the surgical documentation of the penile inversion pseudo vag surgery, the steps of the surgery. I learned about the Neo phallus surgery. had a hard time finding a post op photo of the result of the neo phallus surgery. I looked around quite a bit and nothing except fogged out photos. Then I finally saw a pic of the result. The so called penis is pumped up, it doesn't become erect on it's own, it is shaped like a barrel with a rounded top, no features, sort of like the end of a roll of bologna. It looks nothing like a real penis. I can see why photos of this are so hard to find. It is a sad imitation of a male organ. Sad to say. Many of the patients never get to the point of being able to even void through that neo phallus. Often they have a suprapubic catheter. Only after multiple surgeries do they get to pee standing up. The need for revision is high. Complications are high such as total graft failure or infection. The pseudo vag has it's own litany of complications as well. There is infection, wound dehiscence, the orifice closing up, and needing to be dilated repeatedly for long periods. Aside from total lack of normal sexual response such as orgasm, and sterility. And this being done to young people who don't know squat about what they are really getting and what they are giving up is considered health care? This is supposed to help these kids? It's abuse pure and simple. It's also a huge conspiracy. Many of the people your kid is supposed to be able to trust are in the conspiracy. These may include teachers, school boards, social workers, doctors, nurses, and more. I get people on line telling me I am a liar or don't know what I am talking about. I almost wish that were true.
This is disgusting what's going on. It's on par with medical research of Nazi Germany
4 years ago and nothing changed!?
If only people would watch and listen to this…I will share it.
Names of the democrats: liberals that allow minors to be castrated.
The human mind is too easily manipulated. Is this the psyop of all psyops that changes rational thought? We used to worry about self harm not state endorsed harm.
10-15 years from now we are going to have a massive wave of lawsuits directed at doctors and parents from many transgendered who were pushed to transition as minors.
All of us need to speak up!!! I wholeheartedly agree!!!
Michael K. Laidlaw, MD, Endocrinologistist in Rocklin, CA, video at 3 min:
much of the trend is happening due to: neuropsychiatric condition / peer pressure / social media influence Biology not Gender Identity identifies our sex!
Fact: 1. Gender does not exist BIOLOGICALLY: in Blood test / DNA genes / Brain imaging etc.!
2. certain scientific publications want you to think there's a SPECTRUM of sexes, but there is only female/male! You can only be born from male sperm & female egg – scientifically true in 100% of cases!
Munchausen by proxy???
Thank you. 💜💜💜
4 years on,and children are still being drugged and butchered. Luckily the UK seems to be fighting this utter madness.
But we could well have a captured left wing government in a year or so.
Hopefully folk will understand,this is not a time to stay iin lane!
Thank you for speaking up for these children.
Oh dear Lord, thank you so much for getting the truth out and exposing the money hungry medical bastards who are taking advantage of vulnerable kids and their parents.
this cuŕrent followers of the Ishtar goddess are now after CHILDREN AND THEIR BODIES!!
Just commenting to help remind everyone that this four years old.
Humanity has grown even darker, and the foot is on the gas.
⛔ WE HAVE TO STOP THIS HORROR ❗ Shout NO❗ Shout STOP❗ Tell them this is INSANITY❗ Don't be afraid of the insane❗ Evil only triumphs if GOOD men and women do NOTHING❗
I will speak out against this
Liberals are allowing this
Wow ! USA is really F up !! Its all about $$$$
Personally, I do believe that homosexuality is really just a sexual preference and it should be left at that.This is because in most gay people, it is obvious to determine the hormone that is dominant. For example a gay man would grow a beard, develop muscles, a broad chest and a deep voice. In other words, the body is maturing the way it is supposed to, for that specific gender therefore; there is no hormonal imbalance or any unnatural phenomenon there apart from gender dysphoria, which is a psychological disorder. Otherwise if homosexuality was a natural phenomenon, there would be no need for hormonal treatments. Undoubtedly, sexual preference is an individual right that should not be taken away.
Not children wait till they are at leest 20 years old some times i think this insanity 😮
Literally just had a conversation with my sister today where I was telling her about the risks of children being on puberty blockers and very young girls having double mastectomies, and she was adamant that it is not happening. So I sent her this video. I hope she watches it
The doctors who make those experiments on Kids and people on gender upsets are the new Mengele!! Norimberga trial for those criminals!
These sick freaks have been experimenting on us for a long time I have always said you want what is done in the dark dragged into the light it all it takes is for these monsters just start going after our children only when they go after our children do we seem to really care that they experiment on us experiments that ultimately make the money in the end certain groups in the medical field not all of them but certain groups and of course the pharmaceutical companies manufacture these drugs are making a pretty penny off of mutilating children and a corrupt perverse moral High Ground that is only only in their heads
When I see this as even a subject discussed by supposed educated adults, influencers, politicians and leaders … I realize how absolutely stupid so many humans are. This is horrific.
Gender reassignment should absolutely be completely banned for anyone under the age of 21.
Just leave the kids alone.😔
So sad, children being mutilated and treated like a lab rats.
Heritage foundation a hate group
All their views of gender and sexuality are basically based almost entirely on the criminally minded sociopath and psychopath pathology of their leaders and advisers. It's clearly 110% sociopath and psychopath pattern thinking..
They dont want us to reproduce thats the bigger picture.
Those children aren't with their real parents they're adopted orphans picked at birth.
YouTube won't allow you to hear these 6 words from a former transgender identifying person: https://youtu.be/JBL2bIZtfQw