Mike Howell: It’s in Everyone’s Best Interest to Have a Secure, Orderly Immigration System
Mike Howell joined Fox Business on November 1, 2019, to discuss the threats Americans face at the border.
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Any legislators that support illegal behavior or unconstitutional laws. (ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION) shall be removed from office, and stripped of citizenship. Charged, prosecuted, and convicted of treason.
No more immigration period. No work visas. Deport every single ILLEGAL ALIEN. deport all DACA. deport all anchors. The demographic change will ensure the election of communists (Sanders), and never another conservative.
You cuckservatives dont get it. People want 0% immigration.
Nothing but rational legal immigration!! Build the damned wall strong for 2000+ miles! Keep a better eye on the Northern border as well, and Coast Guard on all coasts!!.
It’s been a problem on our boarder, it just took a man with toughness and a promise to address it , thank you President Trump !
This fox host is unbelievably insufferable.