Men and the Power of the Visual | 5 Minute Video
Why are men so attracted by a woman’s legs, but not vice-versa? In five minutes, Dennis Prager explains why the answers to these questions reveal so much about male and female nature.
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Every year men spend billions of dollars to look at women with little clothing on — such as the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue — or with no clothing on — such as on Internet sites and in so-called men’s magazines. Women, on the other hand, spend virtually nothing to see unclothed men. Why?
Some say that the reason is that men are socialized into viewing women as sex objects and that women are socialized into not viewing men as sex objects. But if that’s true, how do these people explain gay men? They are as aroused by pictures of naked men as heterosexual men are aroused by pictures of naked women. Obviously, then, it’s not socialization. It’s that men are programmed by nature — not by society — to respond sexually to the visual.
This is an area in which men are so different than women it’s probably impossible — no, not probably, just outright impossible — for a woman to truly understand. Of course women find some men attractive. And of course a woman can have an intense reaction to seeing a very appealing man. But there’s still no comparison.
The visual alone arouses men. It takes far more to arouse a woman than seeing naked men. If that’s all it took, most husbands would walk around the house naked whenever possible — or at least every time they wanted sex. And the average heterosexual man is excited countless times a day simply by seeing women — in person, on billboards, in magazines, on television, and even in his imagination.
This is not the case for women. Yes, there are some male strip shows for women. But few women ever go, and the few who do attend them in groups, a “girls’ night out.” And for every one of those shows there are probably ten thousand female strip shows for males, most of whom attend alone, not as a participant in a guys’ night out.
Let’s be honest. There is no magazine featuring men’s legs for women to look at and get aroused by. But there are websites and magazines of women’s legs for men. And are women paying to view topless men? Men pay good money to look at topless women.
Again, that doesn’t mean women never get turned on by merely looking at some men. Of course they do. But it’s only some men — on rare occasion a stranger, and more usually a celebrity. Men get turned on by any sight of female flesh on almost any female.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/men-and-the-power-of-the-visual

That's why all women must be fully cloth-covered from top to the bottom.
4:19 This is the most important consideration
Bros calling men bad 💀
Why do men overreact over molestation towards women they know then? Surely touching breasts doesn’t cause pregnancy, and they can sympathize if someone they know does it
The most important characteristic of a woman is her physical appearance, as it indicates good fertility. The most important characteristic of a man is money and status, because it indicates a good ability to provide. it's that simple, that's just simply how us humans are genetically programmed.
That's true but men still have to be decent and control their desires
Aw yes, because Mr. Prager has a problem being sexually attracted to every single woman-shaped thing, every man is also attracted to every woman on the planet. Also, according to his Wikipedia page, he has had two divorces, which after this video and another one I watched, make more sense.
Luckily women around the world don’t have to worry about asexual men which they have no interest in having sex with either men & even women, also women obviously don’t have to worry about gay men which they obviously know that they are only interested in having sex with men, and lastly women don’t have to worry about monogamous straight men who are super loyal to their girlfriends & their wives because they are only interested in having consensual sex with one woman. This proves that not every man and not every straight man is obsessed with women’s bodies. This is the main reason why some humans not all, but some should never ever generalize people from different identity groups. They should always judge them as individuals period.
Most straight men do not pay anything just to see women’s bodies. Not every straight man around the world is a sex obsessed womanizing maniac. There are heteromantic men who are romantically attracted only to women, but they have no interest in having sex with women and there are monogamous heterosexual men who are super loyal to their girlfriends & their wives because they just prefer one woman. This proves that not every straight man is obsessed with women’s bodies.
5 Toxic Men To Avoid: (Warning!)
(Message For Women)
-Bad Boys (Womanizers)
-Incels (Creeps)
-Macho Gangsters (Thugs)
-Misogynists (Bigots)
-Nice Guys (Manipulators)
(Make sure he behaves like a gentleman period.)
This is so pathetic lmao
Who else came here from the catboy video
Has he never seen lez tik tok lol n also ders sum freaky places on tik tok 4 straight woman lol woman r definitely aroused by da visual, dey just usually don't c something enticing lol women r socialized 2 b enticing 4 men not da other way around
Alhamdulillah for Islam. In Islam, women must wear hijab and man must lower their gaze.
This is why hijab is compulsory in islam neither you see nor you arouse
This guy thinks the female orgasm isn't real.
So he told us what we already knew instinctively. But what next? What do we do with this knowledge?
Uh, you missed the most important part. WHY you made this. I am genuinely confused.
I appreciate a beautiful woman as much as the next guy, but I never got aroused by a mannequin…wtf.
What is the point of this video and research and science if people coming here commenting on "men should develop the sense of control"… I mean like cannot you see that we do not objectify women into anything, the basic nature of men biologically designed into getting aroused of women wearing little clothes. Why do you think why most luxury brands focus on short clothes more and little on clothes we men wear? If there was no living proof of this science then brands would have made clothes similar to every gender.